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Everything posted by LittleW

  1. In another book forum we do quite the same as a read-a-thon, but we just open a thread on Friday. But I like a bit of a chatter before as well.
  2. I didn't realise we had to register a week before. I'm certainly taking part as well!
  3. No, that didn't really do the trick
  4. No, why? I think I should use this thread to try to quote more than one thing at a time, but don't laugh at me if I don't manage.
  5. Nice links, Kylie! I love the literary map of London (and know someone to give it to ) And I love the grammar mugs, what a great idea! But the bags out of bookcovers look just cruel to me!
  6. The choises are turning rather hard. Charles Dickens –vs-- Neil Gaiman Vladimir Nabokov –vs-- Terry Pratchett George Eliot –vs-- Edgar Allan Poe Paulo Coelho –vs-- JRR Tolkien E M Forster –vs-- Jane Austen Edward Rutherford –vs-- Oscar Wilde Leo Tolstoy –vs-- Gabriel Garcia Márquez Fyodor Dostoyevsky –vs-- Donna Leon Stephen King –vs-- George Orwell Peter F Hamilton –vs-- Franz Kafka
  7. LittleW

    Jogging Diary

    I must put up some daily training routine as well, if only a couple of minutes. I turned into a couch-potato lately and with my liking sweets and stuff, my weight tends to go into figures I rather don't have.
  8. Music never distracts me. It's more of a white noise, and when reading I tend to blend it out completely. Which is kind of sad, because I would prefer to hear some of the songs.
  9. I never kept track of the books I've read. It wouldn't be too large numbers now, some 60 books a year. I should have counted in the first years after learning to read. Endless time and books that would take you one or two hours to read! So, if you count the childrens books, ten thousand books in your life seem a lot more possible
  10. That depends on how concentrated I am. Sometimes I can read with TV or people talking beside me and at other times it will distract me and I'd listen to what's being said.
  11. LittleW

    Jogging Diary

    My I ask what a GD is, muggle not?
  12. That's not easy to decide. Noodle soup with lots of vegetables inside. And spicy!
  13. BTW, Wikipedia told me that British Pathé has been a news company which originated in France in the late 1800s. It must have been, or is, quite huge.
  14. I've never heard of British Pathè either, but the videos look very interresting! Thanks for showing, Frankie!
  15. And should we ever disagree on that point, that will just leave me alone
  16. Oh, yes!!!! That's for sure! We are definitely the only ones in the world who aren't lunatics!
  17. LittleW

    Jogging Diary

    I'm not much for jogging, but I like cross-country skiing. But as we didn't have a winter to speek of and no snow at all, I missed it this year.
  18. I finished the first part of the Night School series today. It wasn't bad, but I don't know if I'd ever touch the sequels.
  19. Not grandma, pontalba, that's quite commonplace as you see.
  20. Oh yes! And I onlyhave to count the typos my pals make to see if They've written on a tablet!
  21. Oh, and I couldn't write English on them. I once tried to cite an English sentence in an otherwise German discussion and you wouldn't believe what the autocorrect made of it!
  22. I like touch-screens in general, but I think its only because they're something new. But I don't like writing on them. Yes, the answers take longer, become shorter at the same time and the typos get more. And a lot more, that is!!!
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