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:D:17: Zombie hunter I love it :lol: but it is my Family Tree :lol::lol:


I love working on my family tree too, BL! I've only been doing it for the past few years, but it's so interesting! Hopefully one day I'll be able to finish the book I'm putting together for all my family members. I have a pretty diverse tree, but just in the last few months I've been getting really far back in my English line and am learning a lot :) Do you have any in your family that came to the US?

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Yep, there's a ton of information online. I got a year subscription to Ancestry with my tree software and I use Cyndi's List a lot too amoung others. There's never a substitute for a nice road trip though, lol - I need to go to England again!


Oh, do you know if Milligan is a Scottish surname?

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It's fascinating and some of the stories are very moving.


Ooh, I have to say, but every time I've visited America the TV is so hard to watch. Every five minutes, there's adverts. How do you put up with it? Hehe.


Could travelling be classed as a hobby? To stay on topic :P. I would love to visit lots of countries, including Ireland, Egypt and Hawaii, hehe!

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Haha. It's just somewhere I've always wanted to visit. I don't really know why. Would you recommend anywhere? :P


PARIS. Epic city. My two favourite places are Paris and Los Angeles, though New York comes in a close third. I love New England actually, Vermont-ish. Rome looks quite neat too. Parents have been there and showed me photos.

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Haha I went to Vegas, San Diego, and Tijuana in Mexico too. San Diego is lovely, Tijuana is a...... hole, putting it nicely, and Vegas is awesome, but much too hot for me! I wish I had been there when it snowed a couple weeks ago!


Also, Iceland is a beautiful country. Haven't had the pleasure of going yet, but its really lovely. Other than the dead economy, but thats a recent thing. =/

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New York and Vegas are a good laugh =] I wanna go back to NY, because I want to explore the Natural History Museum!!


And I think I would love Rome for the same reason I love Paris, but I suspect Italy is too hot for me. I like COOOOOLD. :P

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I loooove travelling, so much that I spent three weeks in Japan alone when I was 19. None of my friends could have time off/afford to go so I thought it why not go alone? Knew there might not be a time when I could afford it or have the time so I just went!


I love NY too, only been there once and have a photo of me at the top of the World Trade Centre, an amazing view behind me.


It'd be great to go somewhere this year as last year I just didn't have the money :she: so come on people, need lots of book sales so I can afford to travel! ;):P:lol:

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I don't know when I'll again have the money to travel - think I shall take a year out this year before I go on to my Master's so I can visit a few places. I really want to go back to New York for a weekend, and Los Angeles for much longer. Iceland is top of my list though :P

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Iceland?? Can I ask why? Just doesn't stand out to me as somewhere I'd most want to visit.


For me I'd love to go to New Zealand, back to Tokyo, Mayalsia, Thailand, China, Peru and Easter Island!


I love the culture, and its a beautiful country. I have no interest anywhere you noted except Japan, so I think I've just got different taste.

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I love to travel! Too bad I don't have the matching funds to go as often as I'd like. I have sisters in Los Angeles and San Diego so I try to get there as often as I can, otherwise just put me on a plane and I'll go wherever you want, lol. Oh, except for the Caribbean... it seems kind of boring there and relaxing on a beach isn't really my idea of a vacation I guess.


I would love to go back to Europe, New York, Washington, DC and all of New England in general. I spent 3 weeks in NE a few years ago and it was one of the best trips I have ever been on. There is so much US history there to be learned not to mention all the art and information on my English ancestors that migrated there back in the 1600's. Plus, I would at least a week each to exhaust myself at the Met, the Guggenheim, the National and Boston museums :P

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Traveling is great! I live for traveling :P Though I dont always have the funds or time...


Japan never appealed to me particularly. i'd go more for latin america (spent some time in Mexico which was amazing!), africa or some of the landscapes in New Zealand...


relaxing on a beach isn't really my idea of a vacation I guess.


Same here, i'd rather explore with a backpack or live with local people. But relaxing on a beach (especially if deserted) is very nice from time to time!


I had started a thread dedicated to traveling some time ago. Not sure were it is anymore.

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