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Posts posted by Liz

  1. Griff Rhys Jones' autobiography was a lovely book to read and very funny in places. A perfect book to relax out in the sun with. One of the better biographies which I have read.


    Next..... I'll be re-reading the fifth book in the Inspector Morse series.


    THE DEAD OF JERICHO (re-read)

    Colin Dexter


    Anne Scott's address was scribbled on a crumpled note in the pocket of Morse's smartest suit. He turned the corner of Canal Street, Jericho, on the afternoon of Wednesday, 3rd October. He hadn't planned a second visit. But he was back later the same day - as the officer in charge of a suicide investigation....

  2. It took me longer to read than I had hoped (due to having coursework and revision to do), but I've finished THE LIAR. I enjoyed Stephen Fry's debut novel, very funny in certain parts, and I will be trying some more of his later.





    Griff Rhys Jones


    Semi-Detached is Griff Rhys Jones' own account of his ordinary suburban childhood; of adolescent scraps and scrapes; of coming of age in the 1960s and 1970s; of family and university life; and of times lost or at least fuzzy around the edges.

  3. Enjoyed the Inspector Morse book. Really enjoying working my way through the series.


    I'm now going to have a go at a book which I borrowed from the library earlier in the week.....



    Marina Lewycka

  4. Now reading.........


    PRIDE & PREJUDICE (re-read): I'm currently having to write an essay about the theme of marriage in P&P, so I'm having to quickly re-read it and make notes along the way.


    SERVICE OF ALL THE DEAD - Colin Dexter : The third book in the Insp. Morse series.


    F. Scott Fitzgerald


    Read it this afternoon and really enjoyed this one. It's a fairly short book but it had a great story. I thought it had some good characters in it and the descriptive pieces were well written.


    A great little read. :blush:

  6. Finished off CARRIE this afternoon. It's only a small book but it took me a week to read it. I think it was because I found it to be quite....well....dull. The first few pages made a good start and it looked like it would turn out to be a good read, but after the first 60 pages or so it just seemed to drag a little. Hopefully the next one of his which I read will be a little better.

  7. To Be Read


    Alan Bennett - Writing Home (612)

    Wilkie Collins - The Woman In White (646)

    Joseph Heller - Catch 22 (519)

    Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (1006)

    Charles Dickens - Pickwick Papers (760)

    Stephen King - Firestarter (510)

    Dan Brown - Angels & Demons (620)

    Bernard Cornwell - Stonehenge (578)

    Mervyn Peake - Titus Groan (506)

    Stephen Lawhead - Taliesin (512)

    R. & R. Miller - The Myst Reader (930)

    Elizabeth Kostova - The Historian

    William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair (800)

    Walter Moers - The City of Dreaming Books (456)

    John Connolly - The Book of Lost Things (502)

    Marisha Pessl - Special Topics in Calamity Physics (514)

    Scarlett Thomas - The End Of Mr. Y (452)

    Clive James - Cultural Amnesia (851)

    Michael Chabon - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay (639)

    Markus Zusak - The Book Thief (554)

    Barbara Kingsolver - The Poisonwood Bible (614)

  8. I have to admit that I haven't been reading many doorstep books recently, but I have a few waiting on the TBR mountain, so hopefully this will encourage me to get stuck into them.

    I'll regard anything over 450 pages as a Chunky Read.


    READ IN 2007



    02) THE INTERPRETATION OF MURDER - Jed Rubenfeld (529)

    03) THE PYTHONS' AUTOBIOGRAPHY - The Pythons (463)

    04) THE SECRET HISTORY - Donna Tartt (629)

    05) TO SERVE THEM ALL MY DAYS - R.F. Delderfield (572)


    READ IN 2008


    01) STARTER FOR TEN - David Nicholls (469)

  9. Overall, I enjoyed the book. Managed to read it in a few days, so I must have been hooked on it a bit. I really liked the fact it would go from first-person narrative with Younger to being third-person with him. It broke it up a little and made it feel as though you could see how he thought about things and then he would switch back to being just another character.

    I hope that makes sense.

  10. I'm enjoying the book I'm on page 60 Starting at chapter 4.


    a very entertaining book indeed, this view coming from someone that would normally read Ian rankin.:) (me)



    I'm at page 60 starting chapter 4



    I really enjoyed the book - I think I got hooked on it after the first few chapters.


    It's great that lots of us are reading it for the Reading Circle.

  11. I've just finished Far From The Madding Crowd, which was my first Hardy book. Really enjoyed it and loved his descriptive style of writing - I can see I'm going to be reading more of his books.

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