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What's Your Book Activity Today? - Take 7


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I've finished The Body Thief by Anne Rice and (surprise surprise) I absolutely loved it. So much so that I had to head into town to buy the next installment in preparation for finishing it. I've now started Memnoch the Devil and I'll try to take my time with this one :D It's about Heaven, Hell and the relationship between God and the Devil. Of course, the vampire Lestat is in the midst of things, mixing it up and getting himself into trouble. Can't wait!

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I went to the library today and picked up some more books ~


Tove Jansson - A Winter Book

Anne Perry - A Christmas Beggining

Rajaa Alsanea - Girls Of Riyadh

Jack Kerley - The Hundredth Man

Fay Weldon - The Stepmother's Diary

Elizabeth Flock - But Inside I'm Screaming

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Started Pack Up The Moon during my lunch break at work, only to find myself sat at my desk with tears streaming down my face within 10 minutes :) It's so good though, that I've already read 100 pages.


Glad to hear it!! :D



John's death was what actually caught me about the book, when I began I was mentally defying the author to MAKE me actually give a damn he was dead, and when she DID by virtue of how I felt for Emma as a result, I was quite surprised.


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I am 138 pages into 2nd chance by James Patterson, I amm zooming through it and I am loving it, best Patterson I have read for a while. I hope the rest does not let it down.


After searching for my copy of Dracula, I have given up and got myself an Audio book, never do audio books, but as I have read the book before numerous times I thought I would give it a go. I just want to refresh my memory before I get Dracula the un-dead.

Edited by catwoman
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Been down town to Waterstone's today buying my Secret Santa book to get sent off tomorrow hopefully.....and other books but can't list anything incase people are looking :D

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I just want to refresh my memory before I get Dracula the un-dead.


I'm gonna be reading this next too, I hope we both enjoy it :D


I'm half way through Marked by PC and Kirstin Cast now. It's just ok for me, pretty quick reading so should be finished it by tomorrow, mojo willing of course :)

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Kay, recently i've been sorting out a lot of **** in my room and naturally, i finally got to explore my boxes of books :D


So, my room now resembles a chaotic library of sorts. So, i've been reading bits and bobs here and there. My main two books for reading atm are the short story collection 'Nightmares and Dreamscapes' by Stephen King, which i'm around halfway through, and a book called 'The Gates' by John Connolly, it's a children's adventure book i picked up on a browse through my local library down in the village.


Also been reading an illustrated version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory which is a treasured possession :)

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Thanks Lexie. I seem to have only heard good things about this book, so I have high hopes. I have a feeling I'm going to be able to identify with the main character quite a bit. :D


I like your taste in books, Rawr! I was eyeing off The Gates the other day, but I didn't get it. And I saw on the SK thread that you just finished The Stand, which I really must bump up my TBR pile!

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The Gates is enjoyable so far! Reminds me very much of a Neil Gaiman style if you have read anything of his before, so not a bad thing :D


And yes, you must bump The Stand up, that book is fantastic, but takes a lot of dedication to really get into, but once you are, it's so immersing.

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The Gates is enjoyable so far! Reminds me very much of a Neil Gaiman style if you have read anything of his before, so not a bad thing
I have a signed copy of The Gates waiting for me on the shelf; the whole reason I bought it is that the blurb put me in mind of Gaiman/Pratchett's hilarious joint effort Good Omens. Funny thing is, when I went to the signing and asked John Connolly whether he'd read Good Omens and had been inspired by it, he said he'd never heard of it and proceeded to jot the title down; my inscription reads "with many thanks for the book recommendation"!


It's odd how authors seem to come up with very similar ideas independently of each other. For example, the book I'm reading now (Generation Dead by Daniel Waters) is about people coming back as zombies for no apparent reasons, and how their loved ones cope or fail to with their return. A book on my shelf (Handling the Undead by John Ajvide Lindqvist) is based on exactly the same premise, yet it is impossible that one is based on the other: while Generation Dead was written after Handling the Undead, it was written before Handling the Undead was translated from Swedish into English.




As for my book activities:


I should be receiving a new mini-shelf from Argos in the afternoon so once OH very lovelily builds it for me, I'm going to have such OCD fun re-arranging all my books :D.


I am also ogleing a couple of pretty books on eBay... no, I shouldn't. Should I :)?

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