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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. I'm not sure how to answer, as I haven't used a Fire.. but I'm assuming it's basically an android tablet. How do you listen to audiobooks? If using Audible, then yes, there's an Audible app for iPad. Also, what is Kindle music? If you mean Amazon music, then there's an app for iPad to play Amazon music.
  2. You are using the full version, you simply need to click on the 'More Reply Options' button, I believe. Added: sadly that's incorrect.. I always assum d that would work. Sorry, I wouldn't know how to change that within the software.
  3. Thanks Raven.. I thought you'd come to my rescue! I had a quick look, and it looked at if it was Captain America and Iron Man as the main characters? I've just ordered the first CA film, and the second is available on Sky. I also found a good deal on all 3 Iron Man films, so we're getting that too. I think the 2 Avengers ones will also be watched soon, as I can't really remember the first one. I love Guardians of the Galaxy, and the trailer for Ant Man looked fun.
  4. Beth and I are starting to get into Marvel - she in particular likes all the Spiderman films, and we both enjoyed Avengers Assemble a while ago. I have just bought the first collection of the Civil War comics (1-7 in it, I think) and she says the trailer for the film looks really good. So.. if we both decide to see the film, what sort of catching up should we do prior? I've found various collections on amazon (if this works.. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/registry/wishlist/3DO0DAD3MOD28/ref=cm_wl_list_o_11?)- where would be the best place to start?!
  5. Thanks Claire - even my last audio book disappointed a little. It's the 5th book in the Ex-Heroes series, which I love. It was still good, but just not as good as the rest. I've started reading Barricade by Jon Wallace, which is a complete impulse buy, after seeing the cover for the 2nd book on Twitter!
  6. I'm not doing much reviewing at the moment, so just a quick lines for what I've read so far this year... which is actually both quite difficult and quite interesting to do a while after reading.. Mind Your Head by Juno Dawson - this is a book about mental health, aimed at teenagers. It covers lots of different areas, but it isn't in enough detail for me.. but then I don't think that's it's aim. What it does great is to discuss these mental health illnesses/issues in a light hearted, easily accessible format, and it also does a good job of trying to break stigma. The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness - as much as I love this author, something was putting me off this one.. until I picked it up in a sale, and decided to give it a go. It's a great concept.. when you're reading about the heroes and villains of a story, what exactly is happening to all the others, living their lives around them? This book does just that, and the fantasy type storyline is summarised at the beginning of each chapter (I loved this bit), and then the focus is on our main characters. I enjoyed these characters and their own stories.. but it's not one of favourite Ness books. Partials by Dan Wells (audio) - This is the start of a reasonable enough YA series. It's set in a time when 'Partials' have taken over, and killed most humans, and now every baby born dies within hours. We don't know much about Partials, only that they seem to be some sort of human like robots. I have started the second in the series, but am taking a break from it. Our Endless Numbered Days by Clare Fuller - I think I wrote about this elsewhere. Over all, I think it was a good book, but I have niggles. Quite a few details have stayed with me, so that's always a good sign! Survivors by Terry Nation (audio) - I've seen the series a while ago, so it was good to read the book. It's an easy read, and one which kept my attention - although I wasn't keen at the little twist at the end. Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige - I know people who loved this book.. I did enjoy it, but it wasn't as outstanding as I'd hoped. I do love the way it turns everything on it's head, and makes you question good and bad. I will get to the next in the series fairly soon I think.. so another good sign. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin - Have just finished this one, still trying to work out what I liked and disliked. The premise was great, but it took a turn I wasn't really expecting towards the end, and there are more books to follow. There was a little disappointment that it wasn't what I expected, but at the same time, I think I am intrigued enough to read the next one. My biggest annoyance was with Noah.. he's rich, gorgeous, wonderful and misunderstood.. something I've read far too often in YA. The big brother was also a bit too perfect. So, there has been some good reads so far this year, but nothing really outstanding. Dorothy Must Die is probably my favourite so far. Added: Just realised I've completely forgotten to add Night School by CJ Daughtery to my list! This is another good addition to the YA genre. The story swept me along, although again, the main male character was a bit too wonderful, and misunderstood.. although more believable and lovable than Noah (see above). There were some interesting ideas, and it's the only one this year that I've recommended to Beth, as I think there's something in it she'd liked, and it's a read which holds your attention.
  7. I do think this is a difficult area - there are lots of legality issues around ebooks, as Janet has said. I don't allow people to mention ebook sites if there's any doubt about them, because there are far too many pirating ebooks, which does not help authors at all. If you're swapping with another member, there isn't much control as to whether you're sharing a legal or illegal copy.. and it's something I don't want the site connected with. I also fear it will be just another attraction for spammers. If members decide to get together and discuss ebook sharing by PM, that's fine.. I'm sure people already organise sharing / swapping of paper books.. but I don't think it's something I want to publicly encourage on the forum. Thanks for understanding.
  8. I do find it rather odd that you have a synopsis and an excerpt, and yet you don't know what the book was called, or where you found it..... I'm rather confused.
  9. I do know what you mean.. the way she looks is very important to Amy in particular, and yes, it's magnification of that. As I said above, you'd find Asking For It shocking as well, in a different way. She's certainly a powerful writer.
  10. I guess the boss is always the last to know about these things....
  11. I've looked at Beside Myself a few times, so I'm glad to hear you liked it so much. I think I'd need to be in the right sort of mood for it, but I have a feeling I'll read it sooner or later. Hayley, if you find Only Ever Yours horrifying, I don't think you'd deal well with Asking For It.. although that's shocking in a different way.
  12. We're voting on new members now? That got harsh! Welcome Simon.
  13. I really liked A Discovery of Witches, was quite disappointed in the 2nd book, and never bothered with the 3rd :-/
  14. You should be able to cancel at any time.. a while ago I opened a new account for Amy, and deliberately tried to cancel, because they tend to offer a good deal to try to keep you. I don't know if they still do that, but it might be worth trying. You sign in using your Amazon details, so if you can sign up on the amazon page, it probably doesn't matter which you use. Whispersync I don't know much about. There's a Help page here, for that, and the various apps (you'll possibly find the app easier than the Nano) etc: http://audible-uk.custhelp.com PS If you could possibly click on the banner on the forum when you go to sign up, I'd be very grateful
  15. I'm wondering if many people are reading the articles properly, and realise that it will be the play script, and not a novel? http://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/feb/12/when-is-jk-rowling-not-jk-rowling-when-she-collaborates-harry-potter-cursed-child
  16. If there's a particular genre you're interested in, I can go through my library and see what I enjoyed. If you haven't yet read The Martian, and it interests you, the audiobook is excellent.
  17. I'm now halfway through the Locke and Key series, and it is so good! I like the story progression, and love the art work.. it can be quite a scary read. I've tried the 2nd issue of Black Magick, and I may continue.. and I've also discovered Monstress, which is looking like a good fantasy read, with some attractive and cute artwork.
  18. I've just finished this, and I thought I remembered you'd read it. In general, yes, I think it's really good for a debut book.. it did get a little slow for me, but that's a personal thing. Proper spoilers, don't read if you want to read the book...
  19. I read it last night - I'm not keen on the style of art, but it is indeed a rather dark story.. needs a re-read, I think.
  20. The library is proving invaluable in letting me try out different types of graphic novel. I've tried another Doctor Who one, but I was't keen, and didn't finish it. I'm beginning to realise that good/interesting art is as important to me as the story, so the more story driven ones aren't appealing to me much. Saying that, I've just picked up a Twilight Zone 'episode' from the library, which is in the same vein, so we'll see. I've also finally gotten Beautiful Darkness from the library, as well as Watchman (which I may not like, but feel I need to try) and the first Transmetropolitan, which was recommended by a book blogger. There was also a comics bundle on humblebundle.com, so I now have lots to try out on my iPad. I've already read the first Black Magick, which looks rather promising, and I have lots more to try.
  21. No one else joining me in Hufflepuff then?!
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