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Posts posted by Vimes

  1. It seems like you and I are in the same boat with many ways Chrissy :)


    To get around to answering the last few questions posed:


    Sci-fi I don't read so...


    I do like a bit of historical fiction but it has to be interesting with an interesting subject or placed in a exciting time in history. What I do read a lot of when I can get my hands on them is what I call historical mysteries / action books (and yes I know this is not a proper genre and that they probably fall under historical fiction!) like the Nine Wild books or The Da Vinci guy. Oh and the Amilea Peabody series (ok fun fact about the Peabody books, the Mummy movies were loosely based on some of them)

  2. Ok I loooove fantasy, the more magic, Elves, dragons and lost magical swords there are the better IMO! :-D how to answer some questions...


    (Q.) What kind of plot elements do you find interesting? (A.)Something, anything that is not boring!


    (Q.) Are you looking for character development? (A.) Yes! And persunality, a character has to have some persunality and they can have flaws but the they must be likable. The whole story starts to fall apart for me when I started cheering on the bad guys saying, please kill him/ her please!!! The author should also know that they didn't write a good book when that started to happen lol.



    (Q.) Do you prefer lots of unexpected plot twists or do you prefer it when a book is a bit more predictable? (A.) Both actually. How it is written and what the plot it decides if it should or should'nt be.


    (Q.) How do you prefer your protagonists, more perfect / strong or more flawed, or a mixture? (A.) Likable! :-)


    (Q.) Do you prefer to read a book that reads more easily or that's more complicated (in terms of word use and/or story/characters/world), or a mixture? (A.) I normally like my books long and with enough complicated stuff in it that it gives the brain something that it has to concentrate on the book so plot twists, lots of characters...ect. them there are times when it is nice to give the old brain a holiday!




    (Q.)How do you feel about magic in your books? (A.) Love it!


    (Q.) What about mythical creatures such as dragons? (A.) The more the merrier! The only thing I have to object to with some of the books with dragons, is that they make the Dragons evil or at least bad and I like Dragons...


    (Q.) Do you prefer swords or guns, or a combination of both? (A.) Normally I an a sword and bows and arrows kind of girl but I have to say that how L. E. Modesitt used guns in his Corean Chronicles worked so well.


    (Q) Do you like to see a world based on ours or connected to ours, or do you prefer a brand new made up world? (A.) I don't mind worlds based on ours but I much prefer new worlds that have nothing to do with ours.


    (Q.) What kind of protagonists do you like to see? (A.) Intresting ones that you can support ( if they are the good guy) or really hate if they are the bad guy. I'm a simple person, the good guys must be the good guys even if they are assassins or theifs and the bad guys must be evil. Like all of those bond villens:-) .

  3. I would add in the Riyria Revelations series by Michael J. Sullivan to the list of recommendations. Now at the end of the first book I have to say that I am injoying it so much. The story is fun and well paced and he has written it so well. To add to that the author himself admits that the next two books are better that the first one, so I am looking forward to reading them as soon as possible.

  4. Hi timetosplit, the only books that I can think of the might be close to what you are looking for are the Nine Wild series by Andy McDermott. They read like action movies and are a bit Tomb Raider-ish in the fact that they have legends and myths that turn out to be real in them. I loved them they were fast paced and just fun wit h not too much on the detail front.

  5. Ok here are a few books I hope that some of them might be what you are looking for,


    The Dark is Rising by Susan cooper (great books you don't notice that they are YA for the most part)


    The Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin (pure fantasy, these books are wonderful. Full of depth and are fast moving.)


    Alvin Maker series by Orion Scott card


    And maybe the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan.

  6. I think that I fall in the middle somwhere. I have read a few books that have proper-ish old english in them and once I was past the first five pages or so I had no trouble with them, but I also like the old style of writing but with mordern words. Easier on the eyes and brain when one wants to just read something lite and fun, like the falco books :-).

  7. Like the Tumor books, I've got it but I just haven't read it. I thought about it a few weeks ago but it looked a little dark and gloomy to me? Or at least that's the feel that I got from the description that I found online for it.

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