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Frankie reads 2013


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:giggle:  :giggle2:  :giggle:  :giggle2: Of course you would make a brilliant librarian :friends0: Dreams are no indication of anything (otherwise I would be regularly doing my supermarket shopping nekkid :smile2: and driving on motorways even though I have never learnt to drive  :blush2:)


Do you mean to say that you would go and shop for the London grapes all in the neeeekkid? :D


That's very fascinating about the driving dreams... You know what I think they mean? I think they mean that you would be a natural in driving, and that you really need to real instructions or tests, you are good to go! :D


The girl was being jolly naughty and so your dream self .. who has no set code of conduct or anything .. whacked her with a book :D Very reasonable I thought, especially as your dream self asked her to stop before resorting to (only very mild :D) violence. I have shot people in dreams before :o .. it's natures way of getting the angst out.


She was very annoying... It was my home-home town library and I will have no one disrespect that place :giggle:


You've actually shot people in your dreams? :o I have never... I don't think I've ever had those neekkkid dreams either.


You would never ever do it in real life so don't waste a thought on it :hug: 



That's an interesting dream! I think you would make a great librarian though :). It makes sense if you're worried about it, but you're a really friendly person so I think it'll be fine :hug:


Don't worry guys, I was being completely serious... I know I would never do anything like that... I just thought it was funny and had to share :D But thank you for the reassurance :friends3:




P.S. Enjoy the Shopaholic book :), it's one of my favourite series. How many have you read (or just the first one?)?


I've read them all except for the latest one, Mini Shopaholic. I don't think I will read that, I think there's a fair chance it's too repetitive. Although I have enjoyed all the books (except for Shopaholic and Sister, which I thought was a real disappointment).


She probably thought it was an old Finnish custom :D


That would be a very rude custom... :D


I'm not very observant :blush2: (remember the pink hat? :giggle:) I think my head only has room for one fixed image in it of anybody .. including myself. Though that can't be entirely true because I can think of more than one Colin :giggle:  


:D Well Colin's the exception to the rule ;) And David Mitchell is the second exception :P :wub:


I think she meant it as she looked a bit embarrassed to have failed on her side of the inquisition :D Anyway .. she's not a reader and doesn't know any titles that aren't in Tesco's top ten :D  


Awww... :D I think she learned never to doubt you when it comes to your books :giggle:


Tesco's Top Ten... Is that something I don't want to know about? I know what Tesco is, but sometimes, with good luck, they might have a reasonably well-read clientele... ?


They could try .. but I'm in my own house and I know where all the weapons are ;)  :D 


I wonder where that would be, then... Not in the cookie jar, because that's reserved for cookies :D Is it a fake dying pumpkin? Is that where you keep 'em? :D  Hm... next to the fireplace, maybe not!

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Unsurprisingly :blush2:  .. I have that trouble all the time :D

Yes .. yippee .. we can emote to our hearts content :boogie:  :cows:  :yahoo:  :23_sing:  :clapping:  :woohoo:  :party:  :e010:  :b7ydance:  :doowapstart: 



:D You win some, you lose some... We got our infinite pleasure of emoticons, but lost our infinite pleasure of quote blocks... :D


Have you ever thought of working for the Oxford English Dictionary? :D I'd rather read your explanations any day of the week :D  


I have set out resumes but they've never gotten back to me :(


I wish I lived in your head :D


No you don't, it's mostly chippies :D


Chippies!! :boogie: Oscar Wilde didn't know about those probably :smile:


Yes, imagine if it had been cucumber chippies instead of sandwiches at tea time!




Now I have that song stuck in my head Frankie.   :rolol:


:giggle: I was afraid that might happen with some of my FB and/or BCF friends :giggle: But it was a risk I had to take :D


And your dream sounds interesting.  I hardly ever remember mine.  I think you'll be a good librarian, you wouldn't do something like that to someone.  


Thank you, bookmonkey :) I'm quite sure I would never go that far! :D


I think that dream shows how you'd be the most awesomest librarian ever!


:D I think you might actually make a very scary librarian... :D


And if they kick you out for beating patrons with books, you could open a secondhand bookshop and be like Bernard Black. :giggle: I watched a few episodes of Black Books the other day. The state of Bernard Black's living quarters makes me feel so much better about the mess in my own home.


Maybe I'll take over the ex's friend's wife's secondhand bookshop and go beastly on it :giggle:


Oh yes, if one's ever depressed about the state of one's house, one ought to watch a certain episode of Black Books... Or any, for that matter... :D


Sorry your mojo has been playing up since your illness. I hope your health improves so your mojo can fix itself. But rest up, my dear. Don't rush

it!  :empathy:


Thanks you darling! :flowers2: I've been rather good these last few days, resting my arse off. It took some time to convince myself that that is what I really need. I'm doing better now, though :)


Oh, and I've always kind of liked that Cotton-Eyed Joe song. Not sure if I'm supposed to admit to that.  :blush2:


Oh! :D You definitely should not have admitted to that :D Now I will bombard you with 90s songs :giggle:

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I've read them all except for the latest one, Mini Shopaholic. I don't think I will read that, I think there's a fair chance it's too repetitive. Although I have enjoyed all the books (except for Shopaholic and Sister, which I thought was a real disappointment).


Ah :). I've read all of them and enjoyed them all. I can see what you mean about it being repetitive, personally it's never bothered me but I've spread out my reading of the books, reading other books in between. I just love to read about Becky's adventures (and Sophie Kinsella's other books too).


EDIT: I quite like 90s songs, I don't often listen to music anymore and when I do it's usually something heavier to take away the noise, but when I was a child I listened to some 90s music.

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Some people on here have done challenges re: specific authors, like for example Roald Dahl's books, Virginia Woolf's books, Jane Austen, etc etc. I haven't personally been inclined to do anything like that, because I don't think I could think of any authors whose every book I would like to read... Well, Augusten Burroughs, Jeffery Deaver and Karin Slaughter aside... And Jeff Lindsay.. But then again, I would read their books anyways, so it wouldn't really be a challenge...


I was talking about Moomins yesterday on here, and I've just recently talked about Astrid Lindgren with poppyshake... She bought a set of her children's novels and I was commenting on the books, and it made me wonder why I had never read Karlson or Emil or Pippi Longstocking... I've only read certain books, but those I've read time and a time again.


Now I'm thinking that I would love to try and read all of Astrid Lindgren's books some day, and that I could actually like to do it as a challenge. I would most likely start from square one, and re-read the books I've already read, which is no problem, because I love them and would re-read them some day anyways.


Here are all the titles that have been translated into Finnish, I will start with those, and after that I will see if I would like to read the non-translated ones in Swedish. (For your benefit, I will add the English titles of the books that have been translated into English. And I will exclude the picture books from this challenge, being the boring grownup that I am.)


(It's not all that easy to find the English titles for the books... I will do the rest some other day :D)



Astrid Lindgren


Peppi Pitkätossu - Pippi Longstocking 3/5

Peppi aikoo merille - Pippi Goes Aboard 4/5
Peppi Pitkätossu Etelämerellä - Pippi in the South Seas 4/5


Vaahteramäen Eemeli - Emil of Lönneberga

Eemelin uudet metkut - Emil's Pranks

Eläköön Eemeli – Emil and His Clever Pig

Yksityisetsivä Kalle Blomkvist -  Bill Bergson, Master Detective

Kalle mestarietsivä - Bill Bergson Lives Dangerously

Ryöstetty Rasmus ja mestarietsivä Kalle Blomkvist - Bill Bergson and the White Rose Rescue

Saariston lapset - Seacrow Island
Saariston lapset merirosvoina (is this a picture book after all....)


Kati Amerikassa - Kati in America

Kati Italiassa - Kati in Italy

Kati Pariisissa - Kati in Paris

Pikkuveli ja Katto-Kassinen - Karlsson on the Roof - currently reading

Katto-Kassinen lentää jälleen - Karlsson Flies Again

Katto-Kassinen kujeilee - The World's Best Karlsson

Melukylän lapset - All About the Bullerby Children
Melukylässä tapahtuu - Cherry Time at Bullerby (?) - The Six Bullerby Children (?)

Kyllä meillä oli hauskaa - Springtime at Bullerby (?)

Se pikkuinen Lotta
Lotta, Janne ja Minnamanna

Marikki – Madicken
Marikki ja Kesäkummun Tuikku

Rasmus ja kulkuri

Rasmus, Pontus ja Höpö
Kerstin ja minä

Mio, poikani Mio - Mio, My Son
Riitta-Maija keventää sydäntään

Ronja ryövärintytär - Ronia the Robber's Daughter

Veljeni, Leijonamieli - The Brothers Lionheart



I think this will be something that I'll most likely start next year... :)

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That's a lot of books! I didn't know she wrote so many. Good luck :), I hope you have a lot of fun! I look forward to read your reviews. I actually recognise another title that I didn't know was hers, Ronia the Robber's Daughter , which in Dutch becomes Ronja, de Roversdochter I think. I think I read it when I was a child but I don't remember much of it. I look forward to see how you get on with the books, good luck!

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That's a lot of books! I didn't know she wrote so many. Good luck :), I hope you have a lot of fun! I look forward to read your reviews. I actually recognise another title that I didn't know was hers, Ronia the Robber's Daughter , which in Dutch becomes Ronja, de Roversdochter I think. I think I read it when I was a child but I don't remember much of it. I look forward to see how you get on with the books, good luck!


She was quite a prolific author! :) There are loads of picture books, too, and I haven't even factored in the books that haven't been translated into Finnish :)


The one series I've never even heard of is the Kati-series, and it's actually about a young woman, not a young girl. I wish I'd known about those books earlier!


I hope that you enjoy the Astrid Lindgren challenge :smile:


Thanks Marie :) I've loved all the books I've read by her so far, so I think I'm in for a real treat with her other books :)


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Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare






Blurb: Romeo and Juliet is the world's most famous drama of tragic young love. Defying the feud which divides their families, Romeo and Juliet enjoy the fleeting rapture of courtship, marriage and sexual fulfilment; but a combination of old animosities and new coincidences brings them to suicidal deaths.


Thoughts: This book has gathered dust in the bookcase since 2007. It wasn't until Janet's recent review on it that I thought I might
finally give it a go. (It's also on the Rory Gilmore reading challenge list :exc: )

I always think that plays are hard to read. Especially old plays. And time after time I'm surprised how it is not necessarily so. This was good, unclean fun, as they say. I'd quite forgotten how wickedly gutter-minded Shakespeare can get... Overall enjoyable.

I have one big niggle though. How on earth did Romeo and Juliet fall in love so fast? They meet at a party, talk for a few minutes and after that Juliet is on the balcony, going how she loves him and bloody bother he should be the enemy's son. I know it's only a play, but bloody hell, plays ought to be a bit more realistic...

Teeny tiny fact for those with curious minds: Juliet is Julia in Finnish, for some odd reason :) And the 'j' is pronounced as 'yu' :)



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Bridget Jones - Mad About the Boy


by Helen Fielding






No blurb, no synopsis, no nothing. I don't want to spoil this for anyone. Before I got my preordered copy, a few online tabloids spoiled two major twists for me and that made me furious!

Although maybe it was for the best... I had time to adjust to what was coming.



Thoughts: When I heard there was a third Bridget book about to be released, I initially didn't think I'd buy it, or even read it... I thought, it's been a decade, the train's already gone... But nearer to the publishing date, I checked Book Depo and found out they were going to release a paperback copy so early on, I thought why not. And then when I had ordered it, all of a sudden I couldn't quite bear the wait!


A brilliant book :wub: Just as good as the previous Bridget Joneses. Heart breaking, and funny. Fielding has taken all the latest trends of communication technology into account and made use of them, but it didn't bother me. I found it all very funny, and it was all so telling of today's society at its … dare I say, worst? :D

And it almost made me believe in love again... :blush::D


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Christmas is here!  :grinhat:  Well, at least in the post office. :giggle: I went to check my mail on my way to the store and found a note saying that I have a package waiting for me at the office... I haven't ordered anything myself, so it must be Secret Santa... And I have a feeling I know who the Secret Santa is... :D:flowers2:   I think I will go to town tomorrow, I need to use the ATM anyways so now I have a nicer reason to go to town for!


Oh and it was snowing outside.. It was mild, though, but cold enough for snow... Just the perfect weather :wub::cold:


I've been catching up on people's reading logs, I've been so behind again... I still had maybe ten logs to work through, when it happened again: click 'view new content', and there was nothing there :doh: 



Oh! And I almost forgot: some of you know there was this rather convenient gas station-restaurant-cafe-grocery store about 200 meters away from my apartment, with very convenient hours (and it was open every day, no matter what bank holiday it was. Not so nice for the workers, though... :( ) Anyhow, they closed it down a few months ago, and opened a smaller grocerystore in the premises. They still have convenient hours, and they are open on Sundays, but now they close for holidays, but I think that's good. People ought to buy their stuff beforehand and not be so lazy as to go and buy stuff on bank holidays...


Anyhow! There was still this small empty place for another business in the building, next to the grocerystore, and now I heard that they are going to open a cafe! :exc:   Oooh I will have a cafe right next to me, I can pop in to have a coffee and read a book if I'm feeling like the walls of my apartment are caving in, but don't feel sociable enough to walk to town ... Very pleasurable! :):coffee1:

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Christmas is here!  :grinhat:  Well, at least in the post office. :giggle: I went to check my mail on my way to the store and found a note saying that I have a package waiting for me at the office... I haven't ordered anything myself, so it must be Secret Santa... And I have a feeling I know who the Secret Santa is... :D:flowers2:   I think I will go to town tomorrow, I need to use the ATM anyways so now I have a nicer reason to go to town for!

:coolsnow: I hope it is a pleasurable package :D

Oh and it was snowing outside.. It was mild, though, but cold enough for snow... Just the perfect weather :wub::cold:

Lucky, lucky you ... just what is required :smile:  It's cold here and raining  :(

I've been catching up on people's reading logs, I've been so behind again... I still had maybe ten logs to work through, when it happened again: click 'view new content', and there was nothing there :doh:

:banghead:  Very frustrating :empathy:

Oh! And I almost forgot: some of you know there was this rather convenient gas station-restaurant-cafe-grocery store about 200 meters away from my apartment, with very convenient hours (and it was open every day, no matter what bank holiday it was. Not so nice for the workers, though... :( ) Anyhow, they closed it down a few months ago, and opened a smaller grocerystore in the premises. They still have convenient hours, and they are open on Sundays, but now they close for holidays, but I think that's good. People ought to buy their stuff beforehand and not be so lazy as to go and buy stuff on bank holidays...

Totally agree ... everyone should have a proper holiday. It used to be the case but now we're all used to shopping 24/7 and panic if the shops shut for more than five mins .. ridiculous now that we have fridges etc. It's ok I suppose if the people want to work .. some like the company I know .. but some supermarket workers have mentioned to me before how they only get one day off at Christmas and it's not right .. that's not enough time to re-charge your batteries.

Anyhow! There was still this small empty place for another business in the building, next to the grocerystore, and now I heard that they are going to open a cafe! :exc:   Oooh I will have a cafe right next to me, I can pop in to have a coffee and read a book if I'm feeling like the walls of my apartment are caving in, but don't feel sociable enough to walk to town ... Very pleasurable! :):coffee1:

Brilliant :boogie: I mean most of us have kettles etc but it's nice to have a change of scenery sometimes and it's also nice to have someone make you a cup of coffee/tea every once in a while. I hope they have spotty cups :D I went to a cafe today that served their tea/coffee in spotty cups and I wanted to live there forever :D .. however spotty cups might not be the thing in Finland and anyway, for your sake, I hope they have doggy cups instead :hug: 

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Christmas is here!  :grinhat:  Well, at least in the post office. :giggle: I went to check my mail on my way to the store and found a note saying that I have a package waiting for me at the office... I haven't ordered anything myself, so it must be Secret Santa... And I have a feeling I know who the Secret Santa is... :D:flowers2:   I think I will go to town tomorrow, I need to use the ATM anyways so now I have a nicer reason to go to town for!


Oh and it was snowing outside.. It was mild, though, but cold enough for snow... Just the perfect weather :wub::cold:


I've been catching up on people's reading logs, I've been so behind again... I still had maybe ten logs to work through, when it happened again: click 'view new content', and there was nothing there :doh:



Oh! And I almost forgot: some of you know there was this rather convenient gas station-restaurant-cafe-grocery store about 200 meters away from my apartment, with very convenient hours (and it was open every day, no matter what bank holiday it was. Not so nice for the workers, though... :( ) Anyhow, they closed it down a few months ago, and opened a smaller grocerystore in the premises. They still have convenient hours, and they are open on Sundays, but now they close for holidays, but I think that's good. People ought to buy their stuff beforehand and not be so lazy as to go and buy stuff on bank holidays...


Anyhow! There was still this small empty place for another business in the building, next to the grocerystore, and now I heard that they are going to open a cafe! :exc:   Oooh I will have a cafe right next to me, I can pop in to have a coffee and read a book if I'm feeling like the walls of my apartment are caving in, but don't feel sociable enough to walk to town ... Very pleasurable! :):coffee1:


Hurrah for packages! :D


Snow!  I had to run the air conditioner yesterday!  oy!   Of course, I'll have to run the heater tonight.......up and down, up and down, till I'm dizzy! :crazy:


Answered many questions on my book thread.  :)


Lovely, re the coffee shop!  Maybe you could start some sort of book exchange there?  One of our local coffee shops does that.....they always have books on their shelves. 


I'm glad you are feeling so much better, and getting back into the swing of things. :friends0:



And...great reviews. :D  Almost makes me want to read Shakespeare.  heh

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Some people on here have done challenges re: specific authors, like for example Roald Dahl's books, Virginia Woolf's books, Jane Austen, etc etc. I haven't personally been inclined to do anything like that, because I don't think I could think of any authors whose every book I would like to read... Well, Augusten Burroughs, Jeffery Deaver and Karin Slaughter aside... And Jeff Lindsay.. But then again, I would read their books anyways, so it wouldn't really be a challenge...


I was talking about Moomins yesterday on here, and I've just recently talked about Astrid Lindgren with poppyshake... She bought a set of her children's novels and I was commenting on the books, and it made me wonder why I had never read Karlson or Emil or Pippi Longstocking... I've only read certain books, but those I've read time and a time again.


Now I'm thinking that I would love to try and read all of Astrid Lindgren's books some day, and that I could actually like to do it as a challenge. I would most likely start from square one, and re-read the books I've already read, which is no problem, because I love them and would re-read them some day anyways.


Here are all the titles that have been translated into Finnish, I will start with those, and after that I will see if I would like to read the non-translated ones in Swedish. (For your benefit, I will add the English titles of the books that have been translated into English. And I will exclude the picture books from this challenge, being the boring grownup that I am.)


(It's not all that easy to find the English titles for the books... I will do the rest some other day :D)



Astrid Lindgren



Peppi Pitkätossu - Pippi Longstocking

Peppi aikoo merille - Pippi Goes on Board

Peppi Pitkätossu Etelämerellä - Pippi in the South Seas


Vaahteramäen Eemeli - Emil of Lönneberga

Eemelin uudet metkut - Emil's Pranks

Eläköön Eemeli – Emil and His Clever Pig


Yksityisetsivä Kalle Blomkvist -  Bill Bergson, Master Detective

Kalle mestarietsivä - Bill Bergson Lives Dangerously

Ryöstetty Rasmus ja mestarietsivä Kalle Blomkvist - Bill Bergson and the White Rose Rescue

Saariston lapset - Seacrow Island

Saariston lapset merirosvoina (is this a picture book after all....)


Kati Amerikassa - Kati in America

Kati Italiassa - Kati in Italy

Kati Pariisissa - Kati in Paris


Pikkuveli ja Katto-Kassinen - Karlson on the Roof

Katto-Kassinen lentää jälleen - Karlson Flies Again

Katto-Kassinen kujeilee - The World's Best Karlson


Melukylän lapset - All About the Bullerby Children

Melukylässä tapahtuu - Cherry Time at Bullerby (?) - The Six Bullerby Children (?)

Kyllä meillä oli hauskaa - Springtime at Bullerby (?)


Se pikkuinen Lotta

Lotta, Janne ja Minnamanna


Marikki – Madicken

Marikki ja Kesäkummun Tuikku


Rasmus ja kulkuri

Rasmus, Pontus ja Höpö


Kerstin ja minä

Mio, poikani Mio - Mio, My Son

Riitta-Maija keventää sydäntään

Ronja ryövärintytär - Ronia the Robber's Daughter

Veljeni, Leijonamieli - The Brothers Lionheart




I think this will be something that I'll most likely start next year... :)

Do you know, I think I've read all of them. AND the picture books. And most, if not all, of those books that never were translated to anything but Swedish. And I never really thought about it, that Astrid Lindgren is one of the few writers I've read almost everything of.

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Great reviews! Romeo & Juliet is in my Shakespeare omnibus I think. In Dutch Juliet is also 'Julia'. I have the third Bridget Jones book too, I should be getting around reading the second one in a little while.

Christmas is here!  :grinhat:  Well, at least in the post office. :giggle: I went to check my mail on my way to the store and found a note saying that I have a package waiting for me at the office... I haven't ordered anything myself, so it must be Secret Santa... And I have a feeling I know who the Secret Santa is... :D:flowers2:   I think I will go to town tomorrow, I need to use the ATM anyways so now I have a nicer reason to go to town for!


Oooh, I hope it's fun :)!


Oh and it was snowing outside.. It was mild, though, but cold enough for snow... Just the perfect weather :wub::cold:


That's nice :).


I've been catching up on people's reading logs, I've been so behind again... I still had maybe ten logs to work through, when it happened again: click 'view new content', and there was nothing there :doh:


That's annoying :(!

Oh! And I almost forgot: some of you know there was this rather convenient gas station-restaurant-cafe-grocery store about 200 meters away from my apartment, with very convenient hours (and it was open every day, no matter what bank holiday it was. Not so nice for the workers, though... :( ) Anyhow, they closed it down a few months ago, and opened a smaller grocerystore in the premises. They still have convenient hours, and they are open on Sundays, but now they close for holidays, but I think that's good. People ought to buy their stuff beforehand and not be so lazy as to go and buy stuff on bank holidays...


Anyhow! There was still this small empty place for another business in the building, next to the grocerystore, and now I heard that they are going to open a cafe! :exc:   Oooh I will have a cafe right next to me, I can pop in to have a coffee and read a book if I'm feeling like the walls of my apartment are caving in, but don't feel sociable enough to walk to town ... Very pleasurable! :):coffee1:


Here no shops are allowed to be open on Christmas Day or Second Christmas Day (Boxing Day). People who work at hospitals etc. do have to work but shops are closed. Then again, a lot of shops are closed on normal Sundays too. Sometimes supermarkets may be open, but apparently each city or town may decide which supermarket, only one is allowed and it has to change each year, or something. Rather stupid if you ask me. So we always do all the shopping on Saturday (my parents work during the week), and no shopping on Sunday.


I hope it's a nice cafe :)!

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:coolsnow: I hope it is a pleasurable package :D


I'm sure... I know this Secret Santa knows me so well, she can do no wrong! :D:friends3:


Lucky, lucky you ... just what is required :smile:  It's cold here and raining  :(


I'm sorry to hear that :( If it's any consolation, it's cold and raining over here too, today! :rolleyes::D And I still need to go to town! I'll have to remember to put on my wellingtons... But no worries, I will have my cell phone and earplugs and will listen to radio, and the roadwork which was blocking my straightest route to town is now all cleared so it's all quick go! :) I'm very happy when they finally finished, I had to do extra 3 block walks to go round whole summer long! And lazy frankie does not like that... :giggle:


Totally agree ... everyone should have a proper holiday. It used to be the case but now we're all used to shopping 24/7 and panic if the shops shut for more than five mins .. ridiculous now that we have fridges etc. It's ok I suppose if the people want to work .. some like the company I know .. but some supermarket workers have mentioned to me before how they only get one day off at Christmas and it's not right .. that's not enough time to re-charge your batteries.


Exactly! And if you don't have something for one day... it's not likely it will kill you! People survived before, when the close were good and locked for holidays. :yes:


I know some people would like to work, the bonuses are quite nice for working during holidays, but workaholics need a rest, too, even if they don't realise it themselves... :yes: If they want, they can think about work stuff at home :D


Brilliant :boogie: I mean most of us have kettles etc but it's nice to have a change of scenery sometimes and it's also nice to have someone make you a cup of coffee/tea every once in a while. I hope they have spotty cups :D I went to a cafe today that served their tea/coffee in spotty cups and I wanted to live there forever :D .. however spotty cups might not be the thing in Finland and anyway, for your sake, I hope they have doggy cups instead :hug: 


I think I saw pics of those spotty cups... :D I would actually prefer spotty cups, I have a doggy cup at home (there's a Labrador and a Golden Retriever on it, and it's a big ass mug, really :D I used to drink coffee from it, but it's like a 0,4-0,5 mug so it was a bit too much, I think... Now I eat my morning porridge from it :)


And the spotty cups would remind me of you! :) And we need a bit of color here in Finland... Everything is so dark and gloomy right now...


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Hurrah for packages! :D


You said it, sister! :D I'm actually going after replying to these posts...


Snow!   I had to run the air conditioner yesterday!  oy!   Of course, I'll have to run the heater tonight.......up and down, up and down, till I'm dizzy! :crazy:


Air conditioner? :thud::D It's such a different climate, it's so odd! There you are in New ORleans, probably wearing a nice dress or skirt, and here I am, in my weat pants and woolly socks... :D


Lovely, re the coffee shop!  Maybe you could start some sort of book exchange there?  One of our local coffee shops does that.....they always have books on their shelves. 


That is a brilliant idea! I wouldn't have thought of it myself... I might ask them if it was alright! :) Thanks :friends3:


And...great reviews. :D  Almost makes me want to read Shakespeare.  heh


Almost, but not quite :D Have you read any Shakespeare?



Do you know, I think I've read all of them. AND the picture books. And most, if not all, of those books that never were translated to anything but Swedish. And I never really thought about it, that Astrid Lindgren is one of the few writers I've read almost everything of.


That a whole lot of books! :) You certainly have an advantage, Swedish being your native language... :)


Great reviews! Romeo & Juliet is in my Shakespeare omnibus I think. In Dutch Juliet is also 'Julia'. I have the third Bridget Jones book too, I should be getting around reading the second one in a little while.


So weird that we would re-name Juliet as Julia.... :shrug: What's Adrian Mole called in Dutch? Over here it's Hadrianus Mole. And that is wack!!! :D


x x

Here no shops are allowed to be open on Christmas Day or Second Christmas Day (Boxing Day). People who work at hospitals etc. do have to work but shops are closed. Then again, a lot of shops are closed on normal Sundays too. Sometimes supermarkets may be open, but apparently each city or town may decide which supermarket, only one is allowed and it

has to change each year, or something. Rather stupid if you ask me. So we always do all the shopping on Saturday (my parents work during the week), and no shopping on Sunday.


I think that's very smart of you :)


By the way, speaking of the Netherlands... I read this article a few days ago and I thought it was brilliant :) I like the Dutch way of thinking... :)

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Ooooh, I have no idea what Santa's gotten me! :D It was a big package, and it said 'fragile'. And I'm not allowed to bend it! :D I wonder what it is...


When I found the notice of the package in the mail, I decided I would wait til Christmas to open it... But how can I, now that it's here and I'm all intrigued! :D I must, though... I'd already decided I was going to be a good girl and open it on Christmas...


Although that proposes a dilemma... I will be going to Nurmes for Christmas and I don't know yet how much stuff I will be hauling with me.. Maybe I should open it before I leave for Nurmes, or maybe after I come home? I'd love to do a little Christmas in Joensuu... I'm going to see a close friend of mine right after Christmas here in Joensuu, and we always exchange pressies, so maybe she could come over to my place and we could have a Christmassy hot drink and ginger bread cookies and that could be my own little Christmas. It's something to think about!

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Aww!!! good to see that bankers do have a heart after all  :smile: I love the way the ducklings trusted him enough to jump down  :smile:


Yep, I was actually quite surprised to hear it was a banker :) No offence to BCF's bankers... :D And it was really surprising that the ducklings would just go ahead and jump! But it was soooo great, what a happy thing :) And the banker had been there since 5.40 AM or so! What a gentleman. :)

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Hadrianus Mole!  Hehe - I love it!  :giggle:


I guess there is no Juliet in Finland/the Netherlands then (is it okay to call the Netherlands Holland?)?  I read online recently that in Iceland people are only permitted to call their children by approved names.  A woman had to go to court to allow her daughter to keep her birth name because it wasn't on the list.  

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Hadrianus Mole!  Hehe - I love it!  :giggle:


It really threw me off as a kid, because I always thought it was Hadrianus, because when I read the books the first time, I was so young I couldn't have read them in English... And then when I read somewhere that he was actually Adrian, I was like WTF?!?! :10_confused:  I mean, Adrian is not a Finnish name, but neither is Hadrianus... At least to my knowledge... So why change it?? And it's not like Hadrianus is easier to say in Finnish than Adrian... ??? Mind boggles :D


I guess there is no Juliet in Finland/the Netherlands then (is it okay to call the Netherlands Holland?)?  I read online recently that in Iceland people are only permitted to call their children by approved names.  A woman had to go to court to allow her daughter to keep her birth name because it wasn't on the list.  


You are right, there's no Juliet in Finland. And yes, I think Holland is the same as the Netherlands... why they would have two different names for it, I wouldn't know. Well, now that I think about it, UK's called United Kingdom as well as Great Britain.. :D


That's interesting about the naming in Iceland... I remember when my youngest cousin was about to be christened, the priest had a talk with the parents, because they were going to give him a name that was very old and not usual at all.. But they were allowed to use that name in the end. And bloody hell, people over here have been christened as Brooke and Ridge, as in the characters from The Bold and the Beautiful... :rolleyes: !!! They are nothing like Finnish names! I mean for one, we don't have any Finnish words starting with 'br' to begin with... and we don't have the sound 'dg' in Finnish... !!! :D Mind boggles, again!

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How funny that they'd change Adrian to a different name that's not known in Finland.  There seems to be no logic to that!


It seems that in the UK, anything goes!  I know people called Brixton, Chai (pronounced Shay) and Taneisha which were not names that were around when I was growing up.  :)  I don't have anything against unusual names (within reason) but I prefer more traditional ones.   :)


I was chatting with an Icelandic (online) friend, who said the reason for the restriction is to stop the old traditional names from dying out.  :)

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How funny that they'd change Adrian to a different name that's not known in Finland.  There seems to be no logic to that!


There is absolutely no logic, like you said! Maybe I should email the people who first published the books in Finnish... To ask them what they were thinking?? :D


It seems that in the UK, anything goes!  I know people called Brixton, Chai (pronounced Shay) and Taneisha which were not names that were around when I was growing up.  :)  I don't have anything against unusual names (within reason) but I prefer more traditional ones.   :)


Agreed :) Unusual names are okay, but when they go totally overboard, it's just weird... I know people in the UK and the States have named their kids after parts of towns/cities, but that would be totally weird here in Finland... The poor children would get bullied!


I was chatting with an Icelandic (online) friend, who said the reason for the restriction is to stop the old traditional names from dying out.  :)


That sounds like a fair reason... But I think it's rather limiting, I don't like it that they are so restricted about it...

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There is absolutely no logic, like you said! Maybe I should email the people who first published the books in Finnish... To ask them what they were thinking?? :D

Oh yes - you should really do that! :D  :exc:


Agreed :) Unusual names are okay, but when they go totally overboard, it's just weird... I know people in the UK and the States have named their kids after parts of towns/cities, but that would be totally weird here in Finland... The poor children would get bullied!

Brixton from my names above is a place-name - it's in London and is (rather sadly) associated with riots.


That sounds like a fair reason... But I think it's rather limiting, I don't like it that they are so restricted about it...

I wouldn't like to be given a list really - although if we had a list, both of my children's names would almost certainly be on it!  :D

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