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Everything posted by Icecream

  1. Sounds like an African style, probably brought westward in the slave trade or some such time. Sorry for continuing this off topic theme. Can't help sharing knowledge when I have studied music for five years..
  2. Enid Blyton was my favourite too, especially the MAaic Faraway tree ones, so those Magic Woodland books look like something I would have enjoyed.
  3. I use things like that too Tammy, but I also have lots of bookmarks. Got a really nice one for a birthday pres once, but eventually it broke.
  4. I'm not married, and not bothered lol. Book was probably from a single person's perspective though!
  5. I remember some books about children n a school bus who went under the sea for adventures. I think it was a diff one to yours though..
  6. My step son is tw years younger than me (well, two and a half).
  7. The next oldest after my sister is 8 yrs younger than me. We are grown up and they are all 14 and under.
  8. I am the eldest too. One sis, two (half) brothers. (My step sister is older) I am waiting for my degree classification in Music/Theology. I am 15 wks pregnant. I am a musician (8 instruments) I am a Christian.
  9. Just got a note saying one of these is in the library waiting for me. Will go and get it..
  10. Me too.. Glad someone else on here is more like me Bagpuss.. Not meant to be sarcastic either!
  11. Angels and Christians by MJ White is a scary romantic adventure story about a brother and sister, and their life on an island, with the aim of them realising God’s plan for their lives. It is a book that addresses, through the adventures of these two people, both devastating and uplifting effects of humanity, both good and evil. Christian witnesses his mother’s rape and death, then his sister Angel goes silent. They, and their father move away to an island, where paradise abides, (Angel even starts talking), until things start to go wrong.. Through a series of adventures, in which Christian searches for Angel, meets some interesting people, and goes to jail for no reason, both loving and evil thing are shown about people, yet ironically it is these things that lead the siblings back to each other. This is a story of retribution, revelation, love, deceit, identity and love. There is a passage in the book that explains good and evil, in a Christian context, saying that one must triumph over the other, giving the character of each, while in the book, love and goodness triumph against all odds. All of these topics together, plus the story, and the unexpected ending make a very interesting and thought provoking read. I of course, being a Christian agree that love will triumph over evil, as I think most people would do, and also through experience, I believe that circumstance, experience and character can attribute to how good or bad a person seems to be, and also whether they are truly like that on the inside. Only God, I think, knows this. I am about now rereading 'The Fellowship of the Ring' by J.R.R Tolkien. I want to read this and the others quick because I want to read 'The Mist Over Pendle' (a local book). May pick Empress Orchid if I can too.
  12. I picked up Angels and Christians from the library but have been slower reading it than I thought I would. Almost there. Will have a review by tonight or early tomorrow. There I have to finish it now.
  13. Have reread 'The Hobbit', which was still as enjoyable the second time, though more fantastical I think than the 'Lord of the Rings', a good read, if one takes a liking to dwarves and legend. There is also a fun element to this book as well.
  14. I found Emma very disappointing, just could not find a hook. I put it down about 50pg in.
  15. I have read 'The Da Vinci Code', and 'A Child Called It'. both very good. Do you think you would read the other two in the Pelzer series. My sister has read 'Sickened'.
  16. He spoke excellant English, telling me that he once spent twelve months in Hong Kong, living with an English cabaret singer called, Dorothy d'Amour. "She was Thirty seven, and I was eighteen. She taught me all the English I would ever need to know in one night." Angels and Christians by MJ White
  17. No I haven't. Sounds interesting. I shall take a look.
  18. Can I just quickly say, that if anyone reading this or anything else (or not from reading), who does not know the Christian faith well (this is not a plug), has any questions or wonderings at all, I would be happy for you to IM me. As I say this is not a plug for me to start ranting like an evangelist, and I am not assuming that I know everything, or that you all do not. I do not know you all so how can it be? I am merely a Christian with a passion for God, and a lot of experience of the religious world from being a Christian and also studying religion (which means I know things about other religions to), offering the loving hand of God to any who need, for any reason. I am afraid that this does sound preachy and wierd, but it is honestly not meant that way!
  19. Maybe I can elaborate on the zen teachings after I have read the book, if I can get hold of it..
  20. Yes, sounds an excellant read. I shall add it to my wish list.
  21. I had thought of buying the Harry Potters as audios. They may help me to sleep.
  22. I started to re-read Lord of the Rings. Got the Hobbit out of the way and then started Emma. I am reading my Harry Potters to my step-daughter.
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