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Everything posted by julie

  1. Great job, June ! You're making some major progress already this year !
  2. Charlie I know what you mean about not being able to read as fast as you'd like. I'm a much slower reader now than I was when I was younger .As long as we can still read, then I guess that's a good thing ! I know Kate can really wind through the books ! Kate You're so funny !
  3. BB I read your review, and thanks for the warning about the Amazon spoilers. I won't go in and read those . I've reached a really interesting and good part of the book. almost halfway done now. I'm enjoying it a lot, Very funny in parts, the things the main character says and does ! I'll post a review when I finish it . hopefully this weekend . I'm notoriously slow at reading lately and am too easily distracted, but I think the story has me hooked enough now that I want to know what happens so i'll keep at it .
  4. I'll ask Cath Staincliffe since I just saw her post this morning on the other thread : Have you ( or would you ) have any interest in writing a true crime book at some point ? I read a lot of them and wondered if you have ever thought about doing that ? Welcome, by the way !
  5. BB Funny , that is the book I'm currently reading ! I don't wanna read too much of your review in case I read something I shouldn't know just yet. I think I'm at the part where I'm discovering a bit more about the maid and what she recently discovered , but not far enough to see if there was anything sinister going on. I hope so. It'd make the book more enjoyable ! Will stop back in after completing it .
  6. julie

    Julie 2014

    So here goes : CURRENT READ : The Observations by Jane Harris Jane Harris webpage with a list of her favorite books . http://www.janeharris.com/books I read her other book, Gillespie and I ,which was a Poppyshake book and was EXCELLENT ~~~ Wow, what a book ! When I first started this, I thought it wouldn't match up to her last book, Gillespie and I . Boy ,was I wrong ! This one was slow to start for me , although I loved the main character who tells the story , Bessie . She reminds me a bit of a female , English , Huck Finn . If any of that makes sense . She is rough around the edges and speaks her mind ,and many of her statements are hilarious . She begins the book by traveling down the road looking for new employment after her last employer's demise . She isn't really trained for the position she takes, but manages to lie her way into getting the job in the beginning . She is hired to do pretty much everything in a small country house which is very run down and doesn't have enough employees to keep it running like it should be. As she tells her story, you begin to learn that she has entered into a position that leans towards the "gothic" type of household ,and by the middle of the book, that's what it seems to be , but as time goes on, it twists and turns into a lot more of a story . If you're looking for an interesting read, pick up The Observations . Find out who is observing whom, and why . You won't be sorry ! Highly recommended --- 5 / 5
  7. Sorry KM That's why I put it in the spoiler !
  8. Frankie Sometimes a teacher can make all the difference in the world to a kid. They are such role models and sometimes the most influential person in a kid's growing up years. We had all OLD teachers ,and none that really were enthused with their jobs or made a lasingt impression on me as far as influencing me with learning. Luckily, I loved school ,so it really didn't matter whether I had great teachers or not, I still enjoyed it every day . Have you ever gone back to see the teacher again ? He'd probably love to hear from you and how much he positively impacted your life .
  9. julie

    Julie 2014

    Not that any of us need MORE ideas for books to read, but just in case, here are a couple sites that help you choose what to read next, in case you just read a really good book and want another just as good or the same type of book : http://www.literature-map.com/ http://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/index.php
  10. Frankie Thanks for the recommendation of moving Rosie Project up . I'll try to read it soon ,when the right mood hits ! As for the note from your library, that was very nice ! About the book you just got :Did you know
  11. Sounds like you have a whole new pile of books . The good thing about them is that you get "2 for the price of 1 ", in other words, you can both read all the books you buy ,so they will be equally enjoyed by you both .
  12. The Last Kind Words Saloon by Larry McMurtry -- April 28th ..
  13. Kate The talking records sound like the books that came with records so you could read along . Was it about the same sort of thing ? And no makeup here. what you see is what you get .
  14. My favorite book as a kid was Homer Price. I read it over and over when I was a kid. Lots of cute stories in it .
  15. julie

    Ruth - 2014

    Ruth That sounds really good ! I hope I can find it for Kindle ! You've sold me on it if I can . Found it !
  16. julie

    Julie 2014

    Kay What book did they give you ? Kate Thanks, glad you liked it . I guess there was too much of a gap between the 1st and 2nd of Ransom's books ! We'll catch up at some point and get them both read ..... hopefully before the 3rd comes out .
  17. Good to see you back, Will I was just wondering about you yesterday since I hadn't seen you on in awhile .. Sounds as though you are enjoying Dickens !
  18. How are you liking it Sofia ? I've heard it's better than the first book .
  19. Wow, Athena ! You keep those bookshops smoking with all the new books you buy ! I bet you are their favorite customer . You're doing great on your reading ! You are TEN ahead of me .
  20. June So sorry for the wrong name in the post above . I've been a bit distracted lately and making all sorts of mistakes . ( A whopping BIG one at the bank ... ) I'm so glad you got the new job . I hope you'll be a lot happier there . It sounds better as far as the working hours definitely ! No more weekends will be nice ! Good luck with the grievance. I hope it works out in your favor . Do they make you work 2 weeks at your old job before starting a new one ? If so, I hope it goes ok for you and they don't give you any more grief . Your trip sounds really fun. Can you post a link to the videos on youtube ?
  21. julie

    Julie 2014

    Chrissy I have 4 and have read 2 others . ( Miss Peregrine & This Boy's Life ) I'll probably need to reread Miss Peregrine, since I got part 2 and don't remember enough about part 1 to do me much good ! I think my brain has the same molasses on it that yours does !
  22. Great job , Chrissy . You are off to a running start .
  23. julie

    Julie 2014

    I put this on the first page of my thread ,but didn't know if it'd show up or not, so thought I'd post it here as well : World book Night, Us and UK Book Lists . http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/12384-julie-2014/?p=374263 Have any of you ever participated in this before ? Plan on doing it this year ?
  24. Hey Pixie Good to hear from you. Hope your shoulder is on the mend soon . Sounds like you're still finding more books, so that's a good sign !
  25. Sounds interesting . Maybe a little of everything thrown in. Kinda like the Vegetable Soup of Books ?
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