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Everything posted by paperplane

  1. I agree with Echo, I don't mind it aslong as it fits in with the story or is to be expected like in a crime book. Human gore I can stand however animal gore which I've come across just doesn't sit well with me. Putting it in just for the sake of it is annoying.
  2. Ahh yes three levels, a cafe up top and Dymocks Stationary next door, more than enough to lure me in at least a few times a week! Complete heaven. I have signed up to Borders email newsletter but I never seem to get any vouchers! Plus I'd prefer a points program then you can spend your rewards on anything in the store not just a specific selection.
  3. Over here we have Angus and Robertson, Dymocks and Borders. By far Dymocks is the best in membership points/rewards program, events and have a far wider range of books especially the George St store (Sydney). Angus and Robertson stores I find always seem to be cramped and expensive, and as for Borders although they do have big stores around they don't even have a rewards program!
  4. The first I heard of the beach was in Bangkok, on the Khao San road. Forgot to add: 'The Beach' by Alex Garland
  5. Finally finished the Twilight series, I liked the first two but then it started to go downhill towards the end of Eclipse. Breaking Dawn was irritating the entire way through I had to skim read the last few chapters to just get it done and out of the way. By the end of it Bella seems to be a bland obsessive character and as for Edward he needs to stop being under the thumb and MAN-UP! Started The Beach yesterday and am liking it so far.
  6. I have a confession to make...I started Twilight only so I can see what all the fuss is about so I can move on to my other books. I've found it's rather easy to keep reading and forget how much time has passed! Finished 1984 last night, It's not something I'd normally pick up, but I've always seen it on those top 100 to read lists so I thought I'd give it a read. I liked how it was written, it flowed nicely and didn't waffle on, but it's not something I'd find myself re-reading in the future. So it's about a 6/10.
  7. I finished The Raw Shark Texts on the weekend, it's a strange little book but it did keep me interested the whole way through! I still don't know what to make of the ending however. Apparently for every chapter of the book there is an 'unchapter' or negative, I've managed to read a few online but some are still missing. I'd give it about a 7/10. Having started 1984, I keep imagining the novel being set in the 1940's even though it's meant to be the opposite!
  8. I have a few things that really irritate me that probably have already been mentioned so here goes.. - People who stop suddenly at the end of an escalator. - When ordering food, people who wait until they get to the counter then 'umm' and 'ahh' instead of making their decision whilst they were still in the line. Instead they prefer to hold everyone else up. Same goes with people not having their money ready to pay.
  9. I've upgraded my post-it note bookmark to a proper one with an image of a colourful peacock with a blue tassel on the end.
  10. I've fallen off the wagon a bit after finishing The Slap, which was great by the way!So I'm going to get 3001: The Final Odyssey today to finally finish off the series.
  11. My mum and dad had a whole heap of records but they chucked them out around 10 years ago now. Shame because I've started to collect records, I would've loved to have gone through them. I mainly have Mars Volta and their solo stuff. Theres no better feeling than tracking down an out of print still sealed record!
  12. I have a new book to read on the way home, The Slap. I still have a quarter of Dracula left to read but it's so uninteresting now I can't be bothered forcing myself to finish it.
  13. I don't really like the burgers from KFC but I love those Hot Rods they've had in the past with lime mayonaise or ranch sauce!
  14. Ohh was just about to post that above, I see we're both reading Dracula!
  15. I've been reading the Space Odyssey series by Arthur C Clarke and have one more book to go. Overall so far I believe the story line is good however continuity in some parts don't match up with the previous book. I thought the first book 2001 was excellent, the second was good and the third I found myself skipping a few pages as he waffled on a bit. I'm hoping the final book 3001 will redeem the series.
  16. This has probably already been mentioned but American Psycho. Your average gore I can stand but when the character went on to describe how he... that's when I stopped. I don't think I'll be picking it up again anytime soon.
  17. Ah My Neighbour Totoro! I have most of the Studio Ghibli films except for the very first Nausicca Valley of the Wind, which I'm not too keen on. I prefer these types of cartoon/drawn films over those 3D disney/pixar loads off tripe anyday.
  18. I know it's an old thread but...bump! I have to add *The Godfather - overrated and boring * The Good Sheppard - pointless and boring
  19. I generally like most music except for R&B and rap music but my favourite band of all time has been for quite some time now The Mars Volta. They're hard to put into just one genre but the best I could describe it would be progressive rock with a bit of psychedelic salsa and latin thrown in. Not to mention I may have a huge crush on the lead singer
  20. Ohh yay I just joined Goodreads, I'm under paperplane over there too.
  21. Just finished Nightwork this morning and absolutely loved it, it's definitely one of 'my' type of books. Now off to start on Dracula...
  22. 2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling (only the first three) 11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcott 41 Animal Farm - George Orwell - 99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl are the only ones I've read, I am about to start Dracula and Jude the Obscure is on my TBR list though.
  23. I had to take a little break from reading as I was then finishing then diving into the next one which got a bit tedious. Finished 2061: Odyssey Three this morning and really didn't like it. It was all over the place and didn't really go anywhere, I still want to read the last book 3001 but need a rest from that series. So for now I bought Nightwork by Thomas Glavinic which sounds interesting and Dracula by Bram Stroker.
  24. Have now finished 2010 a while ago and started Cujo which is a bit dissapponiting I'm not feeling the style of writing as it feels as though he goes off on a tangent but I'm forcing myself through so it's done and out of the way then I can get started on 2061.
  25. Most of the time I'll get the paperback version of a book because they're much easier to carry around and are cheaper but if I absolutely love it and love the artwork I'll buy the hardback. I'm like this with my cd's if I absolutely love it I'll get the vinyl I don't really know why, it's just nicer to have.
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