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Everything posted by wiccibat

  1. I'm guessing from the time you posted, were at work & thought 'I wonder what happened to that Clive chap?'
  2. I read Weaveworld years ago and loved it, yet I've never read any others I have no idea why.
  3. Mine is Little Women, I loved Black Beauty,and Treasure Island too. I used to get annoyed with Robinson Crusoe I didn't like the way he made Friday a servant. I still have a soft spot for children's literature, I read the worst witch series before I let my kids near them!
  4. I never thought of downloading them Kell, I checked out my library, they only have them on tape and I only have a very old and delicate walkman. No other tape player at home.
  5. Definitely a winter activity for me,summer I'm too busy, when Adrian comes out we do a lot of swimming,and I like to meet up with friends who have children he can play with. This year we plan to go camping at Tarifa. I also find reading in the sun gives me headaches.
  6. Reading Falling into place by Linda Taylor, my second library book which is another book about family dynamics. Not intentional but I seem to be following a bit of a theme.
  7. The OM went through a phase of audiobooks and I always used to fall asleep so didn't like the idea much. However, while ironing or other boring work seems like a good time to try them.
  8. Roman Polanski's Macbeth scared the pants off me,[i was only 14] A piece of trivia for you now. The Grammer of shakespearian english is very similar to spanish grammer, hence my kids loved Shakespeare, and 'got' the jokes from around 6 years of age. My favourites I think are Loves labours lost and King Lear
  9. I must try some others,any recommendations jake?
  10. Just have fun with it Tiger
  11. I really must try her next, I havn't read any of her stuff yet
  12. Ok, I'll start a list of books read The Key to Midnight And...........Midnight Both Dean Koontz Ugly- Constance Briscoe My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult A year In the Merde - Steven Clarke Round Ireland with a fridge - Tony Hawkes Billy - Pamela Connolly Broken - Martina Cole Inconceivable - Ben Elton Sushi for Beginners - Marian Keyes
  13. I've been meaning to start this since I joined procrastinate,moi? Finished The Position by Meg Wolitzer, took me a few pages to get into it but once I did I hated having to put it down. Started Falling into Place by Linda Taylor.
  14. Of the ketchup or ooh matron! variety?
  15. "The book was called Pleasuring: One couple's journey to fulfilment. The title when the children had first heard it and begun to understand it, was so incontestably mortifying that it threatened to stunt them forever,leaving them locked in time and steadfast refusal to enter the adult world." This caught my eye, and set me wondering, as most of us will have found a book or magazine belonging to our parents, that we weren't old enough to see. But what if mum and dad wrote it and were the models for the "tasteful pastel illustrations" of their lovemaking? The author explores the effects of the sexual revolution on one family, how the parents book affected not only the live sof their children, but also their own marriage. I enjoyed it but at times found myself wanting to give some of the characters a good talking to, particularly the parents who almost seemed blind to their children's needs. Ou tof 10 I'd give it a 7
  16. Not exactly lunch,but making a banana cake for work.One of the visitors was about to chuck some overipe ones and I said 'give them to me, I'll make a cake for tea tomorrow' and doing the lesson plan at the same time.I need locking up for my own safety!
  17. Yo tambien, Maureen but god knows what the coastguards would make of 2 women in the middle of the med passing ingredients to each other! Smugglers? Illegal immigrants?
  18. Tanjaha, Cooking is definitely not gender related.My husband does most of the cooking,but he likes it whereas I have to be in the right mood. We have different talents,he's good at roasts and stir fries. I do excellent Stews, cassoulets,and love to bake bread and cakes. But, we've both made some awful mistakes getting there.
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