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Everything posted by lexiepiper

  1. Ohhh I can't wait to hear what you think of Dear John, I really want to read that too!
  2. You definitely should, I thought Hush, Hush was very enjoyable
  3. Fallen by Lauren Kate No. of pages: 452 Rating: 3.5/5 Series: Fallen (Book 1) Synopsis: There’s something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori. Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price’s attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He’s the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move. Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce–and goes out of his way to make that very clear–she can’t let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her. Review: Lucinda Price has been sent to the Sword & Cross boarding school after her involvement in a strange accident. As they strip Luce of everything from the outside world, including her cell phone, she can only assume S&C is going to be hell. That is until she meets Daniel Grigori, who she finds oddly alluring, especially as he seems to hate her. Luce becomes obsessed though, and is determined to find out about Daniel and get close to him, even if doing so will kill her... I have to admit, it was the cover that drew me to this book. I think it's stunning, and it really intrigued me as to what the story was about. The story itself is nothing unique though, and I actually found the first half of the book a tad too slow going, which made it a bit hard to get into. But when it finally got to the revelations, the story picked up massively, and became a lot more enjoyable to read. The characters were okay, I feel like it would have been easier to get to know them if you knew more about each of them. Penn and Luce were the only ones I really felt you ever got to know more than basics about. Even when it came to Daniel, you never really learned nearly as much as you could have, but then I guess that's probably been saved for later books in the series. I will be reading the next book which is released later this year, as in theory now that it's all been revealed, the next book will be much more interesting and action packed. For people looking to read a book like this though, I would point them in the direction of Hush, Hush, which has a similar storyline, but in my opinion is a much better story.
  4. Peanuts with a Belgian white chocolate and yoghurt coating
  5. I found this Lost Mysteries page on Lostpedia, looks very interesting and might answer some of your questions Stephen.
  6. They couldn't see it unless shown it by the protector. This was addressed in either the last or second to last ep. Jack asks that exact question when they meet with Jacob around the camp fire.
  7. I finally got around to taking pics of my last few projects and also of my big piece to show you all. These are little magazine kits that I've been doing to have rests from my big piece ~ I absolutely adore the little hedgehog one, I think that's my favourite small piece I've done so far. This is my big geisha piece ~ and the first pic is a photo from around this time last month, and the second is from where I'm up to as of last night ~ I'm really pleased with how it's coming along, although I fear it's going to take me forever to finish it as I'm only about a 1/3 of the way through the first sheet, and there are 4 to do overall!
  8. Oh yes, I completely forgot they were found in the caves, good point!
  9. My takes on your questions ~ 1. I think Walt was kidnapped because he was a kid. As nobody can carry to term on the island, there are no children there, and so I think they took Walt so that they'd have someone to be their next generation. That's also why they tried to take Claire's baby, because they were so desperate to have children. I do wonder why no one was able to carry to term though. 2. I think that the statue was meant to be another part of the timeless feel of the island, making you feel like it's been there for many many centuries, and then so have the protectors of the island. Jacob lived there because the mother lived there, as have all the protectors before them (so I assumed). When Jacobs mother is giving birth, it's to the statue that the protector mother took her, so it's clear that must be where she lives, and when she dies, Jacob just continues living there alone. Alanah's crew knew about it because Jacob told her, he told her everything and from what I gather, he asked her to come to the island to protect him as he knew MiB was going to try and kill him, but she was too late. 3. I assumed it was the monster, as he's the only one who can take on the forms of the dead and become a non form as well. Not sure about the ash, maybe it was to make the Losties feel like it was a circle of protection type thing, and make them feel that it's a good thing inside that needs protecting? Or perhaps it was some sort of warning system to those inside, when someone walks over the line, they know someone is coming. I never noticed the dog thing, but maybe it's a nod to Vincent 4. I remember Ben saying in one of the last few episodes that 'he thought he controlled' the monster. But all along, I think the monster was controlling Ben, by letting him think he could call him etc. He did Ben's bidding for as long as it benefited him, and in the end he was the one to convince Ben to kill Jacob, so he kind of got what he wanted all along. I think it's up to interpretation what exactly the smoke monster is, but I gathered that he was meant to be some sort of demon or devil creature. The darkness to oppose Jacob's goodness. If Jacob was the protector, then that by theory makes MiB the destroyer, and that was why he had to be kept on the island. I don't think you're meant to know how old they were/how long they were there, as the whole island was meant to feel timeless, and this is just another showing of that. She thanked him because I think she was ready to die, and that's why she passed everything over to Jacob. She deliberately didn't speak to the MiB, even though she knew he was behind her, and we know from a previous ep that this is the only way you can kill the MiB, so perhaps the same thing for the mother too. 5. I don't think Vincent was God, after all he was on the plane that crashed, surely if he were God he would have already been there? I also think that they deliberately put Vincent in the scene with Jack dying, after all Jack laid down in the same place he woke up in on the pilot episode, it ended with him shutting his eye, and it all began with him opening it. Vincent was there in the beginning, so they put him there at the end, kind of a full circle type of thing.
  10. I heard a rumour that the DVD release will have an extra 20 mins of footage, and maybe that will hold more answers if it's true.
  11. The ending is growing on me, I particularly loved the last 5 minutes though, when they all came together, I thought that was so lovely to see. Are we all agreed that the Island was real, and the sideways world was a sort of purgatory where they were all waiting for each other? As some people seem to think that everyone died when the plane crashed and that they whole thing was some sort of purgatory world, but I really don't think that's what it was. As for my favourite characters, well I absolutely loved Jin and Sun - I loved the way they were always being pulled apart but still loving each other so much. I also loved Sawyer and Juliet, both as seperate charaters and as a couple, and one of my fave moments in the finale was when they both remembered. I also thought Desmond, Hurley and Charlie were all lovely characters. Characters I couldn't stand were Mr. Eko, Michael, Ana Lucia and Charlotte, for no reason other than I just didn't like them . Some of my favourite scenes are ~ - When Juliet is being pulled down into the collapsed Dharma station, and Sawyer is trying to pull her out, then she falls and sets the bomb off. - Sun/Jin and Charlie's deaths. - When they were living in the 70's and became a part of the Dharma Initiative. - The flashforward at the end of season 3, when Jack tells Kate they never should have left the Island and that they needed to go back. - When Desmond is flicking around in time, and he rings Penny who is his constant. - In the last ep when the doors of the church are opened and it's flooded with light, as the Losties 'pass on'. - I love that it ended with Jack shutting his eye, as the series begins with Jack opening his eye, thought that was pretty cool. There are probably loads more, but those are the ones I could think of right now
  12. I finally got Michael to agree to come with me to watch Eclipse today, woohoo! Won't be seeing it until maybe the Monday or Tuesday though, as it's his bday that weekend and it'd be slightly cruel to drag him along on his bday haha
  13. Another clip has leaked for those who are interested ~ Bella & Rosalie.
  14. I'd love to see it too, we'll see I guess! You must take a pic of Chris there, will be soooo funny!
  15. I'm still watching too, and quite enjoyed the ep tonight, it has been getting better over the series, but I'm still not keen on any of them tbh.
  16. I was thinking about booking my tickets, and then realised that of course the 3rd is my BF's birthday and he's refusing to go So I may wait until some time in the following week to go watch it if I can drag him along
  17. I watched the finale too and thought it was amazing, completely not what I was expecting. I agree about Mer being a bit drippy, but I did feel a bit sad for her. Bailey is as always a great actress, she has fast become one of my favourites on the show, and I really did have my heart in my mouth in her scene!
  18. Underworld 3: Rise Of The Lycans, really not keen on this one.
  19. Our Odeon cinema is pre-booking atm, I saw it yesterday when I was looking for something else. Quite surprised really as we're not a main city here.
  20. I definitely think you'd like Hush, Hush hun
  21. They are similar kind of books, yeah, although a bit shorter in length and not so 'court room' in storyline. Most people tend to start with Light On Snow, which seems to be her most popular
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