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What's the weather like?


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Yesterday was lovely after a rainy start.  I did a walk with my walking group in the River Chelmer area, near Chelmsford in Essex, and it brightened up and was lovely for most of it, with a nice breeze, except towards the end when it got very warm and  when I went to bed the thunder was rumbling around, and at 1.00 I got woken up by a thunderclap and torrential rain.


Today was very warm and thunder was rumbling around earlier, bit it seems to have cleared up for now.

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It's been a pretty wet week. Woke up to torrential rains and a flash flood warning for the surrounding area. No flooding thank goodness. The rain is much needed. Our lake has been needing the water level to rise enough so that the dam can be opened. The ducks and geese are more than happy! We've got a few more days of it and then the sun will shine. 

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No storm last night and today was also very hot, weather broke a bit around 1830 when it started raining and we had a storm, bit cooler now and quiet, hope it doesn't storm again tonight!

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It's been unseasonably hot over here in Finland over the past three or so weeks, it's been record-breaking! I wish it rained, because pollen is a b*tch. It's not rained in I don't know how long! And it was reported that hedgehogs and little birdies are suffering because it's too hot :(

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Pollen is so very annoying! It's crazy this year: people who have had no symptoms before, have had them this year. And as an allergic person, I've taken my meds as a good girl and the previous years they've worked like a charm, but this year being as bad as it is, even I have been suffering! 

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It appears to be full on summer time. I'm wanting to get out and do some planting but its so HOT! I've got to get it done though because we have a family get together next weekend. After two weeks of rain we are no in the dry spell. Oh well, it tis what it is!

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We had a mixed bag over the weekend, Saturday was cloudy and alternated between warm and sunny and then cloudy, had a bit of rain in the evening.  Yesterday was much nicer, quite hot and sunny and turned into a nice evening.  This morning it was chilly first thing, quite warm now but the breeze is keeping the heat off.  Definitely not as hot as they forecast.

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