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Everything posted by pipread

  1. Welcome back Genevieve :friends0:

    I`m sorry to hear that you`ve been suffering so much, I hope these hugs :friends0: and kind wishes are a help to you. Take care of yourself. :)

  2. Lol, poor Heather - whoever it is I can`t wait to see their face!
  3. I`m glad Steve won, I thought he was consistently the best, and he seemed to be pushing himself that little bit more than the others
  4. I`m not an avid viewer of East Enders, but Phil was drinking heavily a while back - which might have nothing at all to do with it, but could explain everything!
  5. We`ve been discussing this at work and the majority of people are putting their money on Phil!
  6. I read this a while ago, he does write long books, they`re good though. Enjoy!
  7. I went with my sister to see Boyzone at the O2 when they got back together. It was so funny watching Stephen Gately, he was obviously so excited to be there that he could hardly contain his enthusiasm, and beamed his way through the show, he seemed to be a really nice man. :eek2:
  8. I wouldn`t want to work in her kitchen, wouldn`t want to risk upsetting her! I do kind of like her though and Michel seems nice. Greg makes me laugh, he can`t wait to try the food can he - his face is a picture at times.
  9. I was going to say Waterstones until I saw this! It looks so inviting, if I went there I probably wouldn`t leave again.
  10. Lol I got The Monkees album as a birthday present as well, can`t remember how old I was though. Davy Jones was my heart throb to at the time. The first record I bought myself was, Albatross by Fleetwood Mac, I still love it.
  11. That sounds like a good idea, definately worth a try. recently when my mojo deserted me I went back to a favourite author and it did the trick. Hope your mojo`s back soon.
  12. Sorry I can`t help with Wordsworth, I do like to read poetry occasionally but I`ve never really analysed it, :blush: I bet someone on here can help you out, I`m sure you`ll do fine though. :friends0:

  13. Hi there. :) Sorry to hear about your father in law but glad he`s improving now. It must be so hard for you and your OH. Thinking of you both. :friends0:

  14. Glad you`re enjoying being a student! Good luck with it.

  15. A born reader, don`t really know why because I can`t remember Mum or Dad reading anything other than newspapers!
  16. Good idea! There used to be another fan of his on here, I remember talking to her about him ages ago. We could try to recruit a few more members, he can never have too many fans.
  17. My first job was working in a shoe shop on a Saturday, didn`t like the job much but I got quite good discount on my shoes.
  18. Yes, I wasn`t sure of that one at first, but it grew on me. The lyrics are cleverly done.
  19. I`m waiting for him to release a new one!
  20. I agree! I listen to his CD`s often, I love his voice.
  21. Oh yes! Josh Groban has an incredible voice and he really does do justice to Vincent.
  22. I agree it is a beautiful song, I can listen to it over and over and never tire of it.
  23. You are a lucky lady! I reserved the Stuart Macbride books after reading your reviews! Looking forward to reading them myself.
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