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Everything posted by Kylie

  1. Wow, great book haul. Are all of those books in English? Or are they Dutch but still with English titles (excuse the silly question)? Yay for Babysitter's Club books! Have you read those ones before? Oddly enough, I can't remember much about the California one, although I must have read half a dozen times. I still remember some of the New York one. In fact, I learnt a lot of what I know about New York from that book. One of these days I'll start re-reading my BSC books. I'm still missing a fair few books from later in the series, but I've been slowly tracking them down (my main source is a book fair in Canberra that I'll be going to in just a few weeks). I was also happy to see a Julia Gray book. Have you read the rest in the series? I have them all but I haven't read them yet. Did you know that the name 'Julia Gray' is a pseudonym for a husband and wife who wrote the books? They have also written under the name of Jonathan Wylie. I have everything they've ever written (just looked it up - they've written 22 books: 14 as JW and 8 as JG) and I've read 8 of them (all JW). I've always had a special place in my heart for JW's fantasy trilogy called The Unbalanced Earth. It's probably not brilliant compared to other fantasy novels, but it was some of the earliest fantasy I read and I really enjoyed it. I've read that trilogy at least 4–5 times, I reckon. That sounds promising! I read and enjoyed TCPS, and I have Howard on my TBR pile.
  2. Have fun in Italy, Chrissy! I'm so jealous! Chalie, you did the right thing. If she had done something stupid while behind the wheel, you would have felt bad for not reporting her. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for her. And, well, she doesn't sound too bright to be driving when she KKNOWS she shouldn't be! Ooh, I'm jealous of you too, Muggles! From what (very) little I know about Maine, it looks and sounds like a gorgeous place. I'd like to visit there one day. That sounds very daunting indeed! Personally, I think it should be up to everyone else to introduce themselves to you. That would be the welcoming thing to do. Good luck with the new job!
  3. Great haul! I especially love the fiction haul, although I haven't heard of the last book on the list. Is that George Negus as in the journalist? They sound like interesting reads. Oh, and Happy Anniversary!
  4. I'm sooo proud of you, Frankie! You deserve new books, and it's been so long since you gave in and bought any. OK, here are the books I'm most interested to read off your list. When I copy it over to my reading log, is it OK if I leave off the Finnish titles? Otherwise I won't ever be able to complete the whole list. TBR Stephen King: The Stand Ira Levin: Rosemary's Baby Nick Hornby: Juliet, Naked Grace Metalious: Peyton Place Poppy Z. Brite: Exquisite Corpse Erich Segal: Love Story Irene Nemirovsky: The Ball Dai Sijie: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Nevil Shute: Pied Piper Stephen Fry: The Hippopotamus Sue Monk Kidd: The Secret of Bees Alex Garland: The Beach David Mitchell: Black Swan Green Kathryn Stockett: Help Vicki Myron: Dewey - The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World Vincent Bugliosi: Helter Skelter Augusten Burroughs: Magical Thinking Wish List Stephen King: Misery Stephen King: Cujo Linda Gillard: Emotional Geology William Goldman: The Marathon Man Guy Gavriel Kay: The Lions of Al-Rassan Augusten Burroughs: Dry Augusten Burroughs: Possible Side Effects Removed: Margaret Atwood: Handmaid's Tale Diane Setterfield: Thirteenth Tale Elie Wiesel: Night Michael Cunningham: A Home at the End of the World Charles Bukowski: Ham on Rye Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain: Please Kill Me – The Uncensored Oral History of Punk Aw, bit sad about these being removed. I've read the first three and have been looking forward to the last three. I can't tell you how much time I've spent searching for A Home at the End of the World because of your recommendation! I think I'll still look for it though. That sounds good! It will be slightly less overwhelming for your fans (read: me). But I would still want to read all of the books from the longer list as well (except the Finnish ones, unless they're translated into English). I was gobsmacked but excited. Yes please! I'd rather you do it than me.
  5. Of the new books you've added, most of them are already on my TBR pile or wish list. I'm one of those who really didn't enjoy The Vanishing Act by Mette Jakobsen. It certainly won't be making my list. TBR Ben Aaronovitch - Rivers of London series Edward Albee - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf Paul Gallico - Mrs Harris Goes to Paris Thomas Keneally - Schindlers Ark Erin Morgenstern - The Night Circus Maria Semple - Where'd You Go Bernadette Lynn Shepherd - Tom All-Alones Stephen Fry - Moab is My Washpot Stephen Fry - The Fry Chronicles Angelica Garnett - Deceived with Kindness Richard Kennedy - A Boy at the Hogarth Press Hermione Lee - Virginia Woolf Oscar Wilde - De Profundis Virginia Woolf - A Room of Ones Own Virginia Woolf - Selected Diaries Virginia Woolf - Selected Letters Wish List Agatha Christie - And Then There Were None Andrey Kurkov - Death and the Penguin Voltaire - Candide Catherynne M.Valente - The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making James Bowen - A Streetcat Named Bob David Mitchell - Back Story Steven Naifeh & Gregory White Smith - Van Gogh: The Life George Orwell - Down and Out in Paris and London It's weird coming into a thread and seeing people talking about you. It feels like eavesdropping, like on TV shows, when one high school girl is in a bathroom stall and then other girls come in and start talking about her. Except bad things aren't being said, thank goodness. You can nag me all you like about updating my list, but given I've read about 20 books since I wrote my first list—and I can't remember any of them being particularly memorable—it's not likely to change much. I'll have a look at it though.
  6. Quick update on recent book activity: I received Jared Diamond's The World Until Yesterday in the mail this week. It looks like a fascinating read and, as a bonus, the cover looks and feels really nice. I've also been reading Inkheart by Cornelia Funke.
  7. Yep, I have the sequels. I haven't been trusting the first impressions I've had of some characters, so I guess my instincts are going to prove correct.
  8. Ooh, what do you all think of potentially switching to polymer banknotes? Apparently the country is split on the decision, but I say it's a no-brainer. We've been using polymer notes for decades and they're so much better than paper. They last much, much longer and they're also prettier, I think (well, our banknotes are nice and colourful). Australia pioneered the technology (excuse the bragging) and we print most of the polymer banknotes used by other countries. This topic is somewhat close to me because I used to work in the banknote department in Australia's central bank (equivalent to the Bank of England).
  9. Did you ever finish reading The Phantom Tollbooth? (Yes, I'm glaring fiercely at you. ) I'll comment on the rest of your post later. And I still have to comment on your updated book list *brandishes whip*
  10. Ooh, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this.
  11. Oh, I didn't hear about Pohl. Too many awesome authors dying.
  12. Very pretty, Janet. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Is this Ness' new novel? I loved The Monster Calls, so I look forward to your thoughts on this. I've been reading Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. This is perhaps the tenth book I've started this year without actually finishing any of the others. I've enjoyed them all but have such limited time to read and because it takes me so long to read a book, I keep getting distracted by all the others I have waiting for me. I'm about 130 pages into this already, so fingers crossed that I'll finish a book soon!
  13. Aww, Frankie. I'm so sorry to hear that. I agree with all of this. They may well keep you in mind for future busy times. You could be a freelance translator and pick up some spare cash here and there. Better than nothing, right? And all of these experiences you're having working in the library and as a translator will be awesome on your resume. It will all contribute to making it easier to find another job.
  14. Wow, terrific work*, everyone! One of these days I will hopefully be able to join in! * Well, not that it was 'work', but you know what I mean!
  15. I saw Elysium at the movies last night. Terrific movie, I thought.
  16. Well, Veronica herself is obviously a favourite, and I like the main bikie guy too (I'm bad with names). And her Dad is awesome. Oh, and Mac, the computer girl.
  17. Good grief, woman! What are you trying to do to me?!
  18. Yep, it's awesome. And yes, the end of season 1 was scary! Already partway through season 2 now.
  19. Hmmm, ok then. But I'll be keeping an eye on you, missy! (And one eye open while I sleep. )
  20. Excellent haul! I'm a little worried about this, though: We should all be very, very nice to Devi.
  21. I got 5! I should have stopped at question 4, though, because I had 4/4 at one point. Then it went downhill...
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if they were plotting together, Frankie. We should make some sort of a rule that people HAVE to post their new book immediately.
  23. You certainly have been a busy reader, Ethan. Welcome back. I hope you won't lurk so much in the future (but no pressure, of course!) I admire you for undertaking Proust too. I'm determined to do it one day, but it does seem rather challenging!
  24. Election day! I voted below the line for the first time ever. Took me freaking forever! 110 numbers!! Just as I was nearing the end, a woman walked into the booth next to me and I heard her say aloud (to either herself or her baby daughter) something like 'as if anyone would vote below the line'. And what the hell is the Pirate Party?! It's not really what I think it is, is it? I'm so sick to death of hearing about politics. Can't wait till it's over (although I'll be tuning in for all the talk tonight). My boyfriend is a member of the Liberal Party and he's going to be insufferable after tonight. I've actually just blocked him from appearing on my timeline for a while. I mean, come on, he changed his profile pic to a pic of him posing with Abbott. What's a girl supposed to do? And sorry to all of my Facebook friends for prattling on about politics. I hate myself for it but can't seem to stop (I do a lot of it to stir my BF and try to convince him that his party is at least equally as awful as the one we currently have).
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