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Everything posted by julie

  1. That's great, June ! When did you start, do you remember ?
  2. Kate I didn't know about Amazon making a tv show, but yes we do have Prime. We'll have to check it out . The Hubster uses it more than I do, so I'll ask him if he knows about it . There's never any end to the good books, is there ? I guess that's a good thing, though !
  3. June That sounds like a good book. I like books about far off places like that , that you've never heard of before and it always helps if they add some humor to the story !
  4. Books You are reading a lot of Classics this year. Was that a goal for the year ,or just coincidence ? I need to read more of them myself !
  5. julie

    Julie 2014

    I finished The Observations - Review is in the link on post 1 . (or one the last page of posts before this one ) Just found this book list on Amazon, thought someone might find it interesting . How many have you read in their Bucket List ? I've read 18 and have 6 more of them . http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=s9_acss_bw_hsb_BHP2_04BB_s1?_encoding=UTF8&ie=UTF8&node=8192263011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_r=0RM54K7JX89DRF7693RP&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1723558282&pf_rd_i=283155
  6. Kate I was gonna say the same thing : You are on a James Bond 007 kick lately ! Are you planning to read all the books in the group ? How many are there ? I'm not a movie person, so am clueless .
  7. Green Nice to see Peace Like a River mentioned.It was a beautiful book, wasn't it ?
  8. Noll The Cranford and Return to Cranford were both excellent ! I hope you get a chance to watch them .
  9. Tunn will be interested in hearing how you like the Peacock book. I've heard lots of good things about it .
  10. julie

    Ruth - 2014

    Ruth You're really coming up with some interesting sounding books lately. Another one to look for on the Kindle list !
  11. Kylie It sounds like Hollow city was great. I'll be excited to get to it now, but maybe I should just hold off and wait til the 3rd one comes out ,then I can reread the first, then the last 2 all at once . I'm glad your Mojo is alive and kicking again !
  12. Not too bad a fall -and I bet you'll enjoy the books a lot .
  13. Athena Wow, it looks like you have a really nice suitcase full of books there . Enjoy --
  14. So glad you'll soon be out of there ! Congratulations ! I love babies . Hope you enjoy yourself, Athena ! Stay safe ! Wow, we only have about 5 . Cannot wait til spring ! Congrats on the new keyboard .
  15. KM Finished watching Cranford and Return to Cranford last night . They also had Mary from Downton in it ! I'm sure you already knew that . I don't know any of the actor's real names, so I just know them from Downton . What a REALLY wonderful series of shows . I need to pull out my Cranford book and read it , since I've tried for days now to listen to the audiobook and I fall asleep before I get very far . ( Still on chapter 1 ) By the way, Isabel Allende is great ! Hope you enjoy her .
  16. Kay Do you have any local hospitals or nursing homes that would take your unwanted books ? Our hospital takes them and sets them up in the waiting room for patients and /or families to read and take if they want. Maybe that'd clear out the extra books . Nothing wrong with removing some that you know you only got because they were a bargain and might not ever read. That'd clear off some shelf space anyhow .
  17. Yes, she is Matilda ( I think some people call her Matty) and the man who moves in across the street with the 2 daughters is the butler from Downton !
  18. Yep, give in and buy one . It's sort-of like dieting . The more you are hungry for a hot fudge sundae and DON'T eat one, the more you WANT one. The longer you go without it, the more you want one . By the time you give in and eat one, you eat a king-sized one . Just think, if you go too long without buying one little book, you'll need a wheelbarrow to carry them home once you give in to the urge .
  19. KM I'm currently reading / * listening (*about 5 minutes a night before falling asleep) to Cranford by Gaskell . I've also found it on youtube as a video ,so watching along (but the video doesn't totally match up to the book ). I'm really enjoying it . It's pretty funny in parts and it looks like a nice place to live ! (If you don't mind nosey neighbors knowing your every move )
  20. Alexi 6 books in January sounds pretty good to me ! That's how many I've read ,and I think I'm on a roll so far . Just worried that my roll will slow down at some point , so I'm excited to have that many done in a month .
  21. Kay Funny dream ! Maybe you should go ahead and pick up Ransom's newest book . It's only ONE book . That won't be too bad, will it ?
  22. Wow, BB ... Too bad. That's a disappointment, isn't it, when you read a really good book then a DUD for the next one. Hopefully your newest pick will be better ! I finished The Observations today -- REALLY good !
  23. julie

    Julie 2014

    Marie I think it would be strange to get handed new books for free . I guess their goal is to get everyone to read or read more, so it may as well be you as anyone else, right ? I wonder if everyone who gets handed a free book reads it ( like people who don't like to read ) ? I'm sure you'll get around to them someday . Alexi Thanks I may be able to chip away at the bingo card easier than some other challenges , since so many books could fit into their categories . I like it when you have a huge selection to choose from. I hope you like The Bottoms. I thought it was really good ! Kay I think you read a nice variety of books . (That's where I get a lot of my book-buying ideas from ) But I get what you mean. I've never read John LeCarre's books either .... I'm not a very adventuresome reader ,either .I stick to the same type books I have always liked for the most part . Athena Maybe you could email them and see if they will try branching out to other countries someday ? I bet they would if they got enough interest in it .
  24. julie

    Julie 2014

    Kate Always glad to assist you in finding new reading material ! I know your TBR is probably running dangerously low. Nothing like the feeling of being in the mood to read and having nothing in the house to read but the back of the cereal box .
  25. julie

    Julie 2014

    BB You are in for such a treat with Gillespie and I . I really liked that book a lot. First heard of it when Poppy read it last year ( I think it was ). Very good book ! A lot different type of book than this but I'm liking this one a lot too !
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