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Everything posted by Zumii

  1. Alex Kava The Soul Catcher At the Stroke of Madness Chris Jordan Taken Dean Koontz Odd Thomas Forever Odd Brother Odd Glenn Cooper Library of the Dead Read - June Book of Souls Currently Reading Harlan Coben Drop Shot Fade Away Back Spin Jack Kerley The Death Collectors A Garden of Vipers James Rollins Sandforce Map of Bones Jeffery Deaver The Cold Moon The Sleeping Doll Roadside Crosses John Drake Flint & Silver Pieces of Eight Skull & Bones John Harvey Lonley Hearts Rough Treatment Karin Slaughter Genesis Triptych Fractured Kate Mosse Labyrinth Sepulchre Lee Child Killing Floor Lisa Gardner The Perfect Husband Mandasue Heller The Front Mark Billingham Sleepyhead Scaredy Cat M J Rose The Halo Effect Read - June Mo Hayder Birdman Richard Montanari The Skin Gods The Rosary Girls Seth Grahame-Smith Pride & Prejudice & Zombies Simon Kernick The Business of Dying S J Bolton Awakening Steig Larsson The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest Read - May/June Stephen Booth Blind to the Bones Stephen White Privileged Information Sue Grafton A is for Alibi Tess Gerritsen Keeping the Dead Read - May/June The Killing Place There are some others I'd like to read too from authors such as: Chris Mooney, Dan Brown, Ian Rankin, James Patterson, P J Tracy & Tami Hoag. Plus I have An Inspector Calls: and Other Plays to read at some point too
  2. I must admit I've only ever brought about 3 second hand books & that's because an ex pretty much forced me to (thankfully I came to my senses .. about the ex that is not the books lol). I'm not sure why that is, I know there are some fab bargains to be had with second hand books, but I always prefer to buy new. Stickers can be really annoying though! Some are fab & easily peel off, others seem to have been super glued into place . When I buy a book with a sticker the first thing I do about 2 steps outside of the shop, is remove the blooming thing before it gets any ideas about staying put (if it hasn't already). When it comes to bookmarks I'm not too fussy. I'm currently using a
  3. I've not quite finished this book (currently on page 284 of 410), but I should imagine it will be finished later this evening or tomorrow. At first when entering into 1947 & at the mention of Sir Winston Churchill, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. I'm not 100% sure why, but at the time I couldn't quite see how the time-line was going to sync or be relevant to the 'current day' 2009 story. I kept reading & became hooked quickly. The use of the 3 time-lines, 2009, 1947 & 777 aid in keeping the story fast paced & keep intrigue on going. As with many books there are still some clich
  4. Oo fab, I didn't realise the next book was so close! I finished Keeping the Dead about 2 weeks ago, and I will admit I've loved all the books so far in the series . I agree with the book title issues, I came across it a while back with P. J Tracy on a couple of books, likewise with Karin Slaughter's Skin Privilege. Plus it was only the other day that I realised Girl Missing by Tess Gerritsen is a reprint of Peggy Sue Got Murdered.
  5. I know what would happen if I tried the above. Things would be seemingly going so well, I'd think the coast was clear & I'd have the cashier in sight. With the thought of success running through my head & a grin on my face like a cheshire cat, I'd become distracted ... then bang! Head meets table, I become dazzled & as I slump to the floor to get my bearings again, the ninja would strike back! As I stir & sit up, the ninja would flash me a laughing smile. As I mutter "Nooooooooo!" the world would enter slo-mo mode & all would be lost. So I'd do what any other sane person would do, get up, hope no one else had noticed my fumble & then inhale deeply ... to the next book store I go! All I can hope is the tables are bloody higher than the last ones!
  6. So what vexes you when it comes to books, other peoples reading habits or anything book related? Can you think of 5? Mine would be: 1 - Book spines being damaged! I always cringe when I happen to glance at someone putting their full body weight into making a 'lovely' dent into the books spine. Surely if the book decides to spring arms & close all by itself, it won't be too hard to find where they had got up to? Poor, poor books they never stand a chance lol. 2 - Folding the corner of book pages! Arghhh, another one that not only makes me cringe but makes me rawrr (maybe not out loud ... but inside I can assure you I'm like a Bugbear waiting to jump out & scare someone ) 3 - Lending a book & never getting it back! This has happened to me so many times, that I have now gotten to the point where I won't lend my books out. It's bad enough I'm quite OCD with the condition I like to keep my books in (or any kind of paperwork), but if I do brave lending it out, I do at least hope it comes back & if it's still in one peace that's a bonus too! 4 - Using a book as a drinks coaster! Why, oh why, oh why ... would anyone want to put a steaming hot cup of anything on top of a nice (hopefully enjoyable) book? I did a book swap with a friend many years ago, I loaned him my David Lindsay - Animosity (which I never got back ) & I borrowed his Terry Pratchett - Pyramids. What a state it was in . There were cup marks, food marks, many many spine marks .. all in all it was a very sad day in book-world. 5 - Bookstore formula of annoyance ... A last available copy of a book + a small person (said person being me) + a book on the top shelf. Then throw in to the mix a tall person who ninja's the book while your helplessly standing there doing one of 3 things ... 1) looking for assistance, 2) hoping the book will sense you want it, spread its wings & feather-fall directly into your loving hands, 3) look gormless as you watch said tall person take the book & then nudge you out of the way just as a special thank you for being vertically challenged! So what gets under your skin?
  7. Zumii

    Photo Thread

    It' my fella's, dad's dog called Lacey. She's lovely & has such a fab temperament but I'm pretty sure in pic 2 she was trying to say "pffttt, I'm sick of that camera now"
  8. Zumii

    Photo Thread

    Wow, some stunning & breath taking pics in here! Here's a couple of mine, these were taken on auto .. one day I will sit down & learn how to use my camera correctly
  9. Zumii


    I always wanted an Ankh tattoo, but the designs always looked boring & I couldn't settle on a design for a long time. In the end, once I had made my mind up I had the tattooist design it for me & it turned out great .. or at least I think it did .
  10. Haha that made me giggle! Is that a typo? Surely you mean to your door lol
  11. I've read Deal Breaker & loved it! I must get around to reading the rest of the Myron Bolitar series, as well as his stand alone novels. I've yet to read any D. Baldacci or L.Child, although L.Child is on my 'to try & to buy' list. I've read Hundredth Man by J. Kerly many moons ago, but I've yet to read any additional books of his. Severed by Simon Kernick, thrusts you straight into the action but it did feel it was quite predictable, so I will have to try out a few of his other books to make my mind up. The Vanished Man - Jeffery Deaver, a fab read. I ended up finishing it in a couple of days & I really didn't want to put it down.
  12. Hey hun, have you checked with audible that what you downloaded was the correct file? Someone may have placed the wrong audio book in the wrong folder & what not.
  13. The Silent Sea - Clive Cussler (Hope I've understood game right, I have some special moments every now & then lol)
  14. Lol Punk Sheep, I'd not seen the French cover before! How odd . Mac, just checked out imdb & it's interesting to see Viggo Mortensen also down as a possible Blomkvist. I also didn't realise that it was set for 2012, I was thinking it was late 2011, doh silly me!
  15. Ah I see ... quite literally, I had to google who she was lol. I'm terrible with names at the best of times but I've avoided Twilight like the plague (even though I may consider the books at some point). Kristen just looks too much of a 'nice' girl. I'm not convinced she could portray Lisbeth too well. I'm not sure who I'd like to see as Lisbeth, maybe someone like Christina Ricci
  16. Ooo me too! Urgh, what will be left of the original story or characters once they have touched it, played about with it & classed it as being 're-mastered'. I don't hold any hopes for it, but we'll have to wait & see. Plus who would they cast for Lisbeth?
  17. I really enjoyed the first book, however I will admit it was slow at setting into the 'thriller' aspect of it's genre. I've since read the other 2 books & when I look back I feel that the first book was designed to give an insight to the main characters, more than it was a 'sit on the edge of your seat' thriller about the Vanger family. The later books focus much more on Lisbeth & Mikael as the leads in the main plot. The first book has provided an insight to their characteristics, their mind set & a look at/into their relationship in its entirety .. the awkwardness, the friendship & such & so forth. (Let's face it, if Lisbeth had been an everyday 'normal' individual she would have been banging her head against a wall, or possibly Mikael's for being a numpty in more ways than one ). I'll try not to waffle on, I'd be here forever else! I would recommend all 3 books & I have done to a few friends & family members. I do however warn them the first book may take some getting into, but do stick with it. I love the characters, even if that is a love-to-hate feeling (naughty Mr Blomkvist, stop being a womaniser! hehe ). For me the characters, the situations they landed themselves into & the society depicted was thought provoking. Having read reviews on Amazon, where the majority have enjoyed it, but the volume of uncertain or disapproving reviews are quite numerous I'd say this book is like Marmite, you either love it or hate it. ... & those in the middle can't decide if the bread was off to start with or the Marmite is just evil in a jar
  18. Hi all, I read Bare Bones several years back & loved it. I had trouble putting it down & due to it being attached to my hands between work shifts an old work college borrowed it ... never for it to see the light of day again . Anyway I picked up Cross Bones not so long ago y in a book sale & the story as a whole I did enjoy, but I found the writing style awkward . Maybe it was just me, but it seemed very he said she said & didn't quite flow like I had remembered Bare Bones doing. Having looked it up the books were only a couple of years apart ... so should I give Kathy another shot?
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