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Everything posted by vodkafan

  1. I just finished reading the whole of the Lyonesse trilogy this month. I enjoyed it so muuch I am in a state of post trilogy bliss and want to savour it for a bit so I will hold off starting another book for a few days.
  2. I am not sure whether I have read this book or not, a long time ago.....
  3. Sex was invented by 1941? I never knew that ...
  4. Univerze, I just wondered what you meant by "urban fantasy"?
  5. Hi Kidsmum yes my younger brother was just like that; he was just never very interested in reading. But our parents never read to us as I remember. They had us two when mum was in her 40's (there was a big gap between us and our other siblings) and they were just worn out and tired of the whole child rearing thing.
  6. OK Frankie sounds good just let me know when you are about to start it say a day before? Then I will finish the book I am on .
  7. I like that version of "mad world" by that bloke rather than the original...you know the Donnie Darko song....
  8. My main book is a non fiction book at the moment about the English middle classes. Sounds dull but it is interesting. However I am switching to Lyonesse 2: the green pearl when I need a break. Bought two books on the way to work, one of them is Frankenstein by Ms. Shelley
  9. hmm I remember it being a bit of a mashup of several different films but just for you Reid I will cycle back and look at it again soon!
  10. Yeah! Me too Chesil! This book had better be good!
  11. It was Gwyneth Paltrow I saw the film
  12. I am sure you have it right Lexie. I know this is digressing, but have you seen the film Antwone Fisher? It is the directorial debut of Denzel Washington. The orphan hero seeks his family and has an emotional reunion with the mother who abandoned him. These scenes alone are worth watching the film for.
  13. Hearing a lot 'bout this Wicked but I got to get my TBR pile down to 10 (riding double that at the mo) . Not read for 2 days but have cracked the 2/3 mark of Lyonesse today. I had forgotten most of the story, it has been 20 years since reading it initially. Received The Forgotten Soldier through the post an hour ago.
  14. THAT right there, flewthe cuckoo, is why I don't believe in censoring what kids should read; I read insatiably when young and, sometimes, I got hold of books that had adult themes, not just sex but One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest is a prime example. Mental illness and people taking advantage ,and society not wanting to know. Such books stretched me intellectually and made me question and think. Good for you. Every time my kids read a book I say to them what did you think of it?
  15. To be honest I never liked those recurring dream bits. They just seemed a meaningless filler in my opinion, the dream changed to reflect the events happening in each story. Very UNdreamlike. Sorry. But that's just my opinion, somebody else may come up with something better?
  16. The Lyonesse trilogy by Jack Vance. All the weird and wonderful magic of his Dying Earth series but with a cracking good human story too.
  17. Ophelia that is so funny that you felt you had to do it in the dark! :lol::lol:Bless you
  18. I've always known the word "booty" as loot or ill-gotten gains. I know "booty call" means something else in popular culture though. Well my book activity today was minimal. The Spring Fair in our town had no proper bookstall but a couple of charity stalls had a few books. I got two for 20p each. One is a collection of folk tales from all over the world. I will see if there is one from Finland Frankie! Anybody interested let me know your country and I will see what story there is....
  19. That is a good point Raskolnikov; Changez is certainly always responsible for his own actions. From the point of view of his employers, it would be said that for whatever reason Changez simply failed to fulfil his potential. The fate of his girlfriend was neither here nor there and unimportant to the story.
  20. Well the sun is shining, Laundry Fairy is at work, I am going to take the kids to Spring Fair, there will be some books there for sure.
  21. Laundry Fairy and I loved the movie too Nicola. Fantastic atmosphere in the cimema. I don't think the book as written would have made a good film. They are from the same litter but are different cats.
  22. >When Ram recounts the story of Father Timothy, he repeatedly refers to himself as an "idiot orphan boy" (pg. 49). Considering how well Father Timothy treats him, why does he describe himself in this manner?< Not sure sarcasm is the right word; he is playing dumb but obviously sees, hears and knows more. >Also, I was wondering for those who have seen the film, which did you prefer and why? < They are completely different and cannot be compared at all in my opinion. None of the episodes are the same, there is no Smita, he is not abandoned by his mother and is a muslim in the film. I like both. But Slumdog is not Q&A.
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