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Everything posted by Athena

  1. This is on my wishlist, thanks for the review .
  2. I love The Notebook! (both the film and the book)
  3. That sounds so nice! In the Netherlands they only published up to #66, so I have 1-66 but not anything above that. I recently bought #67 in English (as well as a couple of numbers I own in Dutch), I hope to eventually have them all and read them all. They published some of the Super Specials and Mysteries, but not all. I bought what I could, at the time. Unfortunately getting the English books here is difficult, you have to order them from the UK or US and pay shipping costs (and if from US then also import tax possibly). I would so love to own them all and read them all. I finished reading Ann M. Martin - Babysitter's Club 1: Kristy's Great Idea, which was really nice. From what I remember, they did a great job with the translation. The names of many characters are different (as well as city names), but the story is exactly the same, the sentences are translated quite well (I've read it so many times that I recognise the sentences XD). Anyway, I really love this book and this series so: Rating: ***** (5/5) I also finished reading W. Doyle Gentry - Anger Management for Dummies. It was pretty good. It's been a while now though so I don't have as many thoughts for you as usual (I know, my own fault for not posting about it sooner). I still need to summarise the book, I've been doing that with information books lately. I highlight things on my Kindle and then make a summary out of what I think might be useful. I haven't done that yet with this book, because it feels a bit like work and so I don't want to do it in the weekend. And then I forgot about it XD. Well, will get around to doing it sometime, then I'll remember more of what I read. Rating: ***** (5/5) I've been to the book fair and bought lots of books. It's too many to list (though I can try if must XD), a couple from my wishlist and also many ones that weren't on my wishlist (from either new authors that I've heard good things about or authors I have other books from (not all of those are on my wishlist, only sometimes). I've bought a couple of puzzle books as well, because lately I've been trying to keep my brain in shape (or plan to keep my brain in shape once I graduate). So I bought some cheap puzzle books and magazines (I've got quite a few of them now). I also bought two cookbooks, an information book and many fiction books (including contemporary fiction, chick-lit, Young-Adult and literature (and also one historical fiction book, one thriller, one horror and two detectives). No science-fiction or fantasy books). I also bought a few books at the Vrijmarkt on Queen's Day here, three thrillers (Dan Brown, Ian Rankin) and a historical fiction YA book (read it in the library but didn't buy it when I was a child because I didn't have that much money). I'm reading The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber, I'm about 1/4th through and I'm really enjoying it so far. The style is unique and while I certainly don't want it in every book, having it in this one book is nice and makes it unique. I'm interested to see what happens next. I'm also reading an information book on my Kindle, Depression for Dummies by Charles H. Elliott and Laura L. Smith.
  4. I'm also afraid of clowns. I did read It as a child, no idea if the two are related XD.
  5. I'm glad to hear/read you enjoyed The Midwife's Confession .
  6. I'm reading this book at the moment, it's nice to read your thoughts on it. I'm also really enjoying it, looking forward to discuss it with you and others (I think I'm at about 25%?).
  7. I've been busy the past while. One of the things I did was going to the book fair (it was awesome. I bought many books)! I've also been to the cinema, to see Iron Man 3. My brother found a free bag of M&Ms just sitting there, so we enjoyed that. Last Tuesday here it was Queen's / King's Day. We have a king now! I don't know how many of you have heard about it. It was quite a big event. I went out to the Vrijmarkt, traditionally everyone is allowed to sell their old stuff on Queen's Day (from next year on to be King's Day, as long as we have a King). I hadn't been to one in many years so we thought it'd be nice to go there. I bought a few books XD. We've been spending some time outside, when the weather was nice, working in the garden.
  8. I've been watching episodes of Game of Thrones on Bluray (I've bought the second season btw.) Currently nearing the end of season one, only two episodes to go. It's being quite interesting, though some of the violence and nudity disturbs me. I look away at certain scenes, because I can't stand to look at all the blood etc. Call me queezy if you want, that's just how it is. It's strange, because my mum's a doctor (and my sister has a medically related job too), but I'm quite queezy! XD (hope that's the right word for it) The story is pretty good, though. I'm eager to start reading the books.
  9. Welcome . We have more people here with different kinds of (chronic) illnesses, I hope you'll find some friends here .
  10. I've been to the cinema to see Iron Man 3, it was really good! EDIT: I forgot, I also saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade on Blu-ray. That was quite good, too.
  11. x I've read two books by Lesley Pearse, Father Unknown and Till We Meet Again. They were both pretty good books. I don't know Stolen, so I can't say anything about that one. I've finished reading W. Doyle Gentry - Anger Management for Dummies (it was pretty good) and started reading Michel Faber - The Crimson Petal and the White. So far it's quite intriguing and I'm enjoying reading it. My copy is a bit heavy so no reading it while travelling or anything.
  12. I've wishlisted this book, it sounds quite good!
  13. I've read another book by Tom Chatfield, called Fun Inc., it was pretty good. It's about video games in the 21rst century, so quite different. I've wishlisted this new book.
  14. I look forward to read how you get on with this one. I haven't read any Dickens yet, I'm intimidated by the size and complexity of the novels. I was going to try Oliver Twist first, because I know the story of that a bit (I saw a play/musical on it once) and because it's one of the shorter novels. I hope you have fun reading Bleak House .
  15. I love both The Painted Man and The Desert Spear, and am looking forward to getting the paperback of The Daylight War. I guess opinions differ .
  16. Glad to read you liked this book. I bought it a while ago but haven't got around to reading it yet.
  17. Athena

    Ruth - 2013

    Nice review of 1984, both that book and Animal Farm are on my wishlist.
  18. Nice to read your review of Bridget Jones' Diary. Looks like I'll have to get it sometime! (it's already on my wishlist iirc)
  19. I've finished reading: Charles H. Elliott and Laura L. Smith - Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies. This was quite good. It's taught me a lot about the different anxieties and worries people can have. I hope its tips will be of some use to me. Rating: ***** (5/5) Barbara Delinsky - The Right Wrong Number This was a Kindle free book, as usual the story itself only took up one third of the pages, the rest was an excerpt from one of her full length novels (I don't normally read excerpts so I didn't read it). I own several of her full length novels. This short story (not sure how many pages it was, it was up to about 37% in the Kindle book) was quite nice. As per usual I would've liked to see more of it, but it was good and entertaining. Rating: **** (4/5) Sophie Kinsella - Twenties Girl This was an excellent book. I love Sophie Kinsella's books and this one was just as good as the other ones I've read (there's only one left to read now I think (other than her new book which I don't have yet, planning to buy it in a bit), and the books she wrote as Madeleine Wickham). This story is a bit different in that it involves a paranormal element in the form of a ghost. It's not scary or anything, but I found the story as a whole (also due to what happens in the plot) less believable than some of her other books. The story is pretty good though, at the beginning I thought the main character (Lara) was a bit annoying (basically because she wants something that is obvious isn't going to happen), but that faded quickly. I wanted to read on and found out what happened in the story. The book was quite funny (as are most of Sophie Kinsella's books, really). Rating: ***** (5/5) As I posted in the April Reading topic, I've started reading W. Doyle Gentry - Anger Management for Dummies and Ann M. Martin - Babysitter's Club 1: Kristy's Great Idea. So far, both of them are quite good. I've read Kristy's Great Idea in Dutch many times (the Babysitter's Club series is/was one of my favourite series of books, when I was a child). It reads in English exactly how I remember it in Dutch, so I suppose they stuck to the translation quite well. The names in Dutch were changed, so I am having to get used to the English names. It's not a problem for the main characters because they're easy to remember, but the minor characters are harder to remember, there are more of them and I don't always remember the Dutch names.
  20. x I should reread the series sometime, I really love it. Hope it's fun for you . I've finished reading: Charles H. Elliott and Laura L. Smith - Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies (great book) Barbara Delinsky - The Right Wrong Number (pretty good but short) Sophie Kinsella - Twenties Girl (this was excellent) I've started reading W. Doyle Gentry - Anger Management for Dummies and Ann M. Martin - Babysitter's Club 1: Kristy's Great Idea (I've read the last one in Dutch many times as a child). I might read Michael Faber - The Crimson and the White soon (since it's May in a bit), and maybe George R. R. Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire 1: Game of Thrones (I'm eager to read it after re-watching some episodes of the TV series).
  21. Congratulations, Kell!! Chrissie, I hope you have a lot of fun on your trip . pontalba, I hope your appointment goes well (and your husband's) .
  22. I hope all your pets feel better soon !
  23. x I recently bought this book too, I've heard good things about it. x x I haven't read any books by this author, my mum has though (in Dutch) and quite liked them. I hope you like this one . x x This is on my TBR, look forward to hear/read what you think . x x I look forward to hear/read what you think, it used to be on my wishlist but I read one bad review and decided to remove it (for some reason that I can't remember). x x Me either but I can't say I'm very bothered by it. I dread to think what I would do if I didn't have any books left to read (or if I've reread all of them recently)! That said, possibly in a while I might have to cut back on book buying for a long time. I'm glad I have at least my TBR to look at and think about, I won't be without books to read for a while etc. Good luck though on reading more books!
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