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Posts posted by pickle

  1. I really liked both Trek and Star Gate, although with Trek the later series, preferably Voyager although was a big fan of NG when it was new looking back on it now it seems so dated also could not stand Wesley Crusher..loved Data though..


    To all you Star Gate fans out there I got a CV from a Daniel Jackson a couple of months ago and he is an archaeologist too, don't think it was the Star Gate one though..shame :roll:

  2. You have all made me want to go back to the Arthurian ledgends camp..there was such a glut in the 80's as every fantasy writer I came across either wrote about Arthur or based their books on the ledgends that I got fed up, maybe now nearly 25 years later I should start again..John Steinbeck did a very good King Arthur book can't remember what its called

  3. Hi welcome to the forum, also a huge fan of Austen, I remember the Christmas I got the complete hardback set..best present that year. Everyone reads at different speeds its the enjoyment and escapism of reading that counts so don't worry.

  4. Well I haven't been on a bike in a long long time and this year I thought I would give it a go, but i need to get a bike so am trying to decide what to get, they all seem to cost an absolute fortune, can you recommend anything for a returning unfit but wanna be fair weather cyclist! :roll:

  5. Weave, I'd be interested to know how you find this book. I haven't yet read a Hilary Mantel and I picked this up and had a quick look through at the library - but was in two minds whether I'd like it.


    I read Beyond Black a couple of years ago, and still remain in two minds as to whether I liked it. It was certainly different but it didn't make comfortable reading.

  6. I finished A Touch Of Dead on Tuesday night, and I'm now reading The Carbon Diaries 2015 by Saci Lloyd, which has started very promisingly :roll:


    Can you let me know what 'Carbon Diaries' is like I have been tempted by it, as I read recently that the author had turned down Johnny Depp tp play and produce it because he wanted to set it in the US.

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