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Everything posted by Madeleine

  1. Well after the burst of late summer it's all changed, we had lots of weather on Sunday, rained a bit in the afternoon, then at 12.45 at night I was woken up by rain absolutely hammering down, lots of lightning and thunder rumbling in the distance. Since then it's rained a bit more but has mainly been incredibly windy. I've cut down my sunflowers, which were pretty much finished anyway, and agapanthus (also finished) to stop them blowing over.
  2. I've heard this is a good series, I have a couple of them on tbr piles.
  3. After seeing Sixth Sense, I did guess the twist in The Others, it's been done a few times now so is becoming a fairly obvious twist, still enjoyed the film though. I haven't heard of the other two films.
  4. The Last Remains by Elly Griffiths - the title refers to a skeletonized body which is found hidden behind a wall in a former cafe in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, which is being renovated. When the body is identified, the police have to go back 20 years into the past, to a group of archaeological students who were on a dig at the famous Grime's Graves (actually a network of former flint mines); as the group included Cathbad, who is a friend of Ruth and many of the police officers, including his partner Judy, it looks like a can of worms may be opened, and some prominent people will go to any lengths to stop secrets long hidden from coming out. This is apparently the last in the Ruth Galloway series (book 15) and it looks like change is on the cards for many of the series regulars: the archaeological department at Ruth's university is threatened with closure, not for the first time, but this time it looks like it might really happen; the relationship between Ruth and DCI Harry Nelson seems to be at a crossroads, ditto Nelson's marriage, and several people's pasts come back to haunt them. Overall I enjoyed this book, but this series has been a bit patchy over the last few books, though this book is an improvement on some of those instalments in the series. I found DCI Nelson's character even more unlikeable than ever in this one,and find it hard to see why so many women - Ruth and his wife to name but two - find him so appealing, he comes across as a Neanderthal boor who makes "Life on Mars" Gene Hunt look progressive! But the ending is neat, with loose ends tied up, but there's enough to indicate that the characters have a life afterwards, so who knows if this is the last we'll hear of Ruth and co? 8/10
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