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Everything posted by lexiepiper

  1. Wow, you're on a roll Janet!
  2. I'm about to finish a Kelley Armstrong - Stolen, not sure just yet whether I'll be reading Kelley Armstrong - Broken next or something else. Today I picked up a few books though: Richard Montanari - Play Dead Claire Seeber - Bad Friends Alexandra Sokoloff - The Harrowing Lisa Jewell - 31 Dream Street Jonathan Ross - Why Do I Say These Things?
  3. I don't follow boxing but was reading about that yesterday, nasty stuff indeed
  4. It was only released about a week ago, which is probably why you've not heard much of it It's well worth it though, something to tide you over until Waking The Witch
  5. Tales Of The Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong No. of pages: 547 Rating: 5/5 Series: Women Of The Otherworld (Short Stories) Synopsis: Have you ever wondered how lone wolf Clayton Danvers finally got bitten by the last thing he ever expected: love? Or how the hot-blooded bad-girl witch Eve Levine managed to ensnare the cold, ruthless corporate sorcerer, Kristof Nast in one of the Otherworld’s most unlikely pairings? Would you like to be a fly on the wall at the wedding of Lucas Cortez and Paige Winterbourne, as their eminently practical plans are gradually upended by their well-meaning friends? Or tag along with Lucas and Paige as they investigate a rather gruesome case that looks to be the result of a rogue vampire? Tales Of The Otherworld contains the short stories: Rebirth, Bewitched, Birthright, Beginnings, Expectations, Ghosts, Wedding Bell Hell, and The Case of El Chupacabra. Review: A collection of 8 short stories set in the Otherworld series. Rebirth: How Aaron becomes a vampire. Bewitched: A young Eve Levine meets Kristof Nast. Birthright: Logan becomes a member of the Pack. Beginnings: How Elena meets Clay, and their relationship development. Expectations: Lucas Cortez gets a case against Eve Levine. Ghosts: Jeremy reminisces about Clay and Elena at Stonehaven. Wedding Bell Hell: Lucas and Paige plan their wedding. The Case of El Chupacabra: Lucas and Paige receive a case that looks like a vampire kill. An enjoyable book that fills in some of the gaps of the series, with things that are alluded too but not explained. Most of the stories are very short, but Beginnings and The Case of El Chupacabra are around 200 pages long, and I enjoyed them being a bit longer, it meant they had more depth than the others could go into. My favourite short story was Beginnings as it was really interesting to learn about how Clay and Elena met, as they are my favourite characters after all. I also really liked Ghosts and Bewitched, it was fun to read about Eve as she doesn't really crop up in the series too much, so even though the story was short, it was enough to learn a lot about the character. My least favourites were the stories with Paige and Lucas in as I don't really like the characters very much. Overall it's a great book for learning more about the characters, and the money spent buying the book all goes to charity, so what more could you ask for?!
  6. Same here, I don't smoke or drink or anything like that, so he isn't bothered that I buy books for myself
  7. What time roughly and channel was the show? You could always look at next weeks TV guide and see if it's there around the same time again. I have a tv guide right here if you'd like me to check?
  8. I am a complete night owl, so I'm up very late I took a pic to show you an example, this shows someone who just has it added, and someone who's reviewed also
  9. On goodreads, if you go to the page of a book, and scroll down past the 'my review' section there's a 'friend review' section and it shows who's got the book and their review if they've put one on there
  10. Great reviews, a series I need to get ASAP! Glad you enjoyed them, and I hope you enjoy Tales Of The Otherworld, it's a great read
  11. I know I kinda hate that too, it's always such a shame when a good series finishes, but hopefully she'll start writing something else that's equally as good
  12. I never flick ahead to the end either, I enjoy the build up in the story and if anything wanting to know what's going to happen just means I read it more so I get there quicker
  13. I know that really annoys me too, it takes the mickey really because after all, we do buy the books and films, go to see them at the cinema, and it's almost like we're being punished for liking it, surely they would want to reward fans?!
  14. Great review Chesil, I really must get ahold of this ASAP
  15. As far as I know The Host is already in PB, atleast it has been for here and for quite a while too, I bought it ages ago and I have it in PB
  16. I'm not sure why it was there before and then disappeared, very strange, maybe they were trying to get as much money as poss out of people buying the hardback? Because they do love to milk the money when it comes to the Twilight brand, but it seems it will be released in multiple countries on Aug 3rd so fingers crossed that will stop it falling through here!
  17. Yay I was thinking about buying the Darkest Powers series, are they good?
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