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Posts posted by Inver

  1. U'17's Culter Colts don't have a game tomorrow...no fixture for them. Glendale an away fixture, doon the coast a bit from us...may/may not be on...see what the weather does in the night.

  2. Well I had already started Cauldstane while trundling through 'Lakes' and needed something else, but was desperate to start the follow on from 'Before...' Couldn't add Cauldstane to Goodreads as there is only the kindle ones listed and didn't want to appear as if I wasn't reading anything... :D

  3. How exciting Diane, shame it wasn't a great read, probably why it took so long? What's next? :)

    Reading Cauldstane and started last night when I went to bed.....'Secrets she left behind'...follow of from Before the Storm....read about 50 pages before I turned out the light... ;)

  4. Go for the win Sedge. Not holding out for anything to report yet again this weekend unless there is a mega thaw....icy conditions underfoot on all surfaces at the moment.

  5. 'The Lake of Dreams' by Kim Edwards


    Finally....can't believe how long it took me to read this, partly me rather than the book itself Started in Nov '14.


    However it was a bit of a tedious read. I wanted it to be so much better, the finding out of past relatives linked by stain glass windows sounded intriguing when I started to read it...then the finding of letters lost from years ago...how were they all linked together? I found that it dragged in and became a bit repetitive and overly descriptive in parts and wanted it to come to a conclusion. I finished the book and found the last third of it kept my interest enough to find out the conclusion.

    It wasn't badly written, but I did find it a bit slow going.





  6. :doowapstart: fantastic stuff Sedge....last 16 of 500...woop...things are going great guns for them. Nothing to report from up north as the weather has put a dampener on all footie....pitches frozen for both lots of teams....looks like this weekend may be much of the same if things don't greatly improve.... :cold:

  7. Oh yes.... :hny:

    Wow...sounds like St A are playing really well just now. Good luck in the FA Vase...you should be in with a shout if you are playing well. Not sure when this semi-final game will be...depends on other fixtures and the all important and unpredictable weather I guess.!

  8. Kylie ~ I have to say 'the Lake of Dreams' has been a bit of  slow read for me....started it ages ago. Seems a lot of writing but not a lot happening, it is slowly picking up, but wish it would come to something more positive. Not one I'm going to rate overly highly I don't think. Like you say her writing is OK....very descriptive in parts though, but a bit unnecessary at times I feel.

  9. Game on.....then off...! U'17's had a fixture...no Andy as he was on a First Aid course today. Off to the park we went, thermal clad for the cold afternoon....setting up the nets etc...clearing goal mouths of twigs etc from the windy weather....forking the puddly bits in the middle of the pitch...tractor like tyre marks on two patches of it....ref comes to inspect...conflab with our coach, away coach and the ref....he calls the pitch unplayable....checks for alternative pitch next to it...by this time it is snowing..!...other pitch too hard and couldn't see the line markings....so game aff....take down nets etc...trundles back to the car...get refund for the pitch we hadn't used...go to local café in park to have hot coffee and scones. Pitch should never have been deemed playable...was a joke... no way prior oto 8.am could the groundsman have even seen the pitch..!


    Glendale did have a game though...1/4 final of a cup...and they won 6-3...!


    So how was your day Sedge...?

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