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Posts posted by Ceinwenn

  1. Nah, it's not too bad. It used to be cheaper, but it costs me less to send them there than it would for them to buy them & this way my Mom, 2 sister & brother all get the chance to read them, then Mom takes them to a senior citizen's complex & to the hospital.

  2. Hee hee hee! No need to resist! I've finished the book! Wow! It was absolutely brilliant & I soooooooooooooooooooooo cannot wait for the next one! (Do you think if we start an email campaign that he would publish it sooner?)

  3. Hi Mac! Yes, you should definately seek out Richard Montanari. His first one is called The Rosary Girls, then there's The Skin Gods, then Broken Angels (& there is one more but I haven't read it yet).


    Dexter is great, btw! I just 5 minutes ago finished his last one "Dexter by Design" & it was Brilliant!!


    Oh yeah, I'm fine, thanks. How 'bout you?

  4. :tong:The thread title might just sometimes give some kind of indication of the contents of the discussion!

    But at least you were right about The Bone Collector not being the first Deaver book, that's what I was mostly referring to.


    Anyways, glad to hear you're still praising The Blue Nowhere as I bought it some time ago (thanks to you & Charm) and so I'll be able to read it and tell you you were right! (Possibly!!) :D


    Cheeky!! Well, when you get to The Blue Nowhere, let me know!! I know I recommended it to Charm & she loved it (or at least she says she does, :lol:). I was blown away by it & it was the 1st Deaver book I ever read.

  5. Well, the Bone Collector is his 10th book, and sorry ladies, but not necessarily where I would recommend starting to read Deaver. I would recommend an even later book - The Blue Nowhere. (From Deaver's website)


    The Blue Nowhere (2001)

    When a sadistic hacker, code-named Phate, sets his sights on Silicon Valley, his victims never know what hit them. He infiltrates their computers, invades their lives, and lures them to their deaths. To Phate, each murder is like a big, challenging computer hack: every time he succeeds, he must challenge himself anew— by taking his methodology to a higher level, and aiming at bigger targets.


    Desperate, the head of The California State Police Computer Crimes Division frees Wyatt Gillette, imprisoned for hacking, to aid the investigation — against the loud protests of the rest of the division. With an obsession emblematic of hackers, Gillette fervently attempts to trace Phate's insidious computer virus back to its source. Then Phate delivers a huge blow, murdering one of the division's own — a "wizard" who had pioneered the Internet — and the search takes on a zealous intensity.


    Gillette and Detective Frank Bishop — an old-school homicide cop who's accustomed to forensic sleuthing — make an uneasy team. But with a merciless and brilliant killer like Phate in their cross hairs, and his twisted game reaching a fever pitch, they must utilize every ounce of their disparate talents to stop him.


    I'd pick that one because while it is part of a series it is also a stand alone novel (It's only considered as part of a trillogy because of the "Tech" subject matter), so it isn't the beginning of something you might read then feel you had to read the rest of the series of & I think it's an amazing example of what a brilliant novelist Deaver really is.


    There, my 2 cents worth!

  6. A contestant, Sally, on 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' had reached the

    final plateau. If she answered red the next question correctly, she would win

    $1,000,000.. If she answered incorrectly, she would pocket only the $25,000

    milestone money. And as she suspected the Million Dollar Question was no



    It was, 'Which of the following species of birds does not build its own nest

    but instead lays its eggs in the nests of other birds?


    Is it:


    A) the condor

    :D the buzzard

    C) the cuckoo

    D) the vulture


    The woman was on the spot. She did not know the answer. She had used up

    her 50/50 Lifeline

    and her Ask the Audience Lifeline. All that remained was her

    Phone-a-Friend Lifeline. She hoped she would not have to use it;

    because........ Her friend was, well, a blonde. But she had no alternative.


    She called her friend and gave her the question and the four choices. The

    blonde responded unhesitatingly:


    'That's easy. The answer is C: the cuckoo.'


    The contestant had to make a decision and make it fast. She considered

    employing a reverse strategy and giving any answer except the one that her

    friend had given her. And considering her friend was a blonde that would

    seem to be the logical thing to do. But her friend had responded with such

    confidence, such certitude, that the contestant could not help but be

    convinced. Crossing her fingers, the contestant said, 'C: The cuckoo'


    'Is that your final answer?'


    'Yes, that is my final answer.'


    'That answer is absolutely correct! You are now a millionaire!'


    Three days later, the contestant hosted a party for her family and friends,

    including the blonde who had helped her win the million dollars. 'Jeni, I

    just do not know how to thank you', said the contestant. 'How did you

    happen to know the right answer?'


    'Oh, come on,' said the blonde 'Everybody knows that cuckoos don't build

    nests. They live in clocks.'

    Sally fainted.

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