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Devi's Mount TBR List 2014


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Thanks Frankie

Wow ! guess my Blue Ribbon in spelling is still working to some extent.  :)


Yea, the Myra Hindley name --that's right. I don't know much about that one other than I think she had a boyfriend and they committed murders together , I'm thinking UK ? I need to look her up to see .Now it's bugging me .  She certainly looks like someone you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley .

For that matter, I don't guess you'd wanna run into anyone in Devi's book .

The Ramirez guy gives me the cold chills. I think he was in California ,1970's ... would sneak into people's homes at night and stand in their bedrooms just watching them ,til they may have heard something and woken up . His face was the last one they saw . So sneaky, he could get into any house ,without a sound. He got some fascination with just seeing how many places he could get into and how long he could stand in their bedrooms without them waking up . S C A R E Y      

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Are there any others he has written? I love him too, he is so dreamy in M*A*S*H.

Not that I am aware of but there are some great science videos on YouTube with him in.

Think they are under scientific American frontiers but I normally just type in Alan Alda science!

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I know that face, it's so harrowing, but I wouldn't have remembered the name if you hadn't said Myra. It's Hindley. She gives me the creeps!

Everyone in the UK .. or those of a certain age anyway .. would know that face anywhere. I can't count how many times it's stared at me from newspapers (because the :censored: was always seeking parole :angry:) Mercifully she is dead now though Ian Brady is still alive .. but hasn't ever sought parole thankfully (though he would never get it anyway.) They were known as the Moors Murderers and lured five children to their deaths. One of their victims could never be found .. his poor mother spent the rest of her life (48 years) trying to discover where he was buried but she died without knowing  :( .. evil, evil, pair.


Great book haul Deborah. I have a little first chapter pamphlet of the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet because Alan printed it and bought me a copy home but I've not read it yet :blush2: Hope you enjoy it anyway :)

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Everyone in the UK .. or those of a certain age anyway .. would know that face anywhere. I can't count how many times it's stared at me from newspapers (because the :censored: was always seeking parole :angry:) Mercifully she is dead now though Ian Brady is still alive .. but hasn't ever sought parole thankfully (though he would never get it anyway.) They were known as the Moors Murderers and lured five children to their deaths. One of their victims could never be found .. his poor mother spent the rest of her life (48 years) trying to discover where he was buried but she died without knowing  :( .. evil, evil, pair.


:(  There's even a fictionalized book about her in my local library, and I borrowed and started reading it. But it turns out she was dead and they were guarding her body, and it took one of the police officer's back to the days when she and her partner did those awful things... Reminiscing etc. Not a good book :no: I didn't finish. Awful cover with her face on it. :no:



Great book haul Deborah. I have a little first chapter pamphlet of the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet because Alan printed it and bought me a copy home but I've not read it yet :blush2: Hope you enjoy it anyway :)


Coincidentally I also have one of those pamphlets... :o I wonder how that can be? :giggle2::friends3:

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:(  There's even a fictionalized book about her in my local library, and I borrowed and started reading it. But it turns out she was dead and they were guarding her body, and it took one of the police officer's back to the days when she and her partner did those awful things... Reminiscing etc. Not a good book :no: I didn't finish. Awful cover with her face on it. :no:

Oh good gracious :o .. the reminiscences of Myra Hindley  :no: I don't believe in burning books but I'd burn that one.

Coincidentally I also have one of those pamphlets... :o I wonder how that can be? :giggle2::friends3:

Yes .. how can that be? :giggle: 

Edited by poppyshake
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As said previously, I know little to nothing about Myra , but I have read about  a few male/female

partnerships that have been serial killers. The ladies in these twosomes always tend to play the victim when they are eventually caught. Rarely do they admit their guilt , take equal blame for the crimes, etc. They want to act innocent ,or like they were forced to participate (which sometimes they are ,but not always ).

They usually try to schmooze their lawyer into portraying her as a really good person whose mind was twisted by the evil man .. but I don't usually fall for that stunt. Once maybe ? I don't know, it'd depend on the circumstances. There are girls who get mixed up with a bad guy ,and are in the car when the first event takes place . They may be in a position then in which they can't get away or call for help or they will end up just as dead as the  victim ,but for ladies who continually stay with the guy and participate in the crime ? Nope, don't feel sorry for them . They know it is wrong so they should pay the same price as he does .


Now there are exceptions to the above. Take Bonnie and Clyde. She willingly took part in everything they did, and may very well have been just as dangerous as Clyde , if not more so . She was a tough nut . They went out in a blaze of bullets ,so she ended up getting the same punishment  as he did . A little bit of overkill , but I guess the cops wanted to make sure they stopped them .

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Yes, I read a book about them as a teen. No clue what it was called . I have a newer one that has been on my Kindle for a year or so called Go Down Together



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Yes, I read a book about them as a teen. No clue what it was called . I have a newer one that has been on my Kindle for a year or so called Go Down Together



I've added it to my wish list too.

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Thanks Devi

Hope you like it ! They were a pretty interesting couple . Oddly ,not looked at with quite the same dislike that most  "killer couples " are . They liked holding up places to get money , and some people got in the way of a few of their bullets ( in fact ,quite a few people , including policemen) .Anyhow they had quite a reputation .

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Hi Devi

Just checking in with you . I didn't think you'd be on for a couple days . Maybe you had something to do and mentioned it already. If so, I'm sorry I forgot .

Just wanted to give you a shout to see if you were doing ok ?

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Hi Devi

Just checking in with you . I didn't think you'd be on for a couple days . Maybe you had something to do and mentioned it already. If so, I'm sorry I forgot .

Just wanted to give you a shout to see if you were doing ok ?

Hello Julie. :)


I have been feeling a tad sick with bad hay fever of late, so I haven't been around as much as I usually am. Thank you for checking in on me. :)


How are you going?

Edited by Devi
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Yay for a new book! I've read one Philip K. Dick book but would love to read some of his other works. I hope you enjoy this one :) (well, that is, once you feel up for reading etc.). How are things going with your new glasses, do they help a bit?

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Yay for a new book! I've read one Philip K. Dick book but would love to read some of his other works. I hope you enjoy this one :) (well, that is, once you feel up for reading etc.). How are things going with your new glasses, do they help a bit?

Fantastic! Especially as I get used to them more and more. I used to always yawn when I read without them and I'd put it down to fatigue, I don't do it with the glasses so I think it must of had something to do with my vision and reading.

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Glad to hear your glasses are working so well for you, Devi. I wear glasses for reading and watching TV. Actually, I wear them pretty much all the time and feel pretty nekkid without them. :) I really do hate wearing them, though. Sorry to hear about your hayfever. :( I suffer from it too and it totally sucks. Luckily Telfast seems to work pretty well for me, so I have been taking one when I feel hayfever coming on, and it helps a lot. For the last couple of weeks, all I've been breathing is smoke from the bushfires. Gah! Looking forward to breathing fresh air again...one day.


Lovely PK Dick book! I have (*quickly counts*) 8 of his books, but not this one. I have Ubik in the same SF Masterworks edition, and I have a few in the older-style (black) SF Masterworks. I must admit that I skimmed over the cover when I read your post, but Frankie's comment but me go back and look at it carefully. It really is a very nice cover! I'm going to go and look up the synopsis.


Julie, I thought you might like to know that I've ordered the Bonnie and Clyde book you were discussing here last week. Hopefully I'll receive it next week!

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Lovely PK Dick book! I have (*quickly counts*) 8 of his books, but not this one. I have Ubik in the same SF Masterworks edition, and I have a few in the older-style (black) SF Masterworks. I must admit that I skimmed over the cover when I read your post, but Frankie's comment but me go back and look at it carefully. It really is a very nice cover! I'm going to go and look up the synopsis.


Did you sniff it? :giggle:

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No, I'm not much of a book-sniffer, unless it's an old book. Mmm... :)


I just checked out the synopsis. The Penultimate Truth sounds awesome! In case anyone else is interested (taken from the Book Depository's website):


World War III is raging—or so the millions of people crammed in their underground tanks believe. For fiteen years, subterranean humanity has been fed on daily broadcasts of a never-ending nuclear destruction, sustained by a belief in the all powerful Protector. Now someone has gone to the surface and found no destruction, no war. The authorities have been telling a massive lie. Now the search begins to find out why.

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No, I'm not much of a book-sniffer, unless it's an old book. Mmm... :)




I just checked out the synopsis. The Penultimate Truth sounds awesome! In case anyone else is interested (taken from the Book Depository's website):


World War III is raging—or so the millions of people crammed in their underground tanks believe. For fiteen years, subterranean humanity has been fed on daily broadcasts of a never-ending nuclear destruction, sustained by a belief in the all powerful Protector. Now someone has gone to the surface and found no destruction, no war. The authorities have been telling a massive lie. Now the search begins to find out why.


Oh crap. It does sound great! :rolleyes::blush::giggle:Adding to wishlist...

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You sci-fi people are slowly but surely making me more and more tolerant of sci-fi/fantasy.... I'm alarmed by how much in love I am with that ^ book cover :hide:



Oh crap. It does sound great! :rolleyes::blush::giggle:Adding to wishlist...

Mwahahaha! Our evil plan is working :giggle2: I do love the cover as well.


Glad to hear your glasses are working so well for you, Devi. I wear glasses for reading and watching TV. Actually, I wear them pretty much all the time and feel pretty nekkid without them. :) I really do hate wearing them, though. Sorry to hear about your hayfever. :( I suffer from it too and it totally sucks. Luckily Telfast seems to work pretty well for me, so I have been taking one when I feel hayfever coming on, and it helps a lot. For the last couple of weeks, all I've been breathing is smoke from the bushfires. Gah! Looking forward to breathing fresh air again...one day.


Lovely PK Dick book! I have (*quickly counts*) 8 of his books, but not this one. I have Ubik in the same SF Masterworks edition, and I have a few in the older-style (black) SF Masterworks. I must admit that I skimmed over the cover when I read your post, but Frankie's comment but me go back and look at it carefully. It really is a very nice cover! I'm going to go and look up the synopsis.


Those bush fires are horrible aren't they, I feel sorry for everyone who has lost everything. I am slowly collecting all of PK Dicks' books, Ubik is high on my wish list.


No, I'm not much of a book-sniffer, unless it's an old book. Mmm... :)


I just checked out the synopsis. The Penultimate Truth sounds awesome! In case anyone else is interested (taken from the Book Depository's website):


World War III is raging—or so the millions of people crammed in their underground tanks believe. For fiteen years, subterranean humanity has been fed on daily broadcasts of a never-ending nuclear destruction, sustained by a belief in the all powerful Protector. Now someone has gone to the surface and found no destruction, no war. The authorities have been telling a massive lie. Now the search begins to find out why.

I bought it after someone on here read it, sorry to whom it was for forgetting your name.

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