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Unfinished books.. will you pick them up again?

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I never used to give up on books, felt like I was giving in, but now I do it quite regularly. I think I'm getting less self-disciplined in my old age :)

This year I gave up on :-


Lady Chatterley's Lover ...may give this another go sometime if I can get over all the pompous rot at the beginning.


Wild Mary: A Life of Mary Wesley ....I read most of this. Mary Wesley(author) lead a very interesting unconventional life, but if got terribly depressing at the end.


Sexing the Cherry by Jeanette Winterson ....this just got a little too weird although I think she is a very gifted writer.

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I never give

up on a book! Even if I am not enjoying it, I just can't give up - I wouldn't advise this course of action to anybody else though! I often wish I could give up, but once I've started investing time in a book, I have to see it through.


i think you are right you just have to keep reading, sometimes it can get better but if not you still have had that experience. A book is a book and should be read, thats what we do.


If I have had a bad days birdwatching I think Oh well another day and it will be better, Just like books I dont just remember the bad days or in thos case the bad books gotta stop now as GF has placed a ramble alert on the Pc :)

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i think you are right you just have to keep reading, sometimes it can get better but if not you still have had that experience. A book is a book and should be read, thats what we do.


It's is the life that whe have chosen :)



I think I am pretty lucky in the way I can read just about anything and still enjoy it , I think some times I enjoy the act of reading as apposed to enjoying the book it

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Good question, I usually give it a hundred words then put it way and try again another day. Books I discarded like that as a teenager 25 years ago later I picked up and read it again to the end.

Christine by Stephen King was one of those. Funnily enough I read IT when I was 13 and did not get past the first or second chapter but when I was 22 I re read it and it ranks one of my top ten best reads

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What do you mean when you say " I really really have too." ???


Like If I'm nearly falling asleep because the plot/characters are that boring.

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I give up on books all the time. I figure, there are a ton of books to be read and I don't want to waste my time reading something I don't enjoy. I always have a couple books going at once, so it's easy to turn to something else.

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I keep going as long as I can, but when reading it becomes a chore I have no hesitation in abandoning it, no matter how far (or not) I`ve got with it.


same here!


Well..I sometimes hate doing it. What if the ending makes the book worth it? but I have no motivation to see if thats true. :)

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I give up on books all the time. I figure, there are a ton of books to be read and I don't want to waste my time reading something I don't enjoy.


I totally agree i've struggled through so many books in the past that didn't get any better and found myself wasting a few days. I can understand those of you who have to finish a book no matter what, i was exactly the same but as i said in my intial post reading is something we all do for enjoyment where's the enjoyment in reading a book and getting nothing from it.

I'm not getting any younger, so many good books out there are waitng to be read.

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Yes I agree. It is for me a way to shut off from the world. I read more books since I was diagnosed with my illness than I did when I was normal.


I've also read more books since I had a major illness, but it's also when I started being able to stop reading a book I wasn't enjoying. I still try and read until at least a third of the way through, but if authors (and editors, who are just as guilty as the author sometimes) are not entertaining me or just plain annoying me, then I don't want to finish their books, even if there is a possibility they get better towards the end. If I'm not enjoying a book, then I take longer to read it, which means it is the double edged sword of not liking the book I'm reading, and stopping me reading two or three other books I might enjoy more in the time it takes me to finish that one awful book.


Life's too short!

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I'm one of the "Giving up on a book haters" :) So I'll always try to keep going, thinking it might get better or it's just me not getting it. Which is a shame as if it's really not grabbing my attention I'll slowly stop reading it anyway and only truly give up when I find I havent picked it up in more than a week... Which means I've lost all that reading time for nothing! :) I did that just recently with Far from the Madding Crowd...


I need to work on my book dropping hability *laughs*

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Once I start a book I like to try and finish it even if it's one that I'm not particularly enjoying that much. However if it's really, really bad and is beginning to put me off reading then I'll stop reading it as there is so many other books out there that I want to read, it seems a bit of a waste to read one that I'm struggling with.

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I used to give up on books regularly when I was younger, just out of laziness really. I am a lot more perservering now, but have no problem giving up on a book I really am not enjoying. Time is precious, and I have little spare time as it is. It's a no-brainer for me.

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I don't feel that I give up on too many books as generally I seem to have been lucky enough to read books that I do actually enjoy. the last 2 that I remember giving up on are:


Monster by Johnathan Kellerman - Just could gain any interest in this one!


Northern Lights by Nora Roberts - This was the first and last book of hers that I tried. I really hated reading the third of it that I did. I found that the characters really got on my nerves and I just couldn't persevere. it really did put me off trying anything else of hers.


I don't believe I gave up on any last year!

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I really try not to give up on books. But if one of those comes along, I'd rather put it aside after a week or two of attempting to have my attention held, rather than being a month without reading anything because I have hopes for the current book to keep my attention (I like to read only one book at a time).

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