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It was fantastic. The writing is brilliant, man I love Stephen Moffat! I had a horrible feeling that it was going to take a break at the end there, the way it showed the series trailer. Now I cannot wait until next Sunday. Matt Smith is absolutely brilliant, and I didn't miss David Tennant at all!

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I loved it! Doctor Who is back and all is right in the world. Loved Matt Smith, loved Karen Gillan and the little girl who played Amelia. This series is going to be brilliant. :lurker:


We forgot it was on.....too early at 6.20 we were making tea....I assume it will be on iPlayer.:D


It's repeated on BBC Three tomorrow night at 7pm I think.

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The only thing I didn't like was the new theme tune. I love the logo, love the Tardis but the theme tune just grated on me :lurker:


I agree, I loved everything else though it was brilliant :D I am so happy

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I didn't like the music, but I did like the new Tardis. The storyline was ok, but I think both my girls found the people with the teeth a bit scary. As for Matt Smith, I just can't find it in myself to say goodbye to David, and accept a new one.:lurker:

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I loved it! Doctor Who is back and all is right in the world. Loved Matt Smith, loved Karen Gillan and the little girl who played Amelia. This series is going to be brilliant. :lurker:


It's repeated on BBC Three tomorrow night at 7pm I think.


It is on BBC 3 thanks...just checked the schedules. His new girl assistant is from Inverness, they were gettomg a special early screening in the week I think I heard on the news.

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Looks like I'm in the minority then - I hated it. :lurker:


They've ruined the theme tune (unnecessarily). I didn't like Amy Pond (she was better as the little girl). The story was pretty nondescript to say the least. I disliked all the slapstick humour at the beginning with the Doctor trying all the different foods.


But the biggest problem for me is Matt Smith. I thought his performance was utterly charmless and quite frankly I hated it. Maybe he will grow on me, but on that showing, I don't know. Both he and Karen Gillan also need to work on their diction, as quite often I couldn't tell what they were saying, especially when the dialogue was being delivered with speed. I never had that problem with David Tennant, however fast he spoke.


I hope next week's is better.

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The storyline was ok, but I think both my girls found the people with the teeth a bit scary.


Hmm, this series may not be for them then, from what I've heard it's going to get a lot more creepy!

Both he and Karen Gillan also need to work on their diction, as quite often I couldn't tell what they were saying, especially when the dialogue was being delivered with speed.

No problems here, and my hearing isn't that great. Time for a new TV?!

Personally, I thought both Smith and Gillan were excellent. Matt Smith is the Doctor, he got it spot on. Odd, manic and eccentric, whilst at the same time being knowledgeable and commanding - I can honestly say I didn't think about his age once during the entire program.

One swallow does not a summer make, but for me it was a very good start - not perfect, I'll grant you, but I can't remember the last time I enjoyed Doctor Who this much!

Brilliant stuff!

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Looks like I'm in the minority then - I hated it. :D


They've ruined the theme tune (unnecessarily). I didn't like Amy Pond (she was better as the little girl). The story was pretty nondescript to say the least. I disliked all the slapstick humour at the beginning with the Doctor trying all the different foods.


But the biggest problem for me is Matt Smith. I thought his performance was utterly charmless and quite frankly I hated it. Maybe he will grow on me, but on that showing, I don't know. Both he and Karen Gillan also need to work on their diction, as quite often I couldn't tell what they were saying, especially when the dialogue was being delivered with speed. I never had that problem with David Tennant, however fast he spoke.


I hope next week's is better.


I have to admit, I'm with you here on most points, although I could understand what they were saying, I found it all to be really boring, and I didn't like Matt's take on the Doctor, but we'll see as it progresses I suppose! :lurker:

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Hmm, this series may not be for them then, from what I've heard it's going to get a lot more creepy!


Creepy isn't always good though, if you scare off some of your watchers - Beth has been a big fan, but she's rather disappointed that she may not enjoy it if it's too scary.

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Personally, I thought both Smith and Gillan were excellent. Matt Smith is the Doctor, he got it spot on. Odd, manic and eccentric, whilst at the same time being knowledgeable and commanding - I can honestly say I didn't think about his age once during the entire program.



I thought it was great - I really don't think I've enjoyed an episode that much since Blink. This was high energy (but without all the annoying, nonsensical running around that seemed to take over RTD's latter efforts), a little bit scary, and there's already a good chemistry between the new leads. I prefer Matt Smith to Tennant already - it looks like he'll bring a lot of fun to the role - and I thought Karen Gillan was great, too. The Doctor's relationship with Amy looks like it'll be sparky!


I agree with the comments about the incidental music, though - it's still overpowering. And the new version of the theme is dreadful.


Hasn't Doctor Who always been creepy? I remember watching most of it from behind the couch when I was a kid :lurker:

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Creepy isn't always good though, if you scare off some of your watchers - Beth has been a big fan, but she's rather disappointed that she may not enjoy it if it's too scary.


For me that was always the point of Doctor Who and something it had lost when Moffat wasn't writing for it.

On all the nostalgia shows people always talk fondly of hiding behind the sofa and being terrified. I know that if I was younger the Blink episode would have scared me a lot (it creeped me out even as an adult) so I'm glad it was scary in parts.

Which reminds me the fact the Doctor looks quite scared himself running around with the mirror in the new Blink episode has got me pretty excited about it.


Only two things annoyed me really. The new theme music is cack and pretty much completely destroys the iconic tune and the score was a bit over the top and invasive. But overall I couldn't be happier. Moffat's writing is so good. Everything flows logically in the story. Or as logically as it can in a sci-fi story about a regenerating time travelling alien. Not like Davis who relied on deus ex machinas and just randomly making stuff up which had never been referenced in the history of Doctor Who (as far as I know).

"Oh what's that? The Doctor's dying? Nah. Remember that hand he had lopped off? Yeah I'm just gonna make up some rubbish about energy being trapped in that that he can us to heal".


Oh. One thing I hope they don't go too over the top with is the kind of all powerful Doctor aspect. I mean it's quite satisfying at times but it's no good when you feel like you have a character who can just win when he decides to.

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The new theme music is cack and pretty much completely destroys the iconic tune and the score was a bit over the top and invasive.


That's my biggest bug bear with the programme. I was sort of hoping that with a whole new production team, we might get a new composer, but it seems as though we'll have to continue to put up with Murray Gold's domineering music.

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Looks like I'm in the minority then - I hated it. :lurker:


They've ruined the theme tune (unnecessarily). I didn't like Amy Pond (she was better as the little girl). The story was pretty nondescript to say the least. I disliked all the slapstick humour at the beginning with the Doctor trying all the different foods.


But the biggest problem for me is Matt Smith. I thought his performance was utterly charmless and quite frankly I hated it. Maybe he will grow on me, but on that showing, I don't know. Both he and Karen Gillan also need to work on their diction, as quite often I couldn't tell what they were saying, especially when the dialogue was being delivered with speed. I never had that problem with David Tennant, however fast he spoke.


I hope next week's is better.


I am kind of the same thinking as you.

I didnt like Amy Pond. she didnt have the facination and sense of adventure that Rose & Martha had upon meeting The Doctor.


Being a die-hard 10 fan, I knew that i wouldnt immediately take to 11, but the real problem for me was that I didnt hate Matt Smith, nor did I love him. Total indifference to 11 was not what I was expecting.

Even though i LOVE David Tennant's Doctor, i was excited to see a new Doctor, as 10 had become sad and melancholy.


The other problem was the plot. Totally predictable. I knew it was Amelia Pond grown up straight away. I knew that the aliens meant that Earth, not the house the multiform was living in.

There just werent any surprises, no twists that were always there when RTD was producing.


All in all, just a bit bland really. Shame.

Still, I will watch the series, hoping it will get better :D

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I am kind of the same thinking as you.

I didnt like Amy Pond. she didnt have the facination and sense of adventure that Rose & Martha had upon meeting The Doctor.


The other problem was the plot. Totally predictable. I knew it was Amelia Pond grown up straight away. I knew that the aliens meant that Earth, not the house the multiform was living in.

There just werent any surprises, no twists that were always there when RTD was producing.



I thought there was wonder in their meeting. It was obvious that she was the young girl grown up but the fact that the young girl was a red headed Scottish girl and the new assistant was a red headed Scottish girl made that kind of hard to hide.

But their introduction when she was young and their re-introduction twelve years later felt incredibly satisfying to me.


The plot...I enjoyed. It was nothing special but I don't think it was ever going to be. It was mostly used to introduce the new Doctor, the new Tardis, the new assistant and her backstory and generally set the mood for the series. It's quite a lot to juggle and I think they did the best job that could be done.


As for RTD's twists I've already mentioned how much I hated those. To me they weren't twists in a good way. They were just things you could never have seen coming, even on rewatching the episode.

Most people know the twist in The Sixth Sense is that

Bruce Willis' character is dead

. In that film you can actually guess what's going to happen if you watch close enough and if you rewatch it it all makes sense. I never got that from RTD's twists. It always felt like he'd just paint himself into a corner on each episode and then make something up to get out of it.

Edited by Steeeeve
Being a silly billy.
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Just watched in on BBC3. Still to make up my mind, script good though, but I kept thinking he was kinda trying to be DT, on they way he was flying through his lines. Also Amelia....why did I keep seeing Katherine Tate, although her accent is better.


Didn't like the horrid monster thing....did they base it on Alien!

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