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Everything posted by Kylie

  1. Kylie


    Aw, I can't update to iOS7 because I have an iPad 1. I'm now two iOSs behind! Curse my outdated technology. Fingers crossed that new iPads will be released next month.
  2. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is more of an adult book, I think. Ooh, I used to have the TV movie of The Face on the Milk Carton on VHS! Did you ever see it? I watched it so many times and I always cried. I only found out reasonably recently that there are books. I'd like to read them one day, so I look forward to your thoughts on them.
  3. In that case, I think you'll like it. Have plenty of buns handy, though. Lovely books! Oddly enough, I only heard of Beautiful Ruins for the first time today, when I noticed it is going to be reviewed on The Book Club TV show here. The cover is so retro! It sounds like it's quite dangerous to go book shopping with Claire, so yes, I think you should go shopping together more often! I know this was aimed at Poppyshake, but I'm also going to take your recommendations on board, Julie. Erskine Caldwell could be right up my alley. I'm going to go and look him up now, and check out the movies as well. I've had East of Eden on my TBR pile for such a long time. I can't believe I haven't read it yet. I must admit that it surprises me that you don't like Steinbeck! I'm not sure why. Maybe I just can't imagine anyone disliking him (although at the same time, I can see why people wouldn't!)
  4. Still reading Inkheart. I'm nearly halfway through it.
  5. It's funny that you should mention John Green, Julie, because that's who I immediately thought of when I read your original post. I haven't actually read anything by him myself, but I know that The Fault in Our Stars is aimed at young adults and it has been very popular here on the forum (and everywhere else in the world, apparently). I believe it's about cancer and is therefore a sad read, so I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for.
  6. I can highly recommend The Grapes of Wrath. It took me a little while to get into it, partly because I stupidly left my copy at an airport and didn't get around to getting another copy for at least six months! But after I got another copy, I found it much easier to get into. Like Of Mice and Men, it's not a particularly cheery read (that might be understating it; it's not cheery at all), but it has become one of my all-time faves.
  7. Wow, I wish my local newsagencies sold such awesome books! I love this book! It's very funny! He's a French author named Marcel Proust. He wrote a long series of books known as 'In Search of Lost Time'. There are seven volumes, so it's basically one of the longest novels ever written. I believe he wrote the entire thing in bed.
  8. I'm watching season 1 of Roswell. It's been years since I last watched it, and I'm enjoying it as much now as I did then.
  9. My progress has slowed a bit - only up to page 160. Hmm, think I'll go and read a chapter now before I buckle down to work. I love that the chapters are short - it suits me because I'm only able to snatch a few minutes here and there to read.
  10. Cheeky! I'll check out the trailer. The movie couldn't be any worse than the book...could it?
  11. It shows that you both have very good taste in books, I think! I hope we'll all enjoy it when we get around to reading it. I have a few books by Diamond now, so I should really read one of the others first (Guns, Germs and Steel is the one I want to read the most). Inkheart is really good, Athena. It's not quite as 'fantastical' as I was expecting, but I expect that will change.
  12. Hey, I use the same software, Athena! *high five!*
  13. Wow, what a combo! Does this mean that you're now feeling better? I do hope so! Welcome back. xo
  14. Woohoo! You should go and buy some books to celebrate! Like Poppyshake, I didn't think much of The Memory Keeper's Daughter, so I definitely won't be trying The Lake of Dreams!
  15. I agree, Eleonora. I definitely don't think she'd do it for the money. I reckon she's most likely doing it for the fans, who have kept begging for more! And yes, she probably misses the world and characters she created as well. I read the book - it was sort of like an encyclopaedia, wasn't it? It'll be interesting to see how it gets turned into a movie.
  16. Veronica Mars - halfway through season 3.
  17. Beautifully written, VF. But can I make her have a shower before she touches my books?
  18. Whenever I feel guilty about how many books I buy, this is exactly what I tell myself.
  19. I have missed your reviews, Weave, although I'm sure everybody's bank balances are grateful for a chance to recover. I'm trying to think of a way to encourage you to write reviews for the list you posted above, but I can't think how to do it without sounding demanding. So I'll just say that if you decide to post any reviews, I know you'll have a happy audience.
  20. Good going, Janet! Two days is very fast for a book the length of The Night Circus, IMO. What are you planning on reading next?
  21. Aw, it's a shame you didn't enjoy A Haunted Doll's House, Shelley. I've had this on my TBR pile for a little while. I must admit I was partly swayed by the pretty Penguin cover, but I also wanted to read some 'classic' mysteries. Hopefully I'll get on with it a bit better than you have!
  22. Julie, over here we called redheads 'Bluey'. And we have similar 'opposite' nicknames for other physical attributes: 'Shorty' for a tall person etc. My ex had the nickname of 'Sunshine' in his family because he wasn't a particularly cheery person.
  23. Sounds like he couldn't decide which ending to go with so he went with them all. LOL. I suppose you can do anything you want when you've written so many bestsellers! Or maybe he was afraid of letting people down with the ending and was trying to please everybody. Wow, I can only imagine how long it would take you to catalogue all of your books on Goodreads or LibraryThing. Ooh, but it's so much fun! Maybe we'll see you there one day.
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