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Posts posted by Inver

  1. Fab singles match from our Mr Andy Murray yesterday...outstanding play. But wow.....what a doubles match today...they did so well. Bring on tomorrow for Andy in the singles game at 1pm...woop...nearly there to get us to the finals.

  2. Too busy watching the Davis cup doubles with the Murray bros to go to the footie, but Andy and the U'19's got and 8-1 win v the other Culter team today...and the sun was shining...! First league win of the season...one of many more to come hopefully.

  3. Davis Cup starts tomorrow...come on Team GB/Scotland...( ;) ). Hope they can get the wins against the Oz. Hope the atmosphere at Glasgow is as good it was v USA...it will surely help carry them over the line.

  4. I was thinking of reading this one as my next Diane Chamberlain to read somewhere this month. I'm glad you liked it. As far as I know, this was one of the first books she wrote. I look forward to reading it.

    2006 it says Athena...so not that old. I hope you enjoy it.

  5. 'The Time Keeper' by Mitch Albom


    As always Mitch Albom produces a thought provoking read. I found this a bit slow to start and wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy it. However the second half of the book made it worth finishing. Father Tim, Dor is banished for trying to measure time, it skimmed around the edges, but Dor is given a chance to redeem himself and help two others Sarah, a teenager with her whole life ahead of her, but can't see a way to go on. Viktor, coming to the end of his but wants to prolong it by freezing his time so he can live forever. Dor brings them together and shows them their lost ways....amends are made, for them and him.


    'Time'....make sure you appreciate all that you are given. It really makes you think about time and how dependant we are on using it preciously or letting it fritter away.


    'Dor: There is a reason why God limits our days.
    Viktor: Why?
    Dor: To make each one precious.'




    (Hoorah...half way through reading challenge)



    My eldest son and his mates watch it....they take turns at hosting an evening of it...boy does it go on for hours. Don't really get it myself....lol...catch the ball and run is about my understanding of it...lol :D

  6. 'The Lost Daughter' by Diane Chamberlain (or The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes)


    Another one ticked off the list. I quite liked this, but felt it maybe didn't need to be such a long read. No favourite character, although I wanted to side with the main character and what she was trying to achieve, given the criminal act she performed with all good intentions, I couldn't. CeeCee made a difficult decision and knew she had to live with it for the rest of her life, until Tim Gleason is going to be facing the death penalty. She brought up the missing daughter of Genevieve Russell after she died. She has to come forth and tell the truth and confess all to the family about the life she made for herself but was living a lie. Decisions she made at 16 have come back to haunt her and she has to put things right.



  7. Sodden wet, windy day from start of finish at the U'19s game today....and the score was awful. They were playing the game to sort out the A & B leagues....they lost 2-10...! Played awful and they can't blame it all on the weather. 3rd choice goalie but you can't blame it all on him either. So looks like it will be the B league for them this season again. Hopefully they can finish top...we can dream.

  8. Oh bit of an up down start for you then. Andy has managed a few games for Glendale, before the 19's started but that will be it now as he will be concentrating on the coaching again, unless they have a free Saturday maybe. Here a season of lots of goal scoring for our lads both north and south... ;)

  9. So the season has started....last weekend. Sorting out the leagues...Culter Colts now U'19's. Groups of 4 to sort out A & B league. They lost 5-0 to an A league team from last year, so no surprise. They had a great game today...local derby against Culter Boys's U'19s and won 3-1. Played well and worthy winners.


    So Sedge has St Austell the mighty started a new season?

  10. I have The Language Of Flowers on my TBR kindle list, so I am delighted you recommend it so highly.  :smile:

    Oh Chrissy move it up your TBR list. I'm positive you will really enjoy it... :yes:


    I found this a let-down too, Diane.  I loved The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, and I enjoyed After You'd Gone (although it's a long time since I read it so I can't remember what it was about!) but this just didn't do it for me.

    I thought I was being a bit unkind Janet, so I am glad I'm not alone in what I thought. I couldn't just put my finger on what it was I didn't like. Possibly just getting to the point of the whole story just seemed to take too long. (Robert, the dad goes missing is basically what it is all about, apparently).


    So happy you liked it, as you know it is one of my favourite books. We Never Asked For Wings is out on the 10th September and I will be buying and starting it on that date! :)

    Well obviously if you recommended it Hayley I was going to like it wasn't I... :haha:  Oh and thanks for the heads up on a new one....must go see what it is all about. :yes: 

  11. 'The Language of Flowers' by Vanessa Diffenbaugh


    Amazing how you can read a book quickly when you are really enjoying it. I loved this read. A new author for me and I hope her next is as good.


    Victoria, our protagonist, has had a difficult life, in and out of foster care. In time Elizabeth takes her in and slowly Victoria begins to trust her and she teaches Victoria all about flowers and their meanings. Victoria slowly learns that she enjoys learning about flowers. With the hope of Elizabeth adopting her, life is looking better, but events turn against her.


    Once again she is on her own and takes refuge sleeping in the public park. Flowers still very much part of her life and she starts to plant a small garden of her own. Eventually her talent is spotted by a local florist and she discovers that she has a gift choosing the right flowers for others. She has a chance meeting with a vendor at the flower market and they form a distant relationship. In time she has to face up to her past and how to try and put things right, but again circumstances get in her way....can she get a second chance?


    A beautifully written debut novel and I loved how well researched it was for the 'language of flowers'. I so wanted it have a good ending and I think Vanessa Diffenbaugh delivered.


    5/5 (recommend)

  12. 'Instructions for a Heatwave' by Maggie O'Farrell


    I have enjoyed Maggie O'Farrell reads in the past but I think this was my least favourite. Given that subject was about 'finding' Robert who had gone missing, for me it took far too long to get the point of it all. I didn't find the characters overly compelling either I'm afraid. I had higher hopes for this book I'm afraid.



  13. And so the training has started....Andy and Culter Colts will now be in the U'19's league....here is hoping they have as good a year as last. It could be tough though as there will 17, 18 and 19's in the teams....hope they settle down to it quickly once the season starts properly mid August.

  14. I

    Go on! You know you want to.....!  :giggle2:



    I really enjoyed Instructions for a Heatwave. I wouldn't say it was my favourite O'Farrell, but it's up near the top.

    I've had it for a while...Kay sent me it so feel I shouldn't be too rude and leave it any longer...

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