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Posts posted by Liz

  1. Hi, Kylie B)


    I see you've just re-read Alice's Adventures In Wonderland. I recently read both that one and Through The Looking Glass, and I think I actually prefered ...Looking Glass.

    Everybody else I know who has read both say they prefer ...Wonderland.


    It would be interesting to see whether you enjoy one more than the other.


    :roll: xx

  2. Yeah I've read it and it's pretty good, but I don't quite get the critical acclaim it got - I've read better but as always, Ian McEwan makes for an interesting and thoughtful read. Was it chapter one you studied? What was supposed to be so great about it? I mean it was GOOD but... I'm not that amazed by it really.


    I'm not sure which chapter it was, but it had the balloon scene....

    when the group of men try to cling on to the balloon and the one man falls and is killed.


  3. I annotate novels, textbooks, revision guides and poetry books when studying them. In my everyday type of books, if there is something which I want to highlight or make a note of, I'll write it down on a bit of paper and slip it into the relevant page.

  4. We studied a chapter from Enduring Love in English a few years ago, and it is a book I would like to read simply to see what happens in the story.


    Has many people read it?

  5. Finished A Farewell To Arms this afternoon.

    It took me a few chapters before I started to get into Ernest Hemingway's style of writing, but once I managed that I found this book to be quite enjoyable. This has encouraged me to read more of his work.





    Robert Louis Stevenson

  6. I am really enjoying A Farewell To Arms. I am quite annoyed that I am unable to read it more often, but now that the GCSE exams have begun I haven't really felt like reading much. I'm afraid I feel that I should probably put revision before reading.


    But I am finding A.F.T.A. to be very good. ;)

  7. I've lost the reading bug at the moment, but I think that is probably due to most of my time being taken up by revision. Once I have spent most of the day revising, I usually don't feel like reading anything else.


    I'll probably get back to reading once the exams are over.

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