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Little Pixie

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Everything posted by Little Pixie

  1. Ooh, nice ! It almost makes me want to declutter my bookshelves...
  2. I`ve still got eps 13 and 14 to see.
  3. Thanks ! I figure that I could have lovely, tidy shelves, but it would take time away from the actual reading of the books.
  4. Oh look, and these.. And these. But that`s it ( of the ones that I have pics of... )
  5. It`s not ???!! Are you sure ? There might`ve been these as well. Er, and maybe these too...
  6. Fingers crossed that they`ll soon hit on the right sequence for the pills. Good to know that they`re keeping a close eye on you, with those appointments. Thank you ! I think this may have been my favourite book haul.
  7. They seem to be several seasons behind ; I`m keeping my fingers crossed for more eps, it`s just a nice watch.
  8. Vast amounts of Melissa & Joey, `cos E4 are showing 10 eps per week.
  9. Hope you`re doing okay, Julie.
  10. I have The Memory Keeper's Daughter upstairs. I really liked The Spellman Files. Grr, PC`s glitchy again. Can`t stop those itlalics.
  11. This has made me think - what`s the worst book I`ve ever read ? And... I just can`t think of one off the top of my head. I gave up on an excerpt of I am Pilgrim - Terry Hayes recently, `cos I thought it was plain nasty.
  12. Coming back from acupuncture on Friday, the Abbey had a sign outside saying ` Book Fair` ; yay ! I got 25 books for £20.50, most of them in lovely hardbacks ( some of those were leatherette ones with embossed gold squiggles ), and bumped into a couple of my neighbours who were also indulging their bookishness. One of them asked about Xiao-Xiao, `cos she`s a cat person and hadn`t seen her for a while investigating her garden, aww. There was a Louise Penny book there which I`d recently read, but I got the other neighbour to try it, after extolling its virtues. I`m still so pleased with the books - some of them were books which I`ve thought about getting, and some are from authors that I like. The new books are ... 2666 - Roberto Bolano A Tree grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith Key of Light - Nora Roberts The Light-Hearted Quest - Ann Bridge The Towers of Trebizond - Rose Macauley Maigret and Monsieur Charles, Maigret and the Dosser, Maigret and the Millionaires, Maigret and the Gangsters - Georges Simenon A Confusion of Princes - Garth Nix The Snare of the Hunter - Helen MacInnes Agent in Place - Helen MacInnes Short Stories - EM Forster The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - Rachel Joyce One Shot - Lee Child Blood and Beauty - Sarah Dunant High Road to China - Jon Cleary The Luminaries - Eleanor Catton The Limpopo Academy of Private Investigation - Alexander McCall Smith One Night in Winter - Simon Sebag Montefiore Little Indiscretions - Caremn Posadas The Winter Ghosts - Kate Mosse Jolie Blon`s Bounce - James Lee Burke The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man - HG Wells
  13. I`m so sorry to hear that. Poor hens. I hope you feel better soon ; have you got an appt. coming up about your meds ? * I think Xiao-Xiao thought the car noise meant she had to go to the vet again, poor thing. * Just looked in your thread and I saw that you do. Hope it went okay.
  14. That`s sooo wrong ! This is more like it.
  15. I don`t remember bellbottoms, but I do remember denim suits. The older I get, the younger I feel.
  16. Tee-hee. Grr, PC`s poorly - back when I can. Hope everyone`s okay ! Xiao-Xiao is doing well - except that there was a trip to the supermarket ( involving garage and car noises ) and when she heard that, she rushed upstairs looking scared, and spent the rest of the afternoon hiding under the bed.
  17. Try some of the Kimples. I did like those George Sanders films.
  18. Ooh, that does sound good.
  19. Good grief ! Glad your Doc told them off. Hurray that you`ll be swaggering around with a cane soon ! Perhaps a monocle to go with it ? Glad that you`ve making such rapid improvement.
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