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What's the weather like?


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Yes I  read about the eclipse, should be at it's peak around now, will go outside and have a look, but very cloudy, maybe that's why the weather is weird, sort of cool breeze but muggy at the same time.


just went outside and  the only thing which covered the sun was a great big cloud.

Edited by Madeleine
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Clear blue skies and very warm when I walked into work, but the cloud cover has now rolled in and the temperature has dropped noticeably. 


There is also a nice breeze flowing through the office, which we didn't have yesterday.


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Sunny, 24°C, but that’s too hot for me, so I’m avoiding the sunshine. Then it’s very enjoyable in the shade. A chilled glass of Pinot Grigio Blush also helped :smile:

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31 °C predicted here today (here = in the south of the Netherlands), 32 °C tomorrow.. ugh. It's been hot the past while, it's hot inside the house and both my partner and I have trouble sleeping because it is so hot. I hope it will cool down next week here with some rain.

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2 hours ago, Athena said:

31 °C predicted here today (here = in the south of the Netherlands), 32 °C tomorrow.. ugh.

Woah, that is hot! It's about 24 here and I feel like I'm melting already!


46 minutes ago, Raven said:

Slightly cooler over night last night, but storms and warmer again over night tonight.




Noooooo. I thought the predicted storms meant it would be cooler tonight!! 


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Thankfully it’s been breezy and fresh, so 25°C was pleasant today. Need the rain soon, some of the waterbutts are nearly empty. Some of the vegs need a drink. Though don’t want thunder and  torrential downpour either.

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Steady rain here for the past 4 hours, gradually getting heavier.   From the noise it is making I think it has now moved into the torrential category. 

The perennial flower border I planted in the spring is just about to burst into flower - or was. I hope it is not all flattened by the morning.

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I was worried about my plants too, so far they look a bit soggy but are surviving... we escaped the worst of it last night, it did rain quite heavily until about 11.00 but no storms, yet anyway.  Much fresher but still quite muggy out.

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By Met Office forecasts, it looks we won't have any thunderstorms until Saturday, in Shropshire. Haven't had a drop of rain, so far. 

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We had rain last night, but no lightening - that seemed to pass to the east of me.


Very muggy through the night, though, and only slightly fresher this morning.  Got caught in  a very heavy shower on my way into work.


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Lots and lots of rain overnight, grumblings of thunder but not lightning. Low cloud this morning, grey skies and showers.


Everything is green and shiny and the massive weeds in my garden are going to be humongous by the time I get to deal with them!  :o

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Sitting in my armchair, with a fleece rug over my knees, as it’s not that warm this afternoon! And I refuse to put the heating on at the middle of summer! :dry: At least it’s raining steadily for a few hours now, and the garden are needing a good drink.

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