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Everything posted by ned

  1. It doesn't really bother me. As for the Columbine thing, books have been centred around 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and they are more recent.
  2. I hate that one where you have to guess which safe the money is in. I have followed it every time the advert came on even though i know where it is going to be
  3. Same here. Kandi Rain, proof that you really can't polish a turd
  4. That wouldn't annoy alot of people When you get older and they don't ask you are going to be longing for the days when you had to hunt through your handbag for your ID.
  5. ned

    More football

    I sense a big clear-out coming at the end of the season. Vidic is unsettled, Neville is old and broken down, Scholes is contemplating leaving to get some regular first team footie, Gibson isn't a United player and the less said about Anderson and Berbatov the better. On top of that there are the injury prone players like Hargreaves and Owen. I also wouldn't be shocked to see Ferdinand sold, he is getting very injury prone and his play has become very inconsistent.
  6. ned

    More football

    Yeah i've heard that, maybe Sir Alex is trying to show him off to other clubs so he can sell him on at the end of the season and bring in a fit player to replace him. Once a player starts to get injured like him they never play regularly again, just look at Owen.
  7. ned

    More football

    I see Tony Mowbray has just joined the dole queue. Big surprise there. I wonder who will want to take on that job.
  8. ned

    More football

    An expected rout at Fratton Park but Everton give Man City's attempt for 4th place a kick in the nuts, also a little bit of handbags between the managers near the end earning them both a red card.
  9. I know what you mean. There is no way that he would ever have sold out. I think he may have just locked himself away if he was living today, especially with how the celebrity culture has exploded in the last 10 - 15 years, he'd have hated to become what he despised.

  10. Hey there. I love Bill Hicks, he can make you laugh and think at the same time. My all time favourite "Why do christians wear crosses? do you think when Jesus comes back he really wants to see a cross? Thats like going up to Jackie Onasis with a rifle pendant."

  11. I gave this a re read not too long ago. It is amazing how much of the stuff is relevant today especially with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and whenever he mentions Bush Sr he could be talking about Bush Jr
  12. *thinks about creating diet chocolate*
  13. I could buy all the teams in Northern Ireland right now with the change in my pocket Granted but you miss Gerard Butler who visits on Thursday I wish i knew how to fix cars
  14. Granted, but he entertains you by showing you all the ways you can skin a cat I wish Manchester United never lost
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