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Everything posted by Julia

  1. I read all of the books and I am really in love with Morganville. There are so many stories. And I like Claire and the other people of Glass house and Amelie...
  2. German of course. Then I am fluent in English. I know a bit of French (but not as much as one would think after learning it in school for 7 years) And I started to learn Norwegian.
  3. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Congrats to Spain. And Paul was right again
  4. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Me too, I am hoping for Holland. Well, Paul predicted Spain, but this octopus is the octopus for predicting German games, so I am just hoping that he isn't right this time
  5. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Octopus Paul was right again!
  6. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Yeah, the Spain was the better team tonight. So congrats Spain. No I am hoping that Holland will win!
  7. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Octopus Paul was right again
  8. I read all books of the Heather Wells series some time ago and I really liked them. They are so funny and Heather is such a nice protagonist. She isn't perfect, she always gets herself in strange situations and that makes her so human, so normal. So I can only second Kate, the books are funny and well worth reading.
  9. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Can't believe it. We beat Argentina 4:0!!!
  10. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Yes, he is http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/europe/10420131.stm
  11. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Do you know that Paul is english? So it was a fellow countryman who predicted the defeat of England
  12. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Hope he will be right again, he just "said" that Germany will win the next game
  13. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Lucky you Well, I have no problems with England winning. I think the German team don't really deserve to win. So actually I am happy when Germany wins but not so disappointed when England wins.
  14. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Germany? Good team? Actually Im not sure about that... Well, they won yesterday, but I cant say that it was well played!
  15. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    So, see you on sunday, english friends
  16. Julia

    World Cup 2010

    Well, I hope that Australia will win, would be better for Germany.
  17. I really like Trebizon by Anne Digby. Problem is that some of the books are very rare, haven't managed to buy the last 2 so far.
  18. Just wanted to tell you that I ordered "The Old Harry's Game: Complete Series 1 and 2", "His Dark Materials Trilogy and "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" today. So all I need now is lots of time for listening
  19. Well, I allways thought it is a political thing and you only win with many countries liking you. But can't really be so, Germany would have never won then. @Sheeta: I really liked the France song. It was fun and perfect for a party and actually a really good thing after all this ballades! @Univerze: Yeah, I watched the song in the internet after all this remarks made in German TV. Well, I must say, I didn't really liked it, but I don't think it was bad. I thought it was funny.
  20. Actually I can understand that many people don't like Lenas Satellite. When I first heard it I thought: What a rubbish. But after listening to it for a few times I began to really like it
  21. Thanks *still dancing through the room*
  22. Yeeeeeaaaaah *dancing through the room*
  23. Actuially, yes, I am totally excited!
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