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Everything posted by vodkafan

  1. OH BUmm I thought for once I was going to be first to say hello but the regulars have beaten me to it ...welcome Skirnir (great name) Waffle and talk all you want here. Oh yeah the ash cloud brought lots of sunshine with it so Iceland is forgiven. About the money....well it's only money isn't it?
  2. This has been a crazy weekend for me. But I have managed to read over half-way into Tipping The Velvet.
  3. Getting stuck into Tipping The Velvet. The TV serialisation was good but the book, as I suspected , is so much better.
  4. Finished The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Very good thought provoking book and easy read.
  5. I agonised over that....I usually don't spend more than 50p a book
  6. Glad you liked it Poppyshake, I picked it up in THE WORKS in the 3 for
  7. Thanks lexie, thanks univerze! Yes that must be it.
  8. Hi, I have been watching a bit of a TV series during my break at work on a friday night . First saw it last week and thought it was a film. An American girl was slowly turning into a werewolf and her 15 year old sister was trying to find a cure. I didn't see the beginning or the end just a bit in the middle. Then this week it was on again and the elder was gone (transformed? dead?) the younger sister seemed to be turning as well but was in an institution of some kind. Anybody know what this series is called? Is it worth watching? Also need help identifying a film I saw a piece of once. Some aliens had come to Earth and offered humanity a novel power source. But in return they wanted ALL the black people of the world to take away. They would not say what they wanted them for. Might have been to eat, or as slaves. I turned this on and my wife and I could not believe what we were watching! The white people agreed and everybody over a certain darkness of skin was taken away. Anybody know what this film is called?
  9. I always liked Julia Stiles but can't stand Kirsten Dunst, who I often get her mixed up with visually.
  10. Oh yeah it would make a good present. He has written a novel too called "Making Love the Bruce Campbell Way." Has BF seen Bubba-ho-tep? I got a 2 disc special edition complete as new in box set for 38p(+ 1.24 postage) on Amazon! Unbelievable!! the film was very funny.
  11. Thanks, I have just ordered the first one in the series from Amazon at 70p. I looked at Botchan too but I have blown my budget for this week (I have bagged 4 DVDs and 3 books for
  12. Paula, would this series be OK for a 13 year old? She has read the Twiglight books backwards and forwards and is quite mature in her reading.
  13. East End Girl by Sally Worboyes I have never read a Sally Worboyes novel: I suspect they are not my thing. I bought this book (and two others like it) because it was a memoir of her childhood in London. It reminded me of my mother, who died only last year. I really enjoyed reading this and I thought often of my mother, who although was born 25 years earlier than the author, a lot of her early life must have been very similar. It brought home to me how easy we do have it now in some ways but not others; even then little girls had to be wary of paedophiles. Also family life was not always great, life was very hard and it is obvious that Sally's mother was in a state of depression for most of her marriage, and Sally herself would probably nowadays be labelled a "problem child" and dosed up to the eyeballs to keep her docile. But the sense of community and of her friends and relatives all around her shines out very strong, and of her knowing all the nooks and crannies of the streets like the back of her hand. There is much more to like about the book. I am going to make sure my kids read this one. Maybe they will appreciate a little more the things they have. It was an easy read . I am sure my mum would have liked it too.
  14. Book Review: East End Girl by Sally Worboyes I have never read a Sally Worboyes novel: I suspect they are not my thing. I bought this book (and two others like it) because it was a memoir of her childhood in London. It reminded me of my mother, who died only last year. I really enjoyed reading this and I thought often of my mother, who although was born 25 years earlier than the author, a lot of her early life must have been very similar. It brought home to me how easy we do have it now in some ways but not others; even then little girls had to be wary of paedophiles. Also family life was not always great, life was very hard and it is obvious that Sally's mother was in a state of depression for most of her marriage, and Sally herself would probably nowadays be labelled a "problem child" and dosed up to the eyeballs to keep her docile. But the sense of community and of her friends and relatives all around her shines out very strong, and of her knowing all the nooks and crannies of the streets like the back of her hand. There is much more to like about the book. I am going to make sure my kids read this one. Maybe they will appreciate a little more the things they have. It was an easy read .
  15. Have not long woken up and come to work but I will finish East End Girl tonight and get stuck into The Reluctant Fundamentalist.
  16. If Chins Could Kill by Bruce Campbell It's quite OK if you don't know who Bruce Campbell is. I didn't either until a shocked film geek friend enlightened me that he was the star of the Evil Dead films and an all round Good Egg. So on his recommendation-no, insistence -I watched Evil Dead and later, Bubba-ho-tep. Then, interested, I bought this, his autobiography. At about
  17. book review: If Chins Could Kill by Bruce Campbell It's quite OK if you don't know who Bruce Campbell is. I didn't either until a shocked film geek friend enlightened me that he was the star of the Evil Dead films and an all round Good Egg. So on his recommendation-no, insistence -I watched Evil Dead and later, Bubba-ho-tep. Then, interested, I bought this, his autobiography. At about
  18. OK, I want to read Papillon again now too- it's been a long time since I read it.
  19. There is nothing to it, it is just about picking someone who interests you. How about Papillon (Henri Charrere). That is an amazing book. Or Angela's Ashes.
  20. I have read masses of Sci fi but the only ones I have read out of that list are WOTW, 1984 and Dune. Terry Pratchett and LOTR have never interested me.
  21. Very easy read so far-unusual format at the beginning almost a monologue, he is talking to someone else but the other person is only inferred by the author/narrators responses. Brida what sort of memoirs do you like? famous people or ordinary?
  22. Curses!! Early for the bus again so bought two more books today for
  23. I will second Michelle Rodriguez. Especially in Resident Evil: " Bitch isn't standing now" (after blowing away a zombie with a full magazine) Good choice Univerze!
  24. Hi Abby I don't remember the titles off hand; they are in my locker I will have to look again. They are all memoirs of ordinary people. They reminded me of my mum.
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