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Posting Guidelines

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As well as the forum rules, all members are expected to read and follow these posting guidelines:


General Conduct:

Basically, please show respect for your fellow members. Whilst discussion and debate are welcomed, please focus on the subject, and do not make your comments personal. Personal insults and attacks will not be tolerated, and repeated offenders may be banned from the forums.


Please take care with the language that you use. This forum is viewable to all, and we have younger members playing an active role in the forum. With this in mind, certain words have been filtered.. do not try to find ways to get around this.


Content of posts:

The content of your posts should be your own. If you wish to include quotes, reviews etc from other people, please acknowledge your source.


When posting about a book:

When starting a new thread about a book, please put both the book title and author name into the thread title, as this aids future searching.


When posting a synopsis of the book (I.e. the blurb from the back of the book or from a website) you do not need to use spoiler tags as these do not give away major plot points but instead act as a hook to entice people to read the book. Also, if posting a synopsis, please indicate where it's from.


When starting a new thread for a specific book, series, or even author, it's helpful if you can provide more information, as well as your own thoughts or review. Considering the amount of books and authors out there, simply asking if anyone has read it/them probably won't get much response.


We obviously welcome your book reviews, but when you post them, please simply use the book title and author name in the thread title, and do not specify 'Review of'. This is for many reasons, including uniformity and encouragement of discussion.


Searching for previous topics:

When posting a new thread, please look to see if there is already a thread on that topic. You can do this either by having a look through the older threads, or by using the search facility to search for key words (e.g. the name of a book or author). This helps to keep things together neatly, so that other members trying to find information or discussions can find them more easily, rather than having things spread out over several threads.


Staff members may merge, split or edit posts and threads as required.



We ask all members to try to use capital letters for book titles, authors, the personal pronoun (I) etc, both in the thread titles and in their posts. This helps to keep the forum tidy and easy to read. We also ask for basic punctuation to be used, as again this makes posts easier to read. In addition, 'text speak' is not allowed.


Font changes:

Please do not use capitals letter for your entire post, as this is seen as shouting, and is difficult to read. Similarly, please do not type thread titles completely in capitals.


Also, please do not make entire posts in either bold, italics, colour or larger fonts. It's absolutely fine to use any of these to highlight part of a post, but not all of it, as it makes things far more difficult to read.


Off Topic Posting:

Please try to stick to the topic being discussed. The threads on the forum become a great resource, and it can be frustrating if they drift into other topics. Please start a new thread if necessary, and don't drift into general conversation.


Staff members may edit threads, and move posts if necessary. General chat may be removed from book discussions.


Ensure you contribute to the thread:

Please be aware of posting a reply with just a smilie, or a comment such as 'I agree'. These clutter up the 'new posts' function for other members, and waste server space. Please make sure that you're contributing to the discussion when you reply.



which is where you submit 2 or more posts in succession. You can respond to various points in one post, and posts can be edited if necessary. If you wish to respond to various comments by quoting them, please use the multi-quote button:


Between the "Quote" and "Quick Reply" buttons at the bottom of each post is the one that looks like a quote mark (") and a plus sign (+). If you click that button on the posts you wish to quote, and then hit the "Reply" button, your post will quote the selected posts. However, please only quote the bit that's relevant and not the entire post (unless the quoted post is only a couple of lines long).


Linking to Images:

Please do not to link directly to images on other sites, such as book covers on publishers or authors sites.


On the larger sites, there are often copyright notices, forbidding the use of content on other sites.


However, with ALL sites, they host those images on their server. If you link direct to them, every time someone here sees it, it's using that other site's bandwidth.. which could cost them money.


If you want to show an image, most members have limited space to actually upload an image to the forum's server. Other than that (and it's actually a preference) could you please use a service such as photobucket or tinypic.



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  • 4 years later...


We ask all members to try to use capital letters for book titles, authors, the personal pronoun (I) etc, both in the thread titles and in their posts. This helps to keep the forum tidy and easy to read. We also ask for basic punctuation to be used, as again this makes posts easier to read. In addition, 'text speak' is not allowed.

Please can members ensure that when they post the name of a book, film (etc) or a person's name that they use capital letters?  This also applies when using the personal pronoun, I.


We have quite a few members for whom English isn't their first language, so it just makes life easier if we make the board as clear as possible.  The majority of members falling into this category have excellent English - and this isn't aimed at anyone specific. I realise that most members already do this, for which we (the staff) thank you so this is just a gentle reminder.


We don't expect people to be perfect (goodness knows that I'm not 100% perfect) but all these little things do help. 


Thank you.  :)

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  • 10 years later...
On 5/28/2024 at 12:09 AM, sherwood said:

I have and understood the rules.  Jackie 


Hi Jackie and a big welcome 😊

Hayley is the administrator now, and not nearly as strict about rules and regulations. She's lovely 🥰

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Posted (edited)
On 5/27/2024 at 1:09 PM, sherwood said:

I have and understood the rules.  Jackie 

Wow. Ten years until thread bumped. I hope you come back Jackie it's a nice board.

Edited by itsmeagain
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for the forum's rules and posting guidelines, I really appreciate it. My name is Wimble, and I'm a new member. It's really nice to meet you all.

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