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Posts posted by Vimes

  1. Well I dunno if any of these are like LOTR as there isn't anything like the LOTR :) but the are good




    Riyria Revelations - Michael J. Sullivan (just finished reading them and they are great)


    Corean Chronicles - L.E Modesitt (good books read all six in one go)


    Deathgate Cycle - Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman (wonderful books they really show how stupid war and hate is)


    You might also want to try some of the Heralds of Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey (talking horses magic drama iv read almost all of them)


    The Elenium, The Tamuli and The Redemption of Althalus - David Eddings (these are the ones that are to be most like LOTR, I have read all of these books more than once and that is saying a great many things in their favor)


    Hope that at least on of these books are what you re looking for :)

  2. I was right?!?! Really?! Oh ok umm... Ok here is the quote


    "He turned down a narrow side' street clotted with shadow and heard the scurry of feet somewhere in the rainy dark ahead of him. His ears caught a quick, whispered conversation in the deep shadows somewhere to his left.


    The roan snorted and laid his ears back.


    'its nothing to get excited about,' ******** told him.


    The big man's voice was very soft, almost a husky whisper. It was the kind if voice people turned to hear.


    Then he spoke more loudly, addressing the pair of hoods lurking in the shadows,"

  3. The Riyria Revelations series is one of the best series of books that I have readin years, I was on the edge of me seat from the very first chapter until the very last page. Michael J. Sullivan did a wonderful job writing these books and I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for a series that is well paced and is crammed full of surprises and twists that you don't see coming, along with great characters and a story that is a joy to read.

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