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Everything posted by julie

  1. Kate I figured it'd even be cold down there for you guys. Our schools have been close all week. It was 25 below wind chill this AM . We have about 5 or 6 inches of snow that isn't going ANYWHERE til it warms up . I'm sick of winter already. Where are the blue skies and tweeting birds ? I bet it is hard down there for you guys when it gets that cold , but Charlie is more than used to it I'll bet, living up here ,he would have seen some doozy snows and cold in his time . How's the back ?
  2. Charlie I have been pondering the book Little,Big for several years now. Sounds weird ,doesn't it ? I love the cover and also the fact that it looks like a huge chunkster of a book . I guess I can't decide if it is sci-fi ,fantasy, or something else entirely . What would you classify it as ?
  3. Hey Guys On the Donna Tartt book, Kate, I'm like you, I can never remember the name of the other Tartt book. I read Secret History back when it first came out and loved it . I have Goldfinch on my Kindle ,waiting in line ,as usual, like a lot of others . Her other book is called The Little Friend : Which I always get confused with The Little Stranger by Sara Waters : I guess since they are both female authors and both have Little in the title ? I HAVE Little Stranger, maybe due to recommendations from someone in here ? But don't have Little Friend . They both have around the same rating , about 3 stars or so . Maybe some of us need to have a "LITTLE" book read and read both of the littles to see which one we like .
  4. Happy BCF Anniversary , Devi I've enjoyed having you here as well . As the others have said its a good place to be and I also drift off from time to time for one thing or another, but always come back .
  5. Bookthane Glad to help ,as I'm sure most anyone on here would be . It's a nice group with friendly people ,so if you ever need help just holler. I'm sure somebody will jump in to assist you . Good luck with your reading this year
  6. I have Rosie Project ,so it sounds like lots of us might have at least one or two of them. Hope you like them all !
  7. Thanks for the review ,Ian . I may be the only person in here who has yet to read or SEE The Shining . I have it on my Kindle ,so will give it a shot when I'm in the mood . Hope you like the next one just as much .
  8. Noll I have the Aristotle book you reviewed. I'll be reading it sometime this year. Will come back and read your review after reading the book !
  9. Hi Book , Here's the link to my post -- it has a picture of the Bingo card (clickable to see it better) and also a printed out list . You are welcome to use it if you want . http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/12384-julie-2014/?p=381261
  10. julie

    Pets - 2014

    I haven't been in the pet section in a long time, but came in tonight just to have a look at all the photos. You guys all have such neat pets. Chalie I LOVE your older dog's face and eyes. He looks like he is a wise old man with a lot of knowledge behind those eyes . Ian Forgive me for laughing ,but it was funny when you yelled at the cat for scraping the wallpaper off the wall and your cat and wife were both taking sides against you that night ! Maybe you were in the dog house ?
  11. Diane Sorry to hear about the problems at work. I hope you get the new job you are trying out for . That can't be a good work environment .They need to treat their employees better . Emelee I envy you ,getting to be a teacher for high school aged kids. That'd be the most fun job ! I really like that age if kids ,don't you ?
  12. julie

    Julie 2014

    Laura Yes , that subject shouldn't be talked about as if it were entertainment. Behind all of those cases ,there are family members who are suffering ,on both sides . I've found recently that the True Crime books have become more like the National Enquirer magazine . They sensationalize the crime more, they show graphic photos, etc . The older books were handled much better and more respectfully . Chalie Yes, my Grandma made a lot of handmade items. they had a big family and lived on a farm, so she was a hard worker . The quilts were made out of the scraps from old clothes ,etc ,so that they didn't waste anything. They were thrifty .She didn't even own a tv until one of the family bought her a small one ,maybe in the 70's . She never watched it, though . She was used to working hard and keeping busy ,so she probably felt like she was wasting time sitting down to watch a tv show . Diane Thanks , I'll try to hit every square on my Bingo chart
  13. Hi I think if you just wrote down a bunch of different type books ,say you'd find in the library : Go with biography, memoir, history ( LOTS of different categories for this one ), true crime, travel, adventure, mystery,suspense, classics, sci-fi .. the list just goes on and on. If you make a trip to the library, just hit up a bunch of different sections and pick out a book from each one . That should give you a good start ,
  14. julie

    Julie 2014

    Laura Yes, the poor people who were mentally ill back long ago had some pretty horrific things happen to them . The doctors were trying all these newfangled treatments that they thought would help . It's pretty gruesome in some spots . I had nightmares for weeks after watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest . It was right after we had finished working on the mental ward in our nursing class . I was a WRECK for a long time after that . That was back in the 70's so things weren't quite as horrid ,but those poor people were treated so badly. It makes me sick if I think about it even now, all these years later . I took care of an elderly lady after I graduated ,who had been given shock treatments in her early marriage. Her husband was abusive and felt she "needed" them to make her be a better wife to him. Back then, next of kin could sign you into one of those places . * Note to self :Remind me to make the Hubster an extra treat for dessert this week . * I don't read True Crime for the entertainment value. I don't find it entertaining like a fiction book would be. I read them more for educational reasons . I like learning about how the killer is caught, why they did it, how the lawyers work on the case and the sentence they are given . I've read hundreds of them I suppose ,and most of them I can handle, but I usually steer clear of anything to do with little kids getting hurt, or kids killing each other. I won't read any of the school shooting type books either . Chalie Yes, there probably were lots of cases just like hers . The book mentioned a couple others ,but not anyone in her situation . It was talking about doctors declaring a person "cured" and allowing them loose in society and what they did after they got out ! WOW ... The scarey thing is that we have almost completely shut down all our mental homes over here ,so they are loose on the streets ( a large number of homeless people are mentally ill ,with no one to care for them and no family that wants to step in) . Some are put in jail ,some in nursing homes . Some could live down the street for all I know . Kay Yes, the Holocaust had such awful stories of what was done to the babies ,kids ,in fact everyone was treated horribly . I remember reading books where the mothers would be killed if they didnt let go of their babies, and what was done to them . SO SAD ..... It actually did sound as though this lady in the book had some hormonal imbalances going on ,for one thing . I'm not sure what else she actually had . She was diagnosed many times by different people ,but I don't know that any of them knew for sure what was wrong . She was coherent enough to know she had done wrong , but in a way seemed detached from it ,almost like the kids are better off dead than alive .. She seemed to find it rational at the time she did it , knew it was wrong afterward, but still seemed to think it might have been for the best. Really hard to explain . I guess you'd have to live inside her head and I'd rather not go there ! I don't like horror either . It's weird that I read true crime but don't like horror books much . Again, I think it's the learning I get from a true event. It's more scary to me to read something someone made up in their head that isn't true ! Weird ...
  15. Kate Sorry to hear you've had a bum back. Those make your whole body so TIRED ,don't they ? Sure hope you're feeling better now !
  16. Paint Creek (Ohio ) Palm Springs, Florida PINK ( L LIKE her ) Peter Pan
  17. You're doing great Pixie !! 11 books so far is a wonderful total .
  18. julie

    Julie 2014

    The Constance Fisher Tragedy - Burris 3/5 This book was a really hard one to read. I like true crime, but when it has to do with kids, I don't handle it well. This is the story of a lady back in 1954 who was married and had 3 small kids. After her third one, it seems she fell into a bad spell of post-partum depression . Her husband came home one day and found all 3 kids dead and his wife in a coma . She had killed them all then attempted to kill herself, The book goes into great detail about the state of our mental health care system at the time and the many ways they attempted to "control" and "treat" people with mental diseases . It's not for the faint of heart . Pretty much like One Flew Over the cuckoo's Nest type stuff .. Anyhow, to make a long story short, this lady had several professionals diagnose and treat her with the methods used back then. They declared her to be fit for discharge 5 years later . She was lucky , her entire family stuck by her and welcomed her home, including her husband. 12 years go by ....... the unthinkable happens . You'll have to read it for yourself to see how it ends ! I'm only giving this 3 /5 .. I don't like reading about anyone hurting little kids ,and some books that go into detail about the treatments used on mental patients back in the old days , gives me the HIVES ... GEEZ ... Good writing ,but difficult subject .
  19. julie

    Julie 2014

    Thank you Kate & Kay
  20. Devi Congrats on your first 2 book buys of the year. They have beautiful covers. I hope you enjoy them
  21. Kay How do you keep finding all these good sounding books ? This one sounds like a really cute story ! Another one to add to my list .
  22. Wow, Athena Great haul of books there . Sounds like you got several that were in a series, huh ? The book fair sounds fun. I've never been to one before . Do they have authors there too or just books for sale ?
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