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Everything posted by Hayley

  1. I love this programme! It's the only programme I have to watch every week. I think I have been slightly traumatised by some of the scenes though... And my boyfriend has to sit through an hour of me going 'awwwwww!' every time a baby anything comes on
  2. I hate that coffee advert too! But I love the new John Lewis advert where the little kid can't wait to give his parents their present... so cute! Also the Christmas Coca Cola advert because when that comes on, you know it's nearly Christmas!
  3. Very impressive list What did you think of The Almost Moon? I personally really didn't like it but I've always wondered if maybe that's because I set my expectations too high after reading 'The Lovely Bones'.
  4. That's such a good idea! I love butterflies / things with butterflies on! I tend to hoard random things but I'm not sure any of it can be called collecting, I don't have enough money for that! I do have a thing for pretty notebooks though and would collect them if I could afford it! Along with panda things, books with pretty bindings and almost anything purple I do have a lot of bears from my childhood.. I guess that could be a sort of collection?
  5. I have a few signed books but not from signings, I either bought them or they were given to me as presents. I have a Terry Pratchett one which is my favourite, a Carlos Ruiz Zaphon, Kai Meyer, E.R. Reilly and John Pridmore (which you may be happy to hear is a non fiction Talisman) So no claims to fame and none of them are of much physical value but I love them all anyway
  6. I think I do this, although due to a lack of travelling, the voices I imagine are probably nothing like what they should be
  7. I had a look and the book 'The City Underground' by Suzanne Martel came up a couple of times. It was published in 1963 but I don't think the plot looks quite the same from what I've seen
  8. I heard today that they said even though they're splitting up, they ARE releasing a new 'best of' album. Not that it really makes up for it (Also that U2 headline made me laugh )
  9. My sister LOVES Mills and Boon, I've tried one but I couldn't even finish it, as Janet said, they're very predictable (and cliched). As far as I can tell the men are always arrogant, the woman are always ridiculously vulnerable and there's always a happy ending. Saying that, I never go for any type of romance book, they're just not my thing, so maybe if you like other romance you might like Mills and Boon?
  10. The Philosopher's Apprentice - James Morrow ? It's very psychological as well as philosophical and very suspenseful, really makes you think. George Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty Four' is another very good psychological book I've read recently (and I really liked The Lord of The Flies )
  11. Broken Hearts, Torn Up Letters And The Story of A Lonely Girl - Lostprophets
  12. Do plays count? We read 'Our Day Out' by Willy Russell years ago at school and I remember quite a lot of that being on a bus
  13. I haven't read Burma Days, why didn't you like the ending? I did read 1984 though and I thought it was very good, I'd recommend you try it
  14. "Life for you's been less than kind So take a number and stand in line We've all been sorry We've all been hurt But how we survive is what makes us who we are" -Survive by Rise Against "If you were with me tonight I'd sing for you just one more time Song for a heart so big God couldn't let it live" -May Angels Lead You In - Jimmy eat World (also makes me want to cry though!)
  15. I listen mostly to Rock too. Sometimes metal but not the really really screamy stuff. At the moment I listen to Frank Turner when I need cheering up (particularly 'If Ever I Stray') I like listening to Biffy Clyro, Jimmy Eat World or Taking Back Sunday in the car (so I can sing along ) Rise Against for almost any occasion (although I have to say, I really didn't like their last album) Avenged Sevenfold for bad moods and Neil Zaza when I want to relax
  16. I know this is an old thread but I was just thinking about this book and I have to say I really liked it. I thought it was cleverly written, suspenseful, thought-provoking and a book I definitely won't forget reading. I'd recommend it to anyone. I don't think the blurb does justice to how intricate the plot actually is.
  17. I have LOTS of favourite quotes. I was just thinking about how much I like Carlos Ruiz Zaphons 'The Angels Game' so here's a couple of my favourites from that... "Don't be afraid of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything." "I stepped into the bookshop and breathed in that perfume of paper and magic that strangely no one had ever thought of bottling."
  18. I got a few chapters into this a while ago and just stopped reading it (I can't remember why!) I remember thinking it was pretty slow paced. I'll have to give it another go since so many of you liked it, maybe I just missed something about it the first time!
  19. Hi Mary, I'd really like to read 'animal farm' (once I've gotten through my already massive reading list!) I just finished 'nineteen eighty-four' by Orwell and really enjoyed it! Hope you're finding lots of good recommendations on the forum. And I'm sure nobody is going to hate you!
  20. I tried too. Even tried translating 'Presse di Fratelli Seguin' but there's no mention of a 'Senguin Brothers' publishers on the internet either so I'm thinking fictional. Would also be interested to know if you find out anything else though
  21. Bend Your Arms To Look Like Wings - Funeral For A Friend
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