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About itsmeagain

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  1. dearheart if I arrive stewed tonight . Oh why not drown my misery in a bookshop. In to Waterstones I galloped, looking for crime fiction. ' The Racket of Noseless Norbert', by Thelief Smith, looked good. A promotional offer meant it'd be mine for 77p, so I hungrily bought it, squeezing it lovingly as I perused other, equally svelte, lush, books. It never ceases to enthral me, a new book to salivate over, and who knows, possibly sit and read if all goes well. 'The Night of the Short Forks' by U R Inamess, tells the long winded, ultimately thrilling, story of three girls on a night out, one of whom discovers a fork with red stuff sprinkled on it. She thinks it's blood..Alfie said it's beetroot .....
  2. a brass nameplate bearing the wisdom, ' keelhauled passengers can not transgress: do as yerr cap'n commands.' Instead it hit a cup of cold, rancid,tea on a grimy table,sending it rolling to the floor. 'Drink yer rum n down be a bladdy wimp,do yer know Rome warrant burned while men fiddled ..in a day err something' , he opined, taking a swig of thick golden rum , ' ann if yerr've any sense, yer are going to join me on a day of drinkin' that will...
  3. it missed, swirling in mid air , it somersaulted , back towards the thug,impaling itself through the eye patch and causing nearby pigeons to wince at the noise. ' My OH my, what have we here me hearties? How ter dominate yer family in three easy steps. Hahaha ha some people..yer see warrit is mate is women..not much intelligence, you see, but plenty knowhow..it wouldn't take a man as long as a woman to make teas for seven kids and two grannies, an uncle and a ship's cook ..but hey yes the women manipulate then cry ..and get money by using the accumulated wisdom..of..men ..yeah..so this will go under comedy..5 quid pal' he said, opening a sweaty, wrinkled old wallet,
  4. as hairy as a barber's floor . I went to 65 Crimebodge avenue, and was met at the door by Dax Danger, affectionately known as Dodgy Dax. Tall, hirsute, black haired and eyed,he seemed
  5. get out if this house! Now...' I scarpered, trying my utmost to garner the makings of a plausible cover story. Well, I mused, I can pretend I was just passing and saw the door open,two floozies soaping daddy in the πŸ› bath tub, a smell of bacon plus cabbage juice...hmm..yep that's my story. I now must tend to
  6. What's this post about Perry...?
  7. 'Well I knew it is the Major's birthday and so..dear Major Flowers, please accept with a grand amount of grace and pomposity, this token of..a bottle of 🍾 plonk just for you..Cleft d' Votre Backside, the new one from Auvergne..oooh la la.." 'Oh thank you thank you,dear Eric, you blinder ..these ladies are Cicely and Misserlee, hahaha,two fine young strumpets.. I say, did I never tell you of my days in Morocco. A zoological expedition.. well the camp dentist was a Russian gal named Valka..she had the most amazing.....
  8. prepared to sleep. A sudden jarring of the door handle was followed by' Bloody heck, the old Scrooge has locked the bloody bog.' 'Here Cicely, a bucket.. he puts his cabbages in brine in here, have a ...
  9. My WHSmith locally, is selling books half price to prepare for closure.
  10. I shot hastily into the toilet ( I said shot..), and I froze. I heard a female voice, sighs, and whispers of , 'where the hell does he keep the money?' I heard rattling cutlery,a champagne 🍾 bottle shooting open,a clink of glass upon glass, then ' old dog...I'll simply tell him I didn't find the condoms but I found these bottles of claret..what a
  11. 'Being a pillock in 2021; a memoir by Alan B Supercilious. ' 'Cripes, the Alan B Supercilious? If so, it'll fetch a grand outside St Stuffam church on Sunday. This author advocates more boredom in life as being something to aspire to, and so I'll try selling it the vicar or one of the throng. ' Next book to catch my eye was a huge compendium of travel writing, Avalanche, Aviary, πŸ‡¦πŸ‡« Afghanistan, America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ; travelling light through the war zones of the World' by Jimmy K Delion, 54, an ex boxing promoter from East Didsbury,
  12. a rusty coat hanger and a pair of hospital scissors later, and I was in. A smell of cabbage and bacon permeated the air, anyway, putting aside the stench, I stole into the darkened library. I understand
  13. bag of calcifying salted roast peanuts you know , the one reeking of a pint of cider in a cafe oven in September, yeah oooohh yeah, apple pie really? Could you fetch some for me oh yes yes definitely, most agreeable, sleep..am tired now yes thanks oh now...
  14. It's 0815 And that's the time that it's always been...πŸ˜… 🀣 🎢 🎡 ⏹️
  15. a bound compendium,including an introductory frontispiece by Thomas Hardy, and a copy of Woman in White with a stand up card illustration, signed by W Collins, the very same....
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