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Status Updates posted by Ceinwenn

  1. lol! I'm sure it is! When I was your age (god, I never thought I would be saying things like that!) we lived in a tiny village & if we wanted to go anywhere it meant we walked, or rode our bikes.............that was hard work! You guys giving Mum a break from being chauffeur today? Read any good books lately?

  2. Hello! How are you? It's been a while since I've seen you on here!

  3. He was pretty fit, wasn't he? Oooooooh, look, there he is!

  4. Go Scotland Go!! (I can say that, you know because my Grandfather was Scottish!) He was born in Rothes & lived there until he was 10 when the family emmigrated to Canada.

  5. Hey, you can't have him all to yourself!

  6. Woo hoo! A Scottish try!!!

  7. Well, you still have Italy to come - as long as you don't get the wooden spoon, then does it matter?

  8. It was a good try! I think you might be right, but at least you now have the lovely Chris Patterson on the field! Yummy!

  9. Hi Susie, thank you for the friend invite!

  10. ummmmmmm, I think I've used leysimpson @yahoo.ca (delete the spaces, can't send email addresses either, lol!

  11. Hmmmmmmm, not finding you. It did the same thing with me & my sister. I'm Ceinwenn, if you want to try it on your end.

  12. It's fine if you don't own them. It's your library, set ut up how you like! Mine is mostly books I have read & I use my TBR in my tags as books I intend to buy & read, not books I already own & intend to read.

  13. It's even easier if you just add your books by their isbn number as that virtually guarantees the correct cover! So, can I add you as a friend on there?

  14. You're welcome! I love librarything! You can also make sure that your book covers on librarything match to your actual book covers, which is cool.

  15. Hello! Yes, librarything is free to join. Their web address is librarything dot com (can't put web links in these messages, lol). There you can catelogue all your books, amongst other things. With a freee membership you can have 200 books in your library, if you want more then you need to pay to join, but it's cheap! A lifetime membership was about

  16. Hello! Yes, librarything is free to join. Their web address is librarything dot com (can't put web links in these messages, lol). There you can catelogue all your books, amongst other things. With a freee membership you can have 200 books in your library, if you want more then you need to pay to join, but it's cheap! A lifetime membership was about

  17. Did you take any pictures? With your views I bet the snow is stunning! We woke up to lots of snow, but a lot of it is gone now, so OH definately will be back at work tomorrow. I can't get over how tired I am today - all that sitting around doing nothing is exhausting!

  18. Wasn't too bad, actually. OH was off work today because of the snow, so we spent the day together. Not that we did much, mind! Little bit of reading, he played GOW2, I was on here & my own website, we had a nap (I love afternoon naps!) - that was pretty much our day in a nutshell!

  19. Hey you, how're things? Anything exciting happen today?

  20. Hi Sara! Just thought I'd pop in & say "Hej"

  21. Hello! Thanks & I have to confess that I have absolutely no idea! It was a picture that someone sent me in an email & I thought it was very beautiful. I think it looks kind of like a hummingbird, but I don't know.

  22. It is a great place to chat about books! Just be careful that you don't end up spending more time reading/answering posts than reading books! lol

  23. Thanks! I think I need it. The thing is, I am fine as long as I don't think or talk about work. The other day one of my staff called me sobbing as our boss is being horrid to her & she admitted that she finally sees why I am so stressed all the time (she is being made to do some of the work that I have been doing). After our chat I was a mess & hardly slept that night (I think I got 3 fitfull hours!). No, no happy pills, but he has said to me that my diagnosis does call for them, but that he believed getting me away from work was the better of the two solutions. He's also said that if I do go back to work then he will be prescribing meds. On a slightly happier not, I am handing in my notice today & I've applied for 3 jobs.

  24. Hello! Glad to hear that you enjoyed the book! Unfortunately, it was not entirely creative licence on Mr. Deaver's behalf! That's the scariest bit, I think!

    (I had a website for you to look at, but apparently you can't put web links in visitor messages.)


    I think the bit about the trackers in books & the bits about how the credit cards are scanned even if you are passing by a store, I think he used creative licence there, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was real!


    I'm good today, how about you? Had a nice healthy breakfast, going to take it easy today & tomorrow I find out whether my Dr. will sign me off for another 2 weeks or not. I suspect he is going to make me go back to work..............:irked:

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