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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. Well mentioned Kylie! It is a powerful story of love.
  2. I love this thread! I am sitting here watching an episode of the GG on tv, and reading about it here. I LOVE THIS THREAD!
  3. 42 next month! I love my forties! They ROCK!
  4. I have a selection of books I will never let go! I may elect to be buried with them! Others I pass on either as a lend or a giveaway. Specific books are given to specific people, the rest I offer out, or take to my local charity shop.
  5. It's a tricky one for me. I really enjoyed the film, and see it as a beast separate from the book. It's that feeling that what is significant in the books would not translate well onto the film, and the HBP's identity has little relevance to the film, except in bringing Snape's skills and his signature curse of 'septum sempra' to the attention of the audience. I would say that you do have to have read the book to properly get what's happening in the film. I don't think it can stand alone in that regard, and maybe there were better ways around that. I thought a little more of Dumbledore explaining things to Harry (for our benefit) would have been helpful, but I suppose it depends on whether the film makers were thinking along the lines that they had two further films in which to explain the importance of various bits. I did enjoy it, but perhaps when it stands alongside the last two, we shall be better placed to judge whether it was good enough.
  6. A little bit happy are we? Enjoy your reading!
  7. I think that they get the balance right with Emily. We are most often on Lorelai's side, and can understand her rebellion and the distance she prefers to keep from her parent's world. Every once in a while however you see why Emily can be the way she is, you see her hurt and vulnerable side, and you wince as Lorelai delivers her witty retort. Just every so often this happens, but enough to remind us that Emily is not just 'the baddie' of the show, but a whole person with hopes, dreams, expectations and disappointments.
  8. I thought I'd go for another insult - it's that kind of day! Thou rank fly-bitten strumpet! I feel better now!
  9. It's that hit combination of great script and a great cast that act it so well. When you feel you could actually drive into Stars Hollow and stop off at the diner, you realise how good they are truly doing! I have to remind myself sometimes that the actress who plays Emily is just acting - and boy what a great job she does of it - I regularly loathe her!
  10. Hello Adam! Welcome back. It looks like you may have been a bit busy with life! I hope you are able to achieve your dreams, but in the meantime - Happy Reading.
  11. There's a great variety of books in your lists. 'Catcher In The Rye' is one of those books I have always been wary of reading - it is supposed to be so monumental and I fear I nmay be disappointed. One day I will try it.
  12. The scene where was a little clumsy in my opinion. I really feel however, that the scene where I enjoyed the film, but I think you do have to keep the films and books separate in your mind. They end up in the same place, but their paths there differs somewhat!
  13. I'm thinking about making my own version of kedgeree - all spicey ricey, fishy and yum!
  14. Do you have 'The Gormenghast Trilogy' Paula? The reason I ask is I think I may have at least one of the books here (I will have to check to confirm!). If you don't (and more to the point - I do!) I can send it up to you. Did that make any sense?
  15. Anthony Burgess lived on the South Coast in the UK, and witnessed the mods and rockers having their bank holiday battles. This triggered the thoughts regarding free will, societal and personal responsibility etc, that form the basis for 'A Clockwork Orange'. I read from a lot of genres, and I enjoy reading challenging texts, that do make me think, that do make me question my own opinions on matters. 'Nice' books are out there, and I enjoy them too.
  16. I always loved that moment in the last series, in the episode called 'You're Welcome' when a video is being watched, I still get a bottom lip wobble when I watch that bit.
  17. I have been back into this thread again and again, and I cannot think of any book that has disturbed me. I've been a little spooked from time to time, but never disturbed. 'A Clockwork Orange' I found fascinating and thought provoking, but not disturbing.
  18. I'd say yes! The series shifts and develops as you go through, and explore some interesting notions along the way (the nature of evil, demonhood vs humanity etc). There are some dud scenes/episodes, but fortunately not too many. In addition, as the series finished after 5 seasons, and they were notified before it was cancelled, it ties together well at the end.
  19. Sorry Peyton, we appear to have been coming at you from all directions! Three questions for you.....Have you seen the latest Harry Potter? If you have, what did you think of Luna's Lion headgear? Last one, would you recommend the Gary Barlow book you're reading. I am a Take That fan of sorts, but do you have to be a HUGE fan to enjoy the read? (that's a sneaked in 4th question! )
  20. I think you should frankie. In fact I would go so far as to say...you must!
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