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Everything posted by lexiepiper

  1. For me the HON series got so boring with Zoey and every male ever lusting over her, so this was a nice change of pace I particularly enjoyed the Stevie Rae sections
  2. It's already shooting, Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson have been cast. Glad you enjoyed the re-read Paula, I loved this book when I read it and will deffo be re-reading it at some point
  3. Both books sound like they were great reads!
  4. You have some fantastic books there, so I hope you really get into enjoying them without falling asleep so much!
  5. Yeah I noticed their dates are always rubbish too! But I do agree with you, I prefer the UK title.
  6. I'm super excited to be reading it, definitely one of my favourite series Really don't understand why it has to be released under two names though, makes it very confusing.
  7. I felt the same way, I despise James Corden and was quite frankly dreading this episode, especially after last weeks one, which I adored, but like you I ended up not minding it so much.
  8. I started Gayle Forman - If I Stay, fantastic so far, hard to put down!
  9. I know a few people that were wondering about when the film would split, and just saw this ~ "The script [for Part 1] was written with an end in mind. The first draft was written with one ending and as we developed it, it went to another ending. And then we reverted in part to the original ending because we felt it allowed us a more emotional conclusion and felt like it was more complete, as it were. But we've added this other scene which I think is really amazing - and I can't tell you where the break is, I'm sorry - but I do feel it will be incredibly dramatic, very moving and make people want to watch the next film." -David Heyman It looks like unless it leaks, we'll be waiting until it hits the cinema to find out where it breaks.
  10. Got my copy of the new CrossStitcher through the post this morning and saw our very own Kell inside! I'd notice those blackwork sheep anywhere! Congrats Kell!
  11. Summit Entertainment confirmed today that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be released as two separate films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011. Academy Award winner Bill Condon will direct both films.
  12. I have to admit it did make me laugh when they showed the tree of temptation is now a chest of drawers, thought that was very clever! Not sure what to make of the housemates yet, I think it'll take a few days for the true personalities to come out, but I'm thinking they are going to be brutal with the tasks this year because it's the last, and it's bound to be hilarious
  13. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks No. of pages: 338 Rating: 5/5 Synopsis: "Dear John", the letter read. And with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives changed forever. When Savannah Lynn Curtis comes into his life, John Tyree knows he is ready to turn over a new leaf. An angry rebel, he had enlisted in the army after high school, not knowing what else to do. Then, during a furlough, he meets Savannah, the girl of his dreams. The attraction is mutual and quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah vowing to wait for John while he finishes his tour of duty. What neither realises is that 9/11 will change everything and now John must choose between love and country. Now, when he finally returns to North Carolina, John will discover how love can transform us in ways we never could have imagined. Review: John meets Savannah at the beach while on holiday leave from the army, and as they get to know each other, they fall deeply in love. Then John has to return to Germany where he's stationed, for the 18 months he still has left to serve. While apart both John and Savannah write letters to each other to pass the time while they're waiting. But then 9/11 happens, and John must make the toughest decision of all - does he re-up for another two years and risk losing Savannah, or does he abandon his country when he's most needed? I wasn't sure whether to read this before watching the film, after all I really wanted to watch the film and wasn't so sure I wanted to read the book. But I fell in love with the story and immediately went and got a copy of the book and started it as soon as I could. There are three main characters in the book, John, Savannah and John's dad. I really felt I connected with all 3 characters in both the film and the book, they were all fantastically written and you really feel what they are feeling. I have to admit, I really adored John's dad, and some of the scenes with him made me cry, he is easily one of my favourite characters ever. The storyline in the book does differ a little in places from the film, the main change would be the ending, which was so sad in the book, and so I prefered the film ending, purely because it was the ending I was rooting for throughout. The writing in the book was beautiful though, as you'd expect from Sparks, who is known for his fantastic writing. You can just feel the love between John and Savannah spilling from the pages, and it's wonderfully uplifting to read. I could just rave forever about this book, it's definitely one that has touched me deeply, and that's something I never imagined I'd be taking away from this book. I'd recommend it to everyone, it's such a fantastic book, and the film is equally great.
  14. Beastly by Alex Flinn No. of pages: 300 Rating: 2.5/5 Synopsis: I am a beast. A beast. Not quite wolf or bear, gorilla or dog but a horrible new creature who walks upright—a creature with fangs and claws and hair springing from every pore. I am a monster. You think I'm talking fairy tales? No way. The place is New York City. The time is now. It's no deformity, no disease. And I'll stay this way forever—ruined—unless I can break the spell. Yes, the spell, the one the witch in my English class cast on me. Why did she turn me into a beast who hides by day and prowls by night? I'll tell you. I'll tell you how I used to be Kyle Kingsbury, the guy you wished you were, with money, perfect looks, and the perfect life. And then, I'll tell you how I became perfectly . . . beastly. Review: Kyle Kingsbury is handsome, rich and has a perfect life as the king of his highschool. But then he decides to play a cruel prank on Kendra Hilferty, a new girl who Kyle deems fat and ugly. But it's Kyle that gets the surprise when Kendra turns out to be a witch, and puts a spell on Kyle, so that he will be as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside. Kyle must find true love within two years, or be forever stuck as the beast, but can he do it...? I have to admit, I feel quite torn about this book. I did read it in one sitting, and it was a quick, easy read and it was entertaining enough that I wanted to carry on reading it, but there were quite a few things I disliked about the book. Firstly, it's cheesy, and I really mean cheesy, and I found myself cringing at sections of the book, because it was just too much. Secondly, the author kept dropping brand names, which annoyed me because it was just totally unnecessary, it just seemed like she was trying too hard to show how hip and cool she was. The whole book just seemed so unrealistic to me. I know it's meant to be based on a fairytale, but it's meant to be a modern retelling set in the real world, so it ended up just being very silly. For people wanting to read a Beauty & the Beast style story, I'd point them in the direction of Robin McKinley's Beauty, which I thought was a great story and far better than this.
  15. Come Dine With Me: WAG Special, and Big Brother next, woo
  16. I just finished Nicholas Sparks - Dear John, which was great, and now I'm going to read Stephenie Meyer - The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner
  17. I'm quite a big fan of DK, despite him being a bit hit and miss like others have mentioned, I have loads of his books, and have enjoyed the majority. When it comes to SK, I've only read one or two of his books, which I really have been meaning to change. So DK is my fave at this point in time purely because I've read more of his work
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