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Posts posted by pickle

  1. I fall more for characters than stories. Maybe thats what drives my really weird taste in books. I'll read anything if I can find some kind of a connection with the character.


    I have read the whole series and the other books by her, including the teen ones so now waiting for the 3rd Nadia Sittaford and the third Chloe one and only just resisted buying the hardback new Werewolf one yesterday becauseIi limited myself to 4 new books (already read 2 of them..boo hoo) i need to save at least 2 for my holidays on Wednesday. Glad you are enjoying the series. Have you seen the Rachel Vincent series which are about a pride of big cats also very good. i just got the latest..

  2. I have read The God of Small Things and it was a very interesting book, there were some beautiful passages and it painted some beautiful pictures in my head, but at the en the day i am not sure i can tell you what it was about and i probably wouldn't re-read it.

  3. You might be interested in 'The Molecule hunt how archaeologists are bringing the past back to life' by Martin Jones though not strictly speaking dinosaurs its a fascinating study of how dna and other stuff ( sorry very non scientific) can aid in determining the past a step away from the usual artefacts recovered on archaeological sites...anyway this is not a very good description but have a look its not a bad book.

  4. i love to try new authors just like nollaig recommended bill hussey to me and i think the great beauty of a bookforum is that you can really expand your reading list. In general i read crime mixed in with horror. My present book is the lovers by john connolly which is crime but gothic in nature...the best of both worlds really!


    The Lovers is excellent massive fan of this series and John Connolly, couldn't wait for it to come out in paperbacck so bought it last year in hardback copy. Have you read 'the Gates' yet..if not it was very different but very good

  5. Well I went and bought 4 books today and took 4 out of the libarary as well.


    I bought

    Lovely Bones because so many people on here seem to think it's good

    Grave Secret because i have read all the others

    Prey: Rachel Vincent; for all those of you who have not come across her and like the paranormal werewolf stuff do recommend it very like Kelley Armstrong stuff on werewolves but its about a Pride of cats instead.


    the 4th pure indulgence Historical romance Amanda Quick Affair.

  6. afraid I more or less gave up non-fiction when i finished studying although I have since then read one or two very good archaeology books which I wish had ben around when i was studying.


    I don't know how I chose the 4 books I have come back from town with today, probably because i know all the authors bar one and just fancied the 4th because I have read good things about it on here.

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