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Coffin Nail

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Posts posted by Coffin Nail

  1. Did anyone else watch this on BBC4? It's being repeated a lot.


    A very entertaining pop those chiselling, swindling, self serving b*******!!


    My MP is one of the ones being prosecuted because of his dodgy expenses claims....Please God, let me bump into him in Tesco car park!!!!

    Ordinarily I don't hold with mindless violence, but in his case an exception should definitely be made.



  2. not going to to put a split on this . Why? simply because, what I read as 'research', leads to ideas for writing, which leads to enjoyment for me ( and hopefully for others). Also much of the literature I read for pleasure, actually is also research, so one leads to the other , to the other...



    I hope I remember your wise words next time I'm elbow deep in the Police Training Manual.

  3. There is so much music that I hate that I fear I may never leave the confines of this thread.


    Anything boybandy, girlgroupy, 99% of charity records, power ballads, anything that has anything to do with Simon Cowell/Louis Walsh, anything played at weddings is usually dross, most things that have been at number one in the charts for more than a week or two has been played to death and get on my wick.


    Now then, where did I put my earplugs??

  4. I'm a total sap when it comes to weeping at movies. My mother often tells the tale when I regularly had to be removed from the cinema for uncontrollable sobbing.

    Although I don't have to be removed anymore, there are movies and subject matter that I have to avoid, and it's mostly animal or cartoon related. I don't do Disney. I hate being emotionally manipulated by drawings!!! It's very embarrassing.

    On no account are the following allowed on my TV....even the theme tunes can set me off.


    Babe, Bambi, Dumbo, Pinoccio, Incredible Journey, that episode of the Simpsons when Homer meets his mum....then she leaves....am filling up just thinking about that....Watership Down, Finding Nemo,

    I's really odd, I watched hours of violence to people daily, can sit through the nightly news and be unmoved......a cartoon animal gets is ikkle paw hurt and I'm a snivelling mess.


    And there's the happy ending tears.


    And the 'oh my God isn't that horrendous' tears.


    It's exhausting.


    Should change my username from Coffin Nail to Soggy Blancmange.

  5. What book that is either considered a literary classic, or a popular best seller do you consider is the most overrated.


    Not that you hate it, but you can't work out what the hoo-ha is all about.

  6. Fabulous! I didn't even know I had FX but that'll be one for the series recorder.


    I started watching the first series not expecting to like it. I haven't read the books yet, but I'll get round to it.


    I really enjoy this show....The BEST THEME TUNE ON TV EVER!!!!!!!!!!

    Still haven't looked up what its called or who sings it. But I want it on my Ipod.

  7. I don't know if I quite buy it .. I've only seen the Heather Mills episode and so have not really given it a fair chance but Pamela just seemed to be spouting the same old pyscho-babble to me ... stuff that would be obvious even to the novice.


    I know she's well qualified now but it all seemed a bit sycophantic ... I didn't think I knew anything more about Heather than I previously did .. she wasn't really challenged .. Pamela just kept re-affirming stuff that Heather has been telling us for years.

    Some of Heather's accounts didn't ring true and yet were not questioned .. maybe that's not the pyschologists job .. but it just meant that we were no nearer knowing her true personality than we were before.


    Pamela's line of questioning and tone of voice just seemed more like a parody of a pyschologist to me and I was just thinking that if she had seen this programme years ago she would've laughed her head off.


    Perhaps I should give it another go. I felt uncomfortable watching it though.


    Try out some other episodes. I know what you mean about last weeks episode, it was more like a sit down with a cuppa rather than anything more meaty (forgive the pun).

  8. Ooh goodie. Carrie Fisher is a great choice.....I've heard her speak about her history of mental health problems and she's usually really open. And she's funny and interesting.


    Heather Mills was Heather Mills. I'm not a fan, and I felt at times during her session that she wasn't being totally honest. But what do I know?

    If the flaws in my personality were regularly dragged out on the front page of a tabloid, I might not be inclined to be wholly truthful myself.

  9. Has anyone else seen this series on More 4??


    In it's third series Dr Pamela Connolly (Mrs Billy Connolly) has created a brilliantly intimate space for a probing psychological interview of well known/celebrity types. I find it riveting, but then I'm interested in psychology.

    She doesn't plug books, she doesn't have to play to a live studio audience, she asks interesting questions that your usual chat show format won't go near.

    It's a fascinating watch if you like in depth character study, or analysis.

    Most notable sessions in my opinion, Stephen Fry, Billy Connolly, Chris Langham, and last week Heather Mills.


    You can catch up past episodes on 4OD....and the new series continues tonight.


    The made up version In Treatment is good too! Gabriel Byrne. Yum!

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