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Scariest film you have seen?


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I watched Blair Witch because mymate kept going on about the ending being very disturbing. I thought it was **** :lol:


Vacancy is about the snuff movie in the hotel, isn't it? That wasn't too bad, but the guy with the mask on freaked me out :ditto:


Everyone says that :lol: I think it's the fact you don't actually see anything but you know whats happening. Eeeek!


The only thing that has really scared me since was the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, I watched that after one too many drinks in college and still get spooked out by the noise of chainsaws :lol:


I haven't seen the remake yet but the original was a bit disappointing. I suppose at the time it would have been quite shocking but I suppose we're a more desensitized to it these days. I'd quite like to see the remake though :lol:


I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to go to the cinema to watch Saw with my parents!!!


Is that the movie with that awful mask? The one with swirly circles on its cheeks? That mask is terrifying!

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THe Japanese version of Ring is WAAAAYYYYYY better and far creepier. I so wish you'd seen that one first instead of the bad American remake that cannot hold a candle to it!


Ugh, no way. The American one was scary enough for me. I can't stand seeing that girl crawl out of the TV.


I did like The Grudge, though, and I've been meaning to watch the Japanese original. Another good one is Chakushin Ari, which is the Japanese original to One Missed Call. It's fantabulously creepy!!

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I've got the novel of ring right next to my bed, it's quite an interesting read and pretty different than the film adaptation.

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I'm not really into scary movies, so consequently I haven't seen that many. I saw the original 'Amityville Horror' when I was young and I thought it would scar me for life! Also, 'The Others' isn't the scariest movie I've ever seen, but I do love it and all its creepiness :ditto:.

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I love the original tale of the Amityville Horror, the film is obviously a bit exaggerated and silly but the actual apparent story is pretty peculiar and interesting. I haven't seen the movie though.


The Shining is the most suspenseful and complex 'horror' film with a generally astounding atmosphere prevalent throughout. I study a lot about what everything means within it, i went on a rant about it in a thread here way back so i'm not going to bore anyone, but it's such a complex puzzle of brilliance. There are very little elements of the archetypal 'horror' film and Kubrick is basically mocking the audience for wanting to see that, it's fantastic. The psychological aspects of the film are the real horror, very much reflecting that of our own world.

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I've got the novel of Ring right next to my bed, it's quite an interesting read and pretty different than the film adaptation.

It's a pretty good read, isn't it? It has more a dark undercurrent of creepiness than out-and-out scares and I enjoyed it a great deal. It's creepy enough to raise the hairs on the back of your neck, but still not so terrifying that you can't read it last thing at night in bed.


I have remembered another film than had me freaked out a little bit the first time I saw it - Event Horizon. It's pretty gruesome in parts. However, I will add that I was rather drunk at the time I went to see it, so that possibly affected my state of mind and made it seem far worsee, because subsequent viewings haven't wigged me out at all.

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Ugh, no way. The American one was scary enough for me. I can't stand seeing that girl crawl out of the TV.


I did like The Grudge, though, and I've been meaning to watch the Japanese original. Another good one is Chakushin Ari, which is the Japanese original to One Missed Call. It's fantabulously creepy!!


I was so scared of the TV for months after i watched the ring!! Going to bed with the scary dark tv in the corner was torture :blush:


The grudge also totally freaked me out! I'm pleased i've only seen the American versions though if the Japanese ones are even more scary!


The other movie that i'm still scared of now is E.T. I know i'm weird, everyone thinks i'm strange because i'm scared of E.T but he was just so creepy and when i was little i was always scared that he would be hiding in my wardrobe!

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i agree ^^ i was freaked out by E.T too, which might explain why alien horror films make me poo my pants!


Also The Shining, i watched it last year on sky once with my parents and man it was a freaky film, its psychological mainly and how you can just go crazy in a big abandoned hotel in the middle of nowhere... I am happy that the ending was ok!

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I absolutely love horror films and we have quite a big collection :blush:


My favourites are probably The Descent, The Hills have Eyes (remake) and Let The Right One In (although to me it was more of a story about love and friendship)


The horror films that have disturbed/shocked me the most would have to be Martyrs, Frontiers and Irreversible (which i had to fast forward at one scene in particular)


The film that has scared me the most would probably be The Blair Witch Project (dont laugh :lol:) When we went to the cinema to see it it had just come out in the uk, and as far as we knew (or so the media led us to believe) it was infact a true story/real footage. I found the film really uncomfortable to watch - from when they lost the map and started going round in circles and losing the plot, right up until the end where Mike stood in the corner (at which point i shut my eyes because i was scared of what i might see :lol:)

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I love the original tale of the Amityville Horror, the film is obviously a bit exaggerated and silly but the actual apparent story is pretty peculiar and interesting. I haven't seen the movie though.


I remember reading The Amityville Horror in high school Rawr and being really freaked out by it! The book stated it was a true story and even had pictures of the real Lutz family in the front. It also had floor plans of the house so you could really imagine where things were happening, eek! To this day I cringe whenever I pass by an old house that has those spider web-y looking windows on either side of it's fireplace.

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I love horror films and being a bit scary is the best bit about them! :blush:


Ones that have scared the cr*p out of me though are the Japanese versions of The Ring and The Grudge, they are a million miles scarier than the American ones. Also I don't like the Freddie Krueger films, because when I was about 4 or 5, I had a rather charming babysitter that let me watch one of the films, I had horrific nightmares for weeks of Freddie walking through the wall at the end of my bed and coming to get me and I still remember them vividly now :lol: So I avoid those films :lol:

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The Chucky films. I've never watched them except once when I was a pre-teen with an already-existant wariness of anything that resembles a human but isn't (dolls, dummies, clowns. Yes, clowns.) Anyway, since then ventriloquist dummies terrify me.


The episode of Buffy with the live dummy, the Goosebumps episodes - I can't watch them. Well, not without scaring the life out of myself.

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The Chucky films. I've never watched them except once when I was a pre-teen with an already-existant wariness of anything that resembles a human but isn't (dolls, dummies, clowns. Yes, clowns.) Anyway, since then ventriloquist dummies terrify me.


The episode of Buffy with the live dummy, the Goosebumps episodes - I can't watch them. Well, not without scaring the life out of myself.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one freaked out by those. I haven't even seen any of the films - seeing the video case cover as a little girl was enough...

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Don't you dare laugh...


I went to see The Exorcist in an art-cinema with my brother when I was fourteen or fifteen, and for the next three or four days was completely spooked. The sky was really bright blue when we went in, but by the time we had left the cinema it had started raining - still with a bright blue sky, and spooky enough to scare the living daylights out of me.


For a more recent film (relatively speaking) I guess Jacob's Ladder, or Them (a French film with a young couple terrorized in their - very large - home) would be up there with the best. As long as the writing is clever and the scares are genuine I'm happy.

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I don't scare easily.. films with blood and gore are not scary to me, Saw I could watch easily. It didn't scare me, I thought them disturbing though, and didn't watch Hostel, don't need to see a film about people torturing people, it's sick.

Serial killers, cannibals, whatever doesn't really scare me.. any film that would scare me would have to have ghosts in it. The Ring, even the American one, if I get totally into it, will scare me a little when watching it, but leave me having to turn on lights whenever I walk around the house at night. And immediately hopping into bed when I turn them off. :blush:

White Noise can be scary when you're watching it focussed, and when you start thinking about it.. I mean don't really believe in ghosts, and E.V.P. really not, but still.

I even got scared after watching Dragonfly, where he

finds all those signs of his wife in his house, like just having walked out of the room, then coming back and something being there.


Guess for me it's the fear of things unseen.. my imagination is worse than anything they can show me on screen.


Oh I love the Exorcist and the Descent, nothing in them scares me. :lol:

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Like you say, Univerze, for me it's largely a fear of things unseen or perception distortion - like I just watched an episode of Star Trek TNG where Riker didn't know whether the Enterprise was real or a delusion. In addition, things that should seem normal but aren't, or normal things in a strange context - all of that disturbs me greatly. White noise (actual white noise) terrifies me not because I expect to hear anything in it, but because even if I don't, I'll imagine I do.


Funnily enough religious things scare me too. I don't believe in God or Satan, but Gabriel Byrne makes for a damn scary possessed priest.


With the Exorcist, it's again distortion of the normal - a person being possessed by something unknown. Visually it doesn't disturb me, it's the concept of not being in control of my own body and mind. Or the illusion of thinking it's someone you know and love, but it's hiding something unnatural underneath. There is an episode of Angel which gives a nod toward Exorcist style demons, when a small boy is possessed, and that disturbs me just as much.


I'm freaking myself out just thinking about all this. :blush:

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Guess for me it's the fear of things unseen.. my imagination is worse than anything they can show me on screen.


This is what gets to me, too. The things within my own mind that can be triggered by watching something that's scary on a psychological level. Blood and gore make me feel nauseous and disgusted, which is why I never watch anything of the sort. But ghosts, possession, demonic dolls - anything that gets me thinking freaks me out enormously.

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The film that has scared me the most would probably be The Blair Witch Project (dont laugh :lol:) When we went to the cinema to see it it had just come out in the uk, and as far as we knew (or so the media led us to believe) it was infact a true story/real footage. I found the film really uncomfortable to watch - from when they lost the map and started going round in circles and losing the plot, right up until the end where Mike stood in the corner (at which point i shut my eyes because i was scared of what i might see :blush:)


I can easily watch that film again with the knowledge of it not being real footage and I still get scared over it! :lol:


Oh and Kelly I know what you mean about the Japanese versions of The Ring and The Grudge! I used to watch them before bed and then had to watch Disney films to help me sleep. :D Much more scary than the American re-makes.

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