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Everything posted by Kylie

  1. Nice floating shelves, Emelee. I have a hankering to peek at more bookshelves. Does anyone want to share some pics or their new or updated shelves?
  2. I thought I'd bump this up for our newer members (and for older members to update us). Are there any books you've been putting off reading?
  3. *shudders* Apt Pupil is the most disturbing King story I've read to date. Admittedly, I haven't read much King yet. In fact, I don't think I've read a single full-length novel of his yet. I've only read a few of his short story collections. Alexi, Apt Pupil is in a collection of novellas called Four Seasons, and two of the other stories (there are four in total) are Stand by Me (you may have seen that movie?) and Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption. So those two aren't really scary or gruesome. I will also add my voices to those praising Ella Minnow Pea. Excellent book!
  4. I finished season 3 today. I had a big marathon session, so I'm all caught up now. It's such a dark show that I had to watch a comedy afterwards (Community) for some light relief.
  5. I'm glad you enjoy Tom Sawyer so much. I've only read Huck Finn so far and it's one of my favourite books. I have Tom Sawyer on my TBR pile; I should really bump it up! I tend to disagree (respectfully, of course) with your opinions on Lolita and Lady Chatterley's Lover. I rate Lolita as one of my favourite books - despite the difficult subject matter, the writing was just so beautiful for me that it outshone the plot and subject matter. I'm glad you enjoyed the writing, at least. On the other hand, I really hated Lady Chatterley's Lover. I found it too dull, mostly, but perhaps my expectations were too high given its notoriety.
  6. I wish I could write like Jane Austen and Vladimir Nabokov, and I would love to a write a book that is as influential as To Kill a Mockingbird.
  7. I watched Young Frankenstein today. I never get tired of watching it.
  8. Ahh, you sound like me a few years ago. I was adamant that my TBR pile would never go over 1,000. It's now much closer to 2,000.
  9. Huh. I never knew what this book was about, but I guess I should have made the connection between it and the movie, which I saw (and loved) for the first time a year or two ago.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear you've been unwell, Laura. I really hope things pick up for you soon. *hugs* Take care.
  11. Isn't Poppyshake more of a licker than a sniffer? You'd best keep an eye on her when she's around your books, Janet.
  12. Frankie, I think you're onto something: You should make a book of piggie pictures! It'll be the next bestseller, like 'Underwater Dogs'.
  13. Yes you do. You know that he spoke at Rory Gilmore's Yale graduation and that (I think) Richard thought he was a bore. It's a shame you didn't enjoy Zen... and Religion for Atheists, Brian. I have both on my TBR pile. I'm getting more and more put off by Zen, as I've heard other opinions that are similar to yours, and I have a feeling I won't get on well with it. I still look forward to reading Religion for Atheists, though. Hopefully I'll enjoy that more than you did!
  14. I just watched a couple of episodes of Community, and now I'm watching the cricket.
  15. Wow, someone's been catching up on reviews! I'm so proud of you for getting your TBR pile down.
  16. Happy Anniversary, Frankie!
  17. Goodness! The bar moving across the screen makes me panic. I got through it, but I may have needed to redo a few levels.
  18. I'd like to see this. Sandra Bullock is always good fun and I love Melissa McCarthy.
  19. I set that one up pretty nicely for you, didn't I?
  20. Girls - Lena Dunham is wonderful.
  21. I've read a few on the list that Michelle posted (often in non-SF Masterworks editions) and I have maybe half a dozen more on my TBR pile. I'll list them later. I always go for SF Masterworks when I see them; I don't have much of a clue when it comes to sci-fi (apart from the biggies like Arthur C Clarke etc.), so I like referring to this series because I figure these books are the cream of the crop. From the link that Karsa posted, there's one called This is the Way the World Ends by James Morrow. It was released about 6 weeks ago and the synopsis sounds pretty good (below). Has anyone read it? When tombstone engraver George Paxman is offered a bargain, he doesn't hesitate. His beloved daughter gets an otherwise unaffordable survival suit to protect her from radioactive fall-out and all George has to do is sign a document admitting that, as a passive citizen who did nothing to stop it, he has a degree of guilt for any nuclear war that breaks out. George signs on the dotted line. And then the unthinkable happens. The world and everyone in it (survival suit or not) is destroyed in a nuclear Armageddon - except for George and five others who must now face prosecution from the great mass of humanity who will now never be born. And George Paxman stands accused in the name of all the people who stood by and never raised a finger to stop the horror of nuclear war...
  22. Kylie


    That doesn't make it OK, Chesil. I don't condone booing from anyone, but Australian fans won't be booing Broad and friends from here till eternity. I stand by my point. It's appalling. I don't understand why the commentators (including Australian commentators) laugh it off; they should be condemning it. Cricket is supposed to be a gentleman's sport. Anyway, if they must boo, boo once; Warner has got the point by now that he's hated. Why continue it? It's disgusting. I'm rather surprised you're defensive of it.
  23. Kylie


    Just dropping in to say that I think the English supporters in this test are absolutely appalling. I have never heard such unsportsmanlike behaviour from a crowd before. So Warner decked one of your cricketers...he has been punished for it and it is time to move on. Is he to be booed by the English crowds at every single test for the rest of his career? My blood boils every time I hear them booing.
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