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Everything posted by Karen1

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  2. I've read Jane Eyre a couple of times now, but I do remember struggling with the first few chapters the first time I read it. Once I got through them I was okay though. How far into it are you? I really liked that book, and yes there is a big twist or two towards the end.
  3. Happy Birthday Paige!

  4. I was born in Oxford and lived in the Buckinghamshire area until I was about nine when I moved to Scotland so all in all I have a bit of a mixture when it comes to my accent. I am totally in love with the Canadian accent though!
  5. Me too! Although to be fair, there's nothing under the spoiler cut for Since I Don't Have You that's not in the synopsis on the back cover.
  6. I had noticed that the boxsets were fairly cheap at the moment, particularly the early series, so you never know I may be taking a trip to Amazon soon!
  7. I recently got Since I Don't Have You out from my local library so I will let you know what I think of it once I get around to reading it.
  8. I finally finished my S4 rewatch last night and have just seen the first two episodes of Season 5. Although I admit the whole time travel thing is a little weird, I still love this show. Oh and how cool was it when (not sure whether it's okay to discuss this without the spoiler tags or not so to be safe I'll use them) ...
  9. I've been tempted to start buying the boxsets, but the thought of having to buy 15 of them is a bit off-putting. Maybe one day though.
  10. I ordered the first 6 books in the series from Amazon (two books, each with three books in) as I struggled to get them in local libraries and bookstores (without having to order them and pay over the odds for them). I have since seen the odd one poppping up in the library though.
  11. The film looks a bit over-the-top to me with regard to the wardrobe etc.
  12. I love the Elm Creek series. I've only read the first six in the series though, must track the others down at some point.
  13. I don't think the books are tacky. They're classic chick lit, so I suppose it all depends on your tastes as to whether you think that's tacky or not. But as for the movie, well that's a whole other story!
  14. I definitely think the fact it's been Americanised will affect it, but from what I've seen from the trailer (which admittedly isn't a whole lot) it looks a bit tacky to me!
  15. I've read The Baby Trail, A Perfect Match and From Here To Maternity although if I remember correctly the last two were read the wrong way round - didn't affect my enjoyment of them though.
  16. I've been having a look at your photos on Facebook and it looks and sounds like you had a great time Nici!
  17. I personally think the movie trailer looks pretty bad!
  18. Hello and welcome to the board.
  19. I've been having a look at Debbie Macomber's website - she has a lot of books out - I like the sound of the Cedar Cove series so might see if I can find the first book in that series in my library too.


    I can see my TBR list growing even bigger now and I'm going to be blaming you. :lol:

  20. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the recommendation of the Blossom Street series. I finished the first one this morning and really enjoyed it so will definitely be reading the others in the series at some point in the future. Oh and thanks for introducing me to a new author too!

  21. I finished the first in the Blossom Street series this morning and really enjoyed it so I will be picking up the second one on my next trip to my local library. Thanks for the recommendation K1nS!
  22. Once I start a book I like to try and finish it even if it's one that I'm not particularly enjoying that much. However if it's really, really bad and is beginning to put me off reading then I'll stop reading it as there is so many other books out there that I want to read, it seems a bit of a waste to read one that I'm struggling with.
  23. Nope it's not just you. I loved the first couple of Shopaholic books but weren't quite as keen on the latter ones. Overall I do think her standalone books are a much better read and more enjoyable.
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