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Everything posted by beef

  1. I dont think it is my earliest memory but certainly one of the fondest is sitting in the back of the car on the way to my aunts (400+ miles, seems like 40000 as a child) and reading the Secret diary of Adrian Mole the whole way, every time I think of childhood and books thats instantly what I remember, good times.
  2. not yet, alas all new book purchases are on hold till i get a job
  3. yes, are you looking forward to David Simons next project? treme i think its called? about new orleans jazz? (he also had a hand in generation kill on hbo at the moment)
  4. some EXCELLENT choices there! nice to see another wire aholic. I have loads of semi-complete things, and complete: one foot in the grave this life peep show the godfather goodnight sweetheart
  5. I am indeed ok supergran! its actually dry here. for once!

  6. I read every harry potter in one sitting (each book in one sitting, not all the books in one sitting - im not that fast!)
  7. I now have this brilliant image of the entire office watching the pair of you "look! look! they are dealing drugs again"
  8. I only lend books to family - I know where they live and they are obligated to keep me informed of when they move, they will not escape me.
  9. More than likely its something at the host of the pictures end rather than with firefox.
  10. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bell-Book-Candle-James-Stewart/dp/B00006AFIH/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1216840445&sr=8-1 t'intertubes to the rescue!
  11. Hmm, I would say our tastes (not just in books) grow as we as people grow, I listen to a range of music, read a huge variety of books and watch a wide range of films that when i was younger I would not have bothered with, saying that, I still dislike westerns.
  12. I love this idea. you should also have a website or email address or something for people to let you know they found the book/what they thought and you could encourage them to do the same once they are done with it! (always has to be a website involved somehow with me right?)
  13. I remember it from sky1 but missed the start, may see if i can rent it from lovefilm or something..then again..not sure I wish to deprive a cat of its pj's
  14. he said to someone 4 episodes into the show. I like your style good sir. P.S The futurama movies are weak! weak i say!
  15. Dont even start me! cancel all the good shows and replace them with "reality" shows - the tv station mantra.
  16. 2600 http://www.2600.com/ Empire http://www.empireonline.com/ Are about the only 2 i read these days.
  17. Downloading for non commerical usage in the UK is generally accepted as being alright , the best format to download the books in is .txt as everything can open .txt files.
  18. Janet - it says 'myah' which is from an episode of family guy in which peter griffin who has a evil twin, the only difference is he says 'myah' at the start/end of sentances.


    MYAH! :D

  19. Well i watched the one about life after humans, i have to say it was very very interesting and it was the type of thing that could be depressing to a lot of people but they way its been done makes it more interesting than sad. I was particularly interested to find out they reckon once humans are gone cats will be one of the best off animals.
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