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Posts posted by bethany725

  1. I am a man who owns his own gardening company in upstate New York. My teenage son has just inadvertantly "witnessed" the murder of our closest neighbours & now my whole world is falling to pieces.


    Feel like I know this one.. Is this by Dean Koontz? Just hazarding a guess. :motz:


    I am a wedding planner that just accepted a job planning the ceremony and reception for a major celebrity.. in only two months time. To make things more complicated, that wedding is on the same day as my sisters, which I'm also planning!

  2. I'm a bit behind here, but I see you read Skipping Christmas .. I read that also and laughed the entire way through it. Just hilarious!

    They did a film adaptation of it at some point (with a different title) and it wasn't nearly as good as the book to me.

  3. I have absolutely no qualms about dropping a book if it doesn't suck me in pretty quickly. I've already given up on 4 books so far since the start of this year, and only 1 of those have I kept around to re-try later, since I think the timing was just bad for that particular book.


    If I try to keep reading a book that I'm really uninterested in, I'll be distracted all the time, and it will take me weeks and weeks to finish a book. If I just leave it, I can read 4 books in the same amount of time it would take me to finish that 1 story.

  4. The only time I have a caffeinated cup of tea is when I have a bad migraine as this gets rid of it very quickly.


    I have the EXACT opposite problem.. Isn't that funny? ;) I can't have caffeine because it causes migraines for me. I've found a Twinings honey, chamomile, & vanilla tea that is decaf and soo yummy.. I drink about a cup per day on average.

  5. I've read since I was very young.. I'm not really sure what 'inspired' me to read, but I think more than anything, it just sort of came naturally to me. I learned to read easily, and much quicker than most of my peers, so it just sort of came naturally to me read, and reading a lot just followed suit. ;)

  6. I see you finished "Sleeping Arrangements" ;) If you didn't love it, you probably wouldn't fall in love with any of her others.. They're mostly all about the same and don't vary TOO widely. Hey, at least now ya know! :D

    Hope you're doing well!


    I use the library a lot and have to see I do not see it often. I did have a book that said 'did you like this? text me'


    I text 'you are an idiot' and they didn't reply :lurker:


    First off, this cracked me up. Love it, MuggleMagic.


    Second, I'd be really annoyed if I got a library book and there were pen markings all in it, especially if all the marking led to a note as unsubstantial as "REALLY??" C'mon now...

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